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Thahim test

                                 丶舒亳仄 亠

仆亞亳, 弍勵仍亞:
弌舒亞亟仆 仆:

丿舒仍亞舒仍仆 于亳仍弍舒 仂仆亞仂:

唏亞仍唏亢 亟舒舒亟 CTL+S 亟舒舒舒舒亶.

                  丱亟舒 1
Thahim test

丶舒亳仄 亠

        丱亳仍亳亶仆 仆:
        丱亳仍亳亶仆 亟于:


                            丱亟舒 2

                                                          丶舒亳仄 亠
                                      丱舒亳仍仆 亟舒
仍                  1             2       3       4      5             6
丱舒亳仍                 a        a        b       b       father   1c,2d,3e,4b,5f,6a


仍: 1

仂仄仂仂亰仆 亢亳 仂仆亞仂仆仂 

a. on           c.c. an
b. a            d.d.am


What's your name?

a. My name is John.
b. My name are Bat.
c. Her name is Mary.
d. His name is Naraa.


I.......a schoolgirl.

a. are                       c. Am
b. is                        d. You


 True or False.

My father have got a bike.

a. True
b. False


Fill the gap.

My mother's husband is my


Match the antonyms.

                            丱亟舒 3

1. boy                   a. close
2. under                 b. his
3. he                    c. girl
4. her                   d. on
5. stand up              e. she
6. open                  f. sit down

              丱亟舒 4

仄 亠


                      丱亟舒 5

丱亟舒 6

                                                              丶舒亳仄 亠
                                            勵仆 舒舒
                                          丱舒亳仍仆 亟舒
仍                                1       2   3       4         5
丱舒亳仍                               c       a   a   a          brother


仍: 1

a or an.
This is .......apple.
a. are                            c. an
b. a                              d.am


When do you have dance classes?

a. On friday
b. Yes, I have.
c. Yes, I do.
d. No, I don't.


She...........got 2 brothers

a. are                    c. Am
b. is                     d. You


 True or False.

My father have got a bike.

a. True
b. False


Fill the gap.

My mother's son is my


Match the antonyms.

                        丱亟舒 7

1. boy                   a. close
2. under                 b. his
3. he                    c. girl
4. her                   d. on
5. stand up              e. she
6. open                  f. sit down

              丱亟舒 8

  丶舒亳仄 亠
         5              6
      brother   1c,2d,3e,4b,5f,6a

                                    丱亟舒 9

丱亟舒 10

                                                     丶舒亳仄 亠
                                      丱舒亳仍仆 亟舒
仍                            1      2   3   4       5


仍: 1

There ......a ruler in the bag.

a. is                     c. An
b. a                      d.am


Dorj......got a cat.

a. has
b. have
c. is


There.....three books on the desk.

a. an                   c. are
b. a                    d. 0


 True or False.

My father is my mother's son.

a. True
b. False


Fill the gap.

My mother and father are.........


Match the antonyms.

                       丱亟舒 11

1. good                a. difficult
2. black               b. long
3. short               c. girl
4. weak                d. bad
5. easy                e. strong
6. boy                 f. white

           丱亟舒 12

舒亳仄 亠


                丱亟舒 13

丱亟舒 14

                                         丶丱 丐弌丐 勳亅亅

弌亞仍:       丶
仆亞亳:            10
勵仍亞:           舒

勳仆仍亞 舒舒 亞:

丱于亳仍弍舒: 1                             丱于亳仍弍舒: 2

  仍       仆仂仂         丱舒亳仍       仍
           1            1 亰唏于                     1
           2            1 亰唏于                     2
           3            0 弍                   3
           4            1 亰唏于                     4
           5            1 亰唏于                     5
           6            1 亰唏于                     6
       舒于舒 仂仆仂仂               6              舒于舒 仂仆仂仂
      舒于舒仆 仂仆仂仂               5             舒于舒仆 仂仆仂仂
      亰唏于 舒亳仍              5             亰唏于 舒亳仍
     弍 舒亳仍                  1       弍 舒亳仍
         于                    83.3           于
     勵亞仆 勵仆仍亞                  B       勵亞仆 勵仆仍亞

                  丱亟舒 15

丶丱 丐弌丐 勳亅亅亅

        :                     仂仍仂亞
        丱亳仍亳亶仆 仆:           亳仂仍仂亞亳
        丱亳仍亳亶仆 亟于:         仄亟 弍亳亠

                                              丱于亳仍弍舒: 3

           仆仂仂       丱舒亳仍                   仍      仆仂仂   丱舒亳仍
                  1 亰唏于                                 1
                  1 亰唏于                                 2
                  1 亰唏于                                 3
                  1 亰唏于                                 4
                  1 亰唏于                                 5
                  1 亰唏于                                 6
    舒于舒 仂仆仂仂                6                      舒于舒 仂仆仂仂
   舒于舒仆 仂仆仂仂                6                     舒于舒仆 仂仆仂仂
   亰唏于 舒亳仍               6                     亰唏于 舒亳仍
  弍 舒亳仍              0                    弍 舒亳仍
      于                 100                        于
  勵亞仆 勵仆仍亞              A                    勵亞仆 勵仆仍亞

                                                    丱亟舒 16

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  • 2. Thahim test 丶舒亳仄 亠 丱亳仍亳亶仆 仆: 丱亳仍亳亶仆 亟于: 亞仆仂仂: 丱于亳仍弍舒 丱亟舒 2
  • 3. Test-1 丶舒亳仄 亠 丱舒亳仍仆 亟舒 仍 1 2 3 4 5 6 丱舒亳仍 a a b b father 1c,2d,3e,4b,5f,6a 丱于亳仍弍舒-1 仍: 1 仂仄仂仂亰仆 亢亳 仂仆亞仂仆仂 a. on c.c. an An b. a d.d.am Am 仍:2 What's your name? a. My name is John. b. My name are Bat. c. Her name is Mary. d. His name is Naraa. 仍:3 I.......a schoolgirl. a. are c. Am b. is d. You 仍:4 True or False. My father have got a bike. a. True b. False 仍:5 Fill the gap. My mother's husband is my 仍:6 Match the antonyms. 丱亟舒 3
  • 4. Test-1 1. boy a. close 2. under b. his 3. he c. girl 4. her d. on 5. stand up e. she 6. open f. sit down 丱亟舒 4
  • 5. Test-1 仄 亠 6 1c,2d,3e,4b,5f,6a 丱亟舒 5
  • 7. test-2 丶舒亳仄 亠 勵仆 舒舒 丱舒亳仍仆 亟舒 仍 1 2 3 4 5 丱舒亳仍 c a a a brother 丱于亳仍弍舒-1 仍: 1 a or an. This is .......apple. a. are c. an b. a d.am 仍:2 When do you have dance classes? a. On friday b. Yes, I have. c. Yes, I do. d. No, I don't. 仍:3 She...........got 2 brothers a. are c. Am b. is d. You 仍:4 True or False. My father have got a bike. a. True b. False 仍:5 Fill the gap. My mother's son is my 仍:6 Match the antonyms. 丱亟舒 7
  • 8. test-2 1. boy a. close 2. under b. his 3. he c. girl 4. her d. on 5. stand up e. she 6. open f. sit down 丱亟舒 8
  • 9. test-2 丶舒亳仄 亠 亟舒 5 6 brother 1c,2d,3e,4b,5f,6a 丱亟舒 9
  • 11. test-3 丶舒亳仄 亠 丱舒亳仍仆 亟舒 仍 1 2 3 4 5 丱舒亳仍 丱于亳仍弍舒-1 仍: 1 There ......a ruler in the bag. a. is c. An b. a d.am 仍:2 Dorj......got a cat. a. has b. have c. is 仍:3 There.....three books on the desk. a. an c. are b. a d. 0 仍:4 True or False. My father is my mother's son. a. True b. False 仍:5 Fill the gap. My mother and father are......... 仍:6 Match the antonyms. 丱亟舒 11
  • 12. test-3 1. good a. difficult 2. black b. long 3. short c. girl 4. weak d. bad 5. easy e. strong 6. boy f. white 丱亟舒 12
  • 13. test-3 舒亳仄 亠 6 丱亟舒 13
  • 15. 勵仆 丶丱 丐弌丐 勳亅亅 弌亞仍: 丶 仆亞亳: 10 勵仍亞: 舒 勳仆仍亞 舒舒 亞: 丱于亳仍弍舒: 1 丱于亳仍弍舒: 2 仍 仆仂仂 丱舒亳仍 仍 1 1 亰唏于 1 2 1 亰唏于 2 3 0 弍 3 4 1 亰唏于 4 5 1 亰唏于 5 6 1 亰唏于 6 舒于舒 仂仆仂仂 6 舒于舒 仂仆仂仂 舒于舒仆 仂仆仂仂 5 舒于舒仆 仂仆仂仂 亰唏于 舒亳仍 5 亰唏于 舒亳仍 弍 舒亳仍 1 弍 舒亳仍 于 83.3 于 勵亞仆 勵仆仍亞 B 勵亞仆 勵仆仍亞 丱亟舒 15
  • 16. 勵仆 丶丱 丐弌丐 勳亅亅亅 : 仂仍仂亞 丱亳仍亳亶仆 仆: 亳仂仍仂亞亳 丱亳仍亳亶仆 亟于: 仄亟 弍亳亠 丱于亳仍弍舒: 3 仆仂仂 丱舒亳仍 仍 仆仂仂 丱舒亳仍 1 亰唏于 1 1 亰唏于 2 1 亰唏于 3 1 亰唏于 4 1 亰唏于 5 1 亰唏于 6 舒于舒 仂仆仂仂 6 舒于舒 仂仆仂仂 舒于舒仆 仂仆仂仂 6 舒于舒仆 仂仆仂仂 亰唏于 舒亳仍 6 亰唏于 舒亳仍 弍 舒亳仍 0 弍 舒亳仍 于 100 于 勵亞仆 勵仆仍亞 A 勵亞仆 勵仆仍亞 丱亟舒 16