This document discusses the Matrix, TSFPGA, and DPGA architectures. Matrix is based on an array of identical primitive elements with a configurable interconnect network. It operates in a pipelined fashion. TSFPGA moves the value registers to the inputs of computational elements, allowing values to move between producer and consumer with minimum transit time independent of when the consumer will use the data. It uses input registers and broadcasts the current timestep so inputs can load values when their programmed load time matches. The basic building block of TSFPGA is the subarray tile containing LUTs and a central crossbar for switching.
2. Matrix concepts
Matrix is designed to maintain flexibility in Instruction control.
Matrix is based on a uniform array of primitive elements and
interconnect which can serve instruction control and data
The key to providing this flexibility is a multilevel configuration
scheme which allows device to control the way it deliver
configuration information.
3. Matrix architecture
Matrix microarchitecture is based around an array of identical
8 bit primitive datapath elements overlayed with a confiqurable
5. Basic functional unit
1) 256x8 memory = function as a Single 256 byte ,dual ported and
128 X 8 bit
In register file mode the memoy supports two reads and one write
operation on each cycle.
2) 8- bit ALU=set of arithmatic and logic functions
3) Control logic=Composed of
1) Local pattern matcher for generating local control from the ALU
2)a reduction network for generating local control
3) a 20- input 8-output NOR block which can serve as half of PLA
6. MATRIX operation
Matrix operation is pipelined at the BFU level with pipeline register at
each BFU input port.
Pipeline stage includes:
I. Memory read
II. ALU operation
III. Memory write and local interconnect traversal= two operations proceed
in parallel
BFU role
-I store
-Data memory
-ALU function
7. Matrix network
Collection of a 8 bit busses
Dynamically switch network connections
1.Nearest neighbor Connection= connection between BFU and two
grid squares
2.Length four bypass connection=each BFU support level two
- Which allows corner turns ,local fanout, medium distance
interconnect, data shifting and retiming
3.Global Lines-every row and column supports four interconnects
lines which span the entire row or column.
9. Dynamically Programmable Gate Arrays with Input
We must hold the value on the output and tie up switches and wires between the
producer and the consumer until such time as the final consumer has used the
Switches and wires are forced to sit idle holding values for much longer than the
time. The alternative is to move the value registers to the inputs of the
computational elements.
These input registers allow us to store values which need to traverse LUT evaluation
levels in memories rather than having them consume active resources during the
period of time which they are being retimed
10. Input Registers
Having four flip-flops on the input of each 4-LUT rather
than one flip-flop on the output. This modification allows
us to move the data from the producer to consumer in the
minimum transit time -- a time independent of when the
consumer will actually use the data.
Conceptually, the key idea here is that signal transport and
retiming are two different functions:
Spatial Transport -- moves data in space -- route data
from source to destination
Temporal Transport (Retiming) -- moves data in time --
make data available at some later time when it is
actually required
12. Why TSFPGA?
If all retiming can be done in input registers, only a single wire is strictly
needed to successfully route the task.
Extends the temporal range on the inputs without the linear increase in
input retiming size
The trick we employ here is to have each logical input load its value
from the active interconnect at just the right time
If we broadcast the current timestep, each input can simply load its
value when its programmed load time matches the current timestep.
14. Building elements:
The basic TSFPGA building block is the subarray tile which contains a
collection of LUTs and a central switching crossbar.
16. Array Element
The TSFPGA array element is made up of a number of LUTs which share
the same crossbar outputs and input.
The LUT input values are stored in time-switched input registers. The
inputs to the array element are run to all LUT input registers. When the
current timestep matches the programmed load time, the input register
is enabled to load the value on the array-element input.
17. Crossbar
Each crossbar input is selected from a collection of subarray network
inputs and subarray LUT outputs via by a pre-crossbar multiplexor.
Subarray inputs are registered prior to the pre-crossbar multiplexor
and outputs are registered immediately after the crossbar, either on
the LUT inputs or before traversing network wires.
This pipelining makes the LUT evaluations and crossbar traversal a
single pipeline stage.
Each registered, crossbar output is routed in several directions to
provide connections to other subarrays or chip I/O.
18. Crossbar
The single subarray crossbar performs all major switching roles:
output crossbar -- routing data from LUT outputs to destinations or
intermediate switching crossbars
routing crossbar -- routing data through the network between source and
destination subarrays
input crossbar -- receiving data from the network and routing it to the
appropriate destination LUT input
19. Intra-Subarray Switching
Communication within the subarray is simple and takes one clock cycle per LUT
evaluation and interconnect.
Once a LUT has all of its inputs loaded, the LUT output can be selected as an input to
the crossbar, and the LUT's consumers within the subarray may be selected as
crossbar outputs.
20. Intra-Subarray Switching
A number of subarray
outputs are run to
each subarray in the
same row and column.