This document discusses how the Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP) is NP-Complete. It first shows that TSP is in NP by describing a nondeterministic polynomial time algorithm to solve it. It then reduces the known NP-Complete Hamiltonian Cycle problem to TSP by constructing an equivalent instance of TSP from any Hamiltonian Cycle problem instance in polynomial time, showing that Hamiltonian Cycle is polynomial time reducible to TSP. Therefore, since any problem in NP can be reduced to Hamiltonian Cycle and Hamiltonian Cycle can be reduced to TSP, any problem in NP can be reduced to TSP, proving that TSP is NP-Complete.
2. Traveling Salesman Problem
Given n cities 1, 2, 3, , and integer distances ,
any two cities .
TSP asks for the total distance of the shortest tour of the cities.
Decision version of TSP asks if there is a tour with a total distance
at most B, where B is an input.
3. TSP: formal description
TSP = {
<G, d, B> :
G=(V, E) is a complete undirected graph,
d is an edge cost function from VxVZ+ {0},
B Z,
G has a Hamiltonian cycle with cost B
4. TSP NP-Complete ?
To prove that TSP NP-Complete,
First, we must show that there exists a nondeterministic algorithm in
polynomial time that solves TSP.
Then, we will reduce the undirected Hamiltonian cycle, which is a known
NP-complete problem, to TSP:
5. Nondeterministic algorithm for TSP
The following procedure is a
polynomial time non-deterministic
algorithm that terminates
successfully iff an ordering of n-
cities are distinct and sum of
distances between pairs are less
than or equal to B.
The complexity of this non-
deterministic algorithm is O(n).
So that; TSP NP
6. Hamiltonian Circuit Problem
Find a tour of a given unweighted graph that simply starts at one
vertex and goes through all the other vertices and ends at the
starting vertex.
Note that the input graph G to a Hamiltonian Cycle problem need
not be a complete graph connecting all vertices.
Hamiltonian circuit is a known NP-Complete problem.
7. To transform Hamiltonian circuit/cycle problem to TSP,
Create a graph G = (V, E) from Hamiltonian cycle instance G = (V, E),
G is a complete graph,
Edges in E also in E have an edge cost 0,
All other edges in E have an edge cost 1.
8. Take any instance G = (V, E) for
the Hamiltonian cycle
Convert it into an instance
G=(V, E = VV, d), B = 0 of TSP,
= { 0 if edge (, ) E,
1 otherwise }
Time complexity of reduction
is O(2) as there n(n-1)/2
edges on a complete graph.
9. Problem: Is there a TSP on G with total edge cost = 0 ?
If G has a Hamiltonian circuit, algorithm will return "yes" on input (G, C),
If there is no Hamiltonian circuit in G, algorithm will return "no" on input (G, C).
If G has a cycle with cost = 0, every edge of that cycle has a cost = 0, thus G has a
Hamiltonian cycle.
If Hamiltonian cycle does not exist, then there is no simple cycle in G, that visits
every vertex exactly once. Suppose that TSP has a yes answer. Then, there is a
cycle that visits every vertex once with total cost = 0. Since negative distance cost is
not possible, every edges have cost = 0, which implies that these edges are in the
Hamiltonian Circuit graph. It is a contradiction.
10. TSP NP-Complete
It is well known that Hamiltonian Circuit is NP-Complete, every
problem in NP reduces to Hamiltonian Circuit in polynomial
We have reduced Hamiltonian Circuit to TSP in polynomial time, it
indicates that every problem in NP reduces to TSP is polynomial
time, since the sum of two polynomials is also a polynomial.