The document discusses choosing a career and the importance of making the right career choice. It notes that careers require training and education and are shaped by personal interests and community needs. Choosing the correct career is important as it gives life direction and allows one to meet societal needs while pursuing their passions. The document outlines steps for career selection including self-reflection, exploring options, making a decision, and pursuing your choice. It emphasizes finding a career that matches one's talents, interests, and pays well.
3. It is a lifelong job that you have been trained to
Profession or work which may require certain
levels of learning or training.
Careers rely on the persons choices e.g you
choose your career based on factors such as
interest, compensation, community needs
sometimes on what your family wants you to
4. To meet ones societal needs and add value to
the society
To ensure class differences in the community
e.g a man with a degree in law will have better
life quality than a man who works at the
It gives us direction of life and motivate us in
achieving the goals
It gives us direction in life
8. Knowing yourself- discover your interest, strength
as well as your weaknesses which will assist you in
choosing the suitable subjects required for your
Exploring the options- do research about you
career choices in order to make the right decision
about your career.
Making the decision this follows the research
about the career choices where you will have to
make decision on which career to follow.
Moving on- point where you will have to perform
your career with passion and determination.
9. There is a strong link between the career you
choose and your purpose in life
Hence career can be regarded as vehicle that
carries persons purpose of life.
10. A career that has been correctly chosen will one
that includes talents, interests, passion and one
that most probably pays really well but then
again it should not be about the money in the
first place.
Having such will assist you in developing your
career further and being successful.