The document discusses different types of learning structures and teaching tactics, including signal learning, chain learning, multiple discrimination learning, concept learning, and principle learning. It focuses on chain learning structures, which can be progressive (starting with signals and moving through a sequence), rote (memorized through cramming), or retrogressive (starting from the end and moving back to the beginning). The document argues that the retrogressive chain is the most effective tactic as it reinforces learning and allows students to efficiently acquire tasks.
2. Types of learning structure and teaching tactic . Signal learning structure and teaching tactics Chain learning structure and teaching tactis Multiple Discrimination learning structure and teaching tactis. Concept learning structure ad teaching tactics Principle learning structure and teaching tactics
3. Chain learning structure and teaching tactics The chain learning structure is the sequence of facts and symbols learnt earlier. The chain is sometimes formed from the verbal activities such as poetic recitation and sometime motor activity such as cycling
4. The Chain learning structure is of three types. Progressive chain Rote learning Retrogressive chain.
5. Progressive chain ???? In the progressive chain starting from signals we reached at the end of the chain.
6. Rote learning In the rote learning, the chain is acquired by cramming
7. Retrogressive chain In the retrogressive chain, we start from the last activity, and then reach to the beginning of the chain.
8. ???? Out of these three tactics retrogressive chain is more effective because it function as reinforcement and make possible to acquire efficiency in the task .