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     Unit 11
Relationship between
 Tour Business and
   other Business

Unit objectives:
 Explain the relationship of various tour
 Interpret efficient communication strategy with
  other related businesses.

                                 TRAVEL AND TOUR OPERATIONS

 Relationship activities
  - Accommodation
  - Food service industry
 Operating Sectors of The Tourism Industry

                                 TRAVEL AND TOUR OPERATIONS

          Relationship activities
 Tourism and transportation are inextricably linked.
  As world tourism increases, additional demands will
  be placed on the transportation sectors.
 Transportation services and facilities are the arteries
  through which the lifeblood of the travel industry

                                         TRAVEL AND TOUR OPERATIONS

                  Relationship activities
 Lodging is enormous in economic importance.
 Many accommodations provide meeting rooms,
  convention facilities and services, restaurants, bars,
  entertainment, gift shops, gaming, health club, and
  other activities and facilities.
 The main purpose of trips for overseas travelers
  stayed in a hotel or motel were leisure, recreation,
  holiday, and business.
    25 Feb 2009                          TRAVEL AND TOUR OPERATIONS

         Relationship activities
Food service industry
 Consists of restaurants, travel food service, and
  vending and contract institution food service.
 Food, wine and other culinary experiences are
  not only an important ingredient in travel but
  also a powerful motivation to travel.

                                    TRAVEL AND TOUR OPERATIONS

Operating Sectors of The Tourism Industry

                             TRAVEL AND TOUR OPERATIONS

Class discussion
Why should Tour Operator and Travel Agent
keep good relations with other related
businesses and how does a good relationship
affect the business?

                              TRAVEL AND TOUR OPERATIONS

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T&T Unit 11

  • 1. 1 Unit 11 Relationship between Tour Business and other Business TRAVEL AND TOUR OPERATIONS
  • 2. 2 Unit objectives: Explain the relationship of various tour components. Interpret efficient communication strategy with other related businesses. TRAVEL AND TOUR OPERATIONS
  • 3. 3 Topics Relationship activities -Transportation - Accommodation - Food service industry Operating Sectors of The Tourism Industry TRAVEL AND TOUR OPERATIONS
  • 4. 4 Relationship activities Transportation Tourism and transportation are inextricably linked. As world tourism increases, additional demands will be placed on the transportation sectors. Transportation services and facilities are the arteries through which the lifeblood of the travel industry flows. TRAVEL AND TOUR OPERATIONS
  • 5. 5 Relationship activities Accommodation Lodging is enormous in economic importance. Many accommodations provide meeting rooms, convention facilities and services, restaurants, bars, entertainment, gift shops, gaming, health club, and other activities and facilities. The main purpose of trips for overseas travelers stayed in a hotel or motel were leisure, recreation, holiday, and business. 25 Feb 2009 TRAVEL AND TOUR OPERATIONS
  • 6. 6 Relationship activities Food service industry Consists of restaurants, travel food service, and vending and contract institution food service. Food, wine and other culinary experiences are not only an important ingredient in travel but also a powerful motivation to travel. TRAVEL AND TOUR OPERATIONS
  • 7. 7 Operating Sectors of The Tourism Industry TRAVEL AND TOUR OPERATIONS
  • 8. 8 Activity Class discussion Why should Tour Operator and Travel Agent keep good relations with other related businesses and how does a good relationship affect the business? TRAVEL AND TOUR OPERATIONS