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Ttdt breast cancer 1411
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Ttdt breast cancer 1411
1 The Seminar "Breast
and Cervical Cancer Prevention" at Tam Tri Dong Thap hospital November 16,2014| 5:05PM Nov 14th,2014,TamTriDongThapGeneral Hospital,a memberof TMMC Healthcare,organizedthe PinkRibbon,Breastand Cervical CancerPreventionCampaignforpatients. There were 83audiences attending in the patient seminar. Dr HungVo, Ph.D.MD,the clinical director ofTMMC CancerCenter, delivered talks to educatepatients to aware andearly detect The breast and cervical cancer,twomost popularcancersin women.Audienceswere very interested in the talks. Tens ofquestions hadbeen asked, most were related to visible signsand symptoms of twodiseases, appropriate age range for HPVinjections. Inscientific talk, the event warmly welcomed bothThe Director and deputyDirector of Department ofHealth ofDong Thap.There were 52 specialists attending. Specialists raised lots of questions aboutCervarix, surgical oncologyandregimen ofoncologytreatment. Audiences,after the seminar, as being asked, addressed that suchactivities wouldbe maintained ona frequentbasis and more extensive to improve specialists' expertise andpatients' health knowledge. H畛i th畉o Ph嘆ng ch畛ng Ung Th動 V炭 v C畛 t畛 cung t畉i B畛nh vi畛n T但m Tr鱈 畛ng Th叩p 16/11/2014|5:05PM Ngy14/11/2014,B畛nhvi畛na khoa T但mTr鱈畛ngTh叩p,m畛tthnhvi棚nc畛a TMMCHealthcare,達 t畛 ch畛c H畛i th畉oph嘆ngch畛ng Ungth動v炭 v ung th動c畛 t畛cung cho b畛nhnh但nnh畉mh動畛ng畛ngchi畉n d畛chn董 h畛ng 達 c坦83 kh叩chm畛i tham d畛 h畛i th畉o. Ti畉n s挑, b叩c s挑 V探 ngH湛ng,Gi叩m 畛c Trungt但m Ung b動畛u c畛aTMMC Healthcare, 達 c坦bi ph叩t bi畛u nh畉m ph畛bi畉n ki畉n th畛c 畛 b畛nh nh但nnh但n th畛c v ch畉no叩n ungth動 v炭v ungth動 c畛t畛 cung,2 cnb畛nh ungth動 ph畛bi畉n nh畉t 畛 ph畛n畛.C叩c b畛nh nh但nr畉t h畛ngth炭v畛i bi n坦i c畛ab叩c s挑 H湛ng.Hngch畛c c但uh畛i 達 動畛c 動a ra,h畉u h畉t li棚n quan 畉n c叩c d畉uhi畛u nh畉n bi畉t c畛a 2 ch畛ngb畛nhungth動 c滴ngnh動畛 tu畛i th鱈chh畛p畛 ch鱈chng畛a HPV. T畉i bu畛ih畛i th畉o chuy棚n畛, s畛 ki畛n h但n h畉nhcho 坦nB畛 tr動畛ngv Ph坦b畛tr動畛ngB畛 Yt畉 畛ng Th叩p. 達 c坦52 chuy棚ngia tham d畛 s畛 ki畛n. C叩c y b叩c s挑 達 畉t ra r畉t nhi畛u c但uh畛i v畛 thu畛c Cervarix, ngo畉i khoaUng B動畛uv c叩c ph動董ngph叩ptr畛 ungth動. Sau h畛i th畉o, khi 動畛c ph畛ngv畉n,c叩c b畛nh nh但n達 n坦i r畉ng b畛nhvi畛n n棚n duy tr狸 t畛 ch畛c c叩c ho畉t 畛ngnh動 th畉 ny m畛t c叩chth動畛ngxuy棚nv chuy棚ns但uh董nnh畉m c畉i thi畛n chuy棚nm担n b叩c s挑 v ki畉n th畛c s畛c kh畛e c畛ang動畛i b畛nh