1) There are two types of tumors - benign tumors, which grow slowly and do not spread, and malignant tumors, which grow rapidly and can spread to other organs.
2) Tumor markers can be used for early diagnosis, definitive diagnosis of some tumors, choosing treatment, following treatment efficacy, and determining the source of the tumor.
3) Common tumor markers include PSA for prostate cancer, CA15-3 and CEA for breast cancer, AFP for liver cancer, and CA125 for ovarian cancer. Factors like smoking, pregnancy, and inflammation can impact tumor marker assay results.
2. Tumor
Growth of any cell in the body is controlled by a certain gene. If
this gene lost his function for a reason or another, this might
lead to formation of uncontrollable tumor.
5. Benign Tumor:
It is a type of tumors in which the rate of
growth is slow and it does not cause
damage for the primary organ or any
spread for the surrounding tissues .
6. Malignant Tumor
It is a rapid and aggressive growth of the cells of one
of the body organs leading to overgrowth and
damage of the surrounding tissue. Then these
malignant cells can migrate to other organs like
lung, liver or even brain, what is called secondary's.
8. Symptoms
Early stages may not show any symptoms. But
patient can notice changes in :
1-colour,number or size of Veins.
2-ulcers which does not respond to treatment
3-unusual secretions
4-unexplainable bleeding
9. 5-Dysphagia
6-swelling under the skin or in the breast
7-resistant diarrhea or constipation
8-untreatable cough accompanied with sputum and/or
10. Etiology
There are no known causes but there are some
predisposing factors:
1-Food with less fibers or full of lipids Also alcohol.
2-Smoking:can lead to cancer lung, mouth,oesophagus,pancreas or even urinary
3-Viruses : B, C, HPV, EBV
4-Parasitic Infection
5-Industrial Pollution
6-Exposure To Radiations
7-Pollution, Insecticides………..etc
8-psychological troubles, immunodeficiency, obesity, genetic predisposition
11. Etiology
There are no known causes but there are some
predisposing factors:
1-Food with less fibers or full of lipids Also alcohol.
2-Smoking:can lead to cancer lung, mouth,oesophagus,pancreas or even urinary
3-Viruses : B, C, HPV, EBV
4-Parasitic Infection
5-Industrial Pollution
6-Exposure To Radiations
7-Pollution, Insecticides………..etc
8-psychological troubles, immunodeficiency, obesity, genetic predisposition
14. Uses of Tumor Markers:
1-Early diagnosis through routine regular checkup
2- definitive diagnosis of some tumors like: LCA-CK-EMA-Desmin-
3-to choose suitable treatment .e. g ER-PR-HER-2
4-followup of treatment protocol and its efficacy
5-source of the tumor.
6-Immuological characterization for the lymphatic tumors:
CD30-CD15- Pan T(CD3,CD43,CD45,Ro) – Pan B( CD20,CD79 a)
15. Organ Specific Tumor Markers :
PROSTATE :PSA ,Free PSA ,PAP "Prostatic Acid Phosphates"
GIT :CEA, CA19,9
VASCULAR SYSTEM : LDH, B2 macroglobulin, ptn.electroph.
LUNG :NSE, SCC-A, Cyril 21-1
16. Factors affecting tumor markers
Smocking : CEA
Pregnancy and viral hepatitis: AFA
Prostatic inflammation &endoscopy:PSA
If not fasting : CA 19.9
WHO recommends tumor markers to be done once every 3 years for
people aged(20-30) and once every year for age between(30-50)
and once every 6 months for above that.