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                              HOSTED BY INSIGHT BUSINESS
                                        SEMINAR 1
                       ADDRESS 2 BRODIE HALL DRIVE, BENTLEY, WA 6102
                            DATE 6PM-8PM, 19TH SEPTEMBER 2011
                                    SEMINAR 2
                         DATE 6PM-8PM, 8TH NOVEMBER 2011
Insight Business has assembled a formidable team of industry experts that will share with you a wealth of
practical and easy to implement ideas that will work wonders for you and your business. With extensive, proven
track records our speakers have worked in, consulted to and coached some of Australia’s most innovative and
progressive companies. Benefit from their experience and insight by attending this FREE, two hour seminar
available to a strictly limited number of participants.

                        TOPICS AND SPEAKERS
                 Martin Reed (Seminar 1 & 2)
                                   SUCCESS STRATEGIES
                              Deryck Graham (Seminar 1 & 2)
                            Peter van Bruchem (Seminar 1 & 2)
                              Damian Collins (Seminar 1 & 2)
                                 Alec Blacklaw (Seminar 1)
                            WEALTH CREATION TAX STRATEGIES
                                 Graham Finch (Seminar 2)
                               Simon McFarlane (Seminar 2)
                                  Mark Pullen (Seminar 2)
 To take the first step towards transforming your business and your relationship with it please register for one
     of our two FREE seminars now by forwarding your contact details to: events@insightbusiness.com.au

                                    Self-registration is available online at;
        Seminar 1 (19th September 2011) http://turbochargeseptember2011-auto.eventbrite.com/
          Seminar 2 (8th November, 2011) http://turbochargenovember2011-auto.eventbrite.com/
      For further information please contact Karina McDonald, Insight Business Administration Manager
                                            PHONE (08) 9316 1022
Martin Reed                                                         Alec Blacklaw
InsIght BusIness                                                    mArsdens
LATEST GovErnmEnT GrAnTS,                                           buSinESS pLAnninG frAmEworkS
ConCESSionS, CrEdiTS & ExEmpTionS                                   Alec has a broad business background gained from
Martin Reed is one of Australia’s most qualified Grants and         working in commerce for more than 20 years having sat on
Tax Incentive consultants. He specializes in Research and           many Boards as well as being a business owner, coach,
Development Tax Incentives, Tariff Concessions, Export Grants       mentor and advisor in practice. His focus is on leveraging core
and other industry-specific grants. This is balanced with a         beliefs and attitudes to drive and enhance business
strong working knowledge and experience of the technical            performance. Alec will be outlining the importance of a strong
aspects of various industries (including Oil & Gas, Mining,         and robust planning framework that builds an emotional
Software and Manufacturing) to enable him to gain a deep            connection with your board, clients, team and target market to
understanding of his clients’ projects. Martin’s presentation       achieve sustainable results.
is considered a ‘must see’ - with billions of dollars potentially
                                                                    Graham Finch
available to SME’s (Small, Medium Enterprises) and larger
                                                                    gFA ACCountAnts And BusIness AdvIsors
organisations from government incentive programmes. He
will be sharing invaluable insights in to how you can get your      wEALTh CrEATion TAx STrATEGiES
share.                                                              Graham Finch is a Director of GFA Accountants and Business
                                                                    Advisers with over 25 years experience in providing clients
Deryck Graham                                                       with a complete range of business and financial services. His
ComposItes & AerospACe IndustrIes                                   specialty is in working with SME owners to help them build the
TEChnoLoGy induSTry dESiGn, diSTribuTion,                           business they really want based on the following fundamentals
mAnufACTurinG, And mArkETinG                                        - Profit, Cash Flow, Growth, Asset Protection and Wealth
Deryck Graham has over 20 years’ experience in senior               Creation. Graham will explore opportunities to minimize
management, administration and marketing positions. His             taxation payable and demonstrate strategies used by wealthy
experience includes five years as Managing Director of an           individuals and successful SME owners throughout Australia.
ASX listed company that designed, developed, manufactured
                                                                    Simon McFarlane
and distributed hardware and software products for the
                                                                    hpC dAtA Centres
broadcasting and entertainment industries. Since 1986, he
has been involved in the composites and aerospace indus-            ‘CLoud’ CompuTinG impLiCATionS for
tries. Deryck will provide invaluable insights into design,         your buSinESS
manufacturing, distribution and marketing considerations for        As founding Director of HPC Data Services Simon McFarlane
emerging technology companies in the mining, civil                  has more than 20 years of international commercial finance
engineering and software development industries.                    experience. Having undertaken several senior roles with
                                                                    companies around the world that included four years in Hong
Peter van Bruchem                                                   Kong working in the professional services division of a US
Angel Investment                                                    software company. Simon will be presenting on the commer-
TEChnoLoGy CompAny STArT-up                                         cial considerations and implications of ‘cloud’ computing.
fundinG opporTuniTiES                                               Mark Pullen
Peter van Bruchem is an experienced Intellectual Property
                                                                    WAtermArK pAtent & trAdemArK AttorneYs
and Commercialisation lawyer who has advised government,
public sector organisations and private companies in Australia
                                                                    ip proTECTion & ip porTfoLio invESTmEnT
                                                                    Mark Pullen is a principal of Watermark Patent and Trade
and the United Kingdom. On his return to Australia in 2009 he
                                                                    Marks Attorneys. He holds an honours degree in physics
helped establish the Western Australian Association of Angel
                                                                    and is a registered patent and trade marks attorney having
Investors which assists young companies in raising investment
                                                                    initially trained as a marine engineer. Mark currently assists
funding. Peter will be making a presentation on funding
                                                                    clients in protecting and managing their businesses intellec-
opportunities for technology focussed start-ups.
                                                                    tual assets. He will be examining the need for an IP portfolio
Damian Collins                                                      and how to manage it to ensure those intellectual assets
momentum WeAlth                                                     protect your business.
propErTy invESTmEnT for
buSinESS ownErS                                                     Robert West
Damian Collins is the founder and Managing Director of              BusIness AdvIsor
Momentum Wealth, a full service property investment                 TurboChArGE your buSinESS SEminAr ‘mC’
company that helps investors build wealth through property.         Your seminar ‘MC’ is Robert West a successful business
Damian is a qualified Chartered Accountant, holds Graduate          innovator with twenty five years experience in the retail in-
Degrees in applied finance and property and is a Fellow of          dustry and property development. He transformed a fashion
FINSIA. He is also a highly successful property investor and        business operating at a local market into a record breaking
owns a multi-million dollar property investment portfolio.          $4M (P/A) turnover enterprise. His adversity-into-advantage
Damian will be discussing property investment opportunities         approach is what sets Robert apart and he currently works
for business owners that ensure wealth protection.                  with innovative and lateral thinking entrepreneurs, delivering
                                                                    strategies for securing Government or private funding.

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Turbocharge Your Business Seminar Overview

  • 1. TURBOCHARGE YOUR BUSINESS HOSTED BY INSIGHT BUSINESS SEMINAR 1 VENUE TECHNOLOGY PARK FUNCTION CENTRE-SEMINAR ROOM 1 ADDRESS 2 BRODIE HALL DRIVE, BENTLEY, WA 6102 DATE 6PM-8PM, 19TH SEPTEMBER 2011 SEMINAR 2 VENUE AMC JAKOVICH FUNCTION CENTRE, AUSTRALIAN MARINE COMPLEX, GARDEN ROOM ADDRESS CNR RUSSELL ROAD & MCGRATH ROAD, HENDERSON, WA 6166 DATE 6PM-8PM, 8TH NOVEMBER 2011 Insight Business has assembled a formidable team of industry experts that will share with you a wealth of practical and easy to implement ideas that will work wonders for you and your business. With extensive, proven track records our speakers have worked in, consulted to and coached some of Australia’s most innovative and progressive companies. Benefit from their experience and insight by attending this FREE, two hour seminar available to a strictly limited number of participants. TOPICS AND SPEAKERS LATEST GOVERNMENT GRANTS, CONCESSIONS, CREDITS & EXEMPTIONS Martin Reed (Seminar 1 & 2) TECHNOLOGY INDUSTRY DESIGN, MANUFACTURING, DISTRIBUTION & MARKETING SUCCESS STRATEGIES Deryck Graham (Seminar 1 & 2) TECHNOLOGY COMPANY START-UP FUNDING OPPORTUNITIES Peter van Bruchem (Seminar 1 & 2) PROPERTY INVESTMENT FOR BUSINESS OWNERS Damian Collins (Seminar 1 & 2) BUSINESS PLANNING FRAMEWORKS THAT STRIKE THE RIGHT BALANCE Alec Blacklaw (Seminar 1) WEALTH CREATION TAX STRATEGIES Graham Finch (Seminar 2) CLOUD COMPUTING IMPLICATIONS FOR YOUR BUSINESS Simon McFarlane (Seminar 2) IP PROTECTION & IP PORTFOLIO INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT Mark Pullen (Seminar 2) To take the first step towards transforming your business and your relationship with it please register for one of our two FREE seminars now by forwarding your contact details to: events@insightbusiness.com.au Self-registration is available online at; Seminar 1 (19th September 2011) http://turbochargeseptember2011-auto.eventbrite.com/ Seminar 2 (8th November, 2011) http://turbochargenovember2011-auto.eventbrite.com/ For further information please contact Karina McDonald, Insight Business Administration Manager PHONE (08) 9316 1022
  • 2. STRATEGIES FOR SUCCESS Martin Reed Alec Blacklaw InsIght BusIness mArsdens LATEST GovErnmEnT GrAnTS, buSinESS pLAnninG frAmEworkS ConCESSionS, CrEdiTS & ExEmpTionS Alec has a broad business background gained from Martin Reed is one of Australia’s most qualified Grants and working in commerce for more than 20 years having sat on Tax Incentive consultants. He specializes in Research and many Boards as well as being a business owner, coach, Development Tax Incentives, Tariff Concessions, Export Grants mentor and advisor in practice. His focus is on leveraging core and other industry-specific grants. This is balanced with a beliefs and attitudes to drive and enhance business strong working knowledge and experience of the technical performance. Alec will be outlining the importance of a strong aspects of various industries (including Oil & Gas, Mining, and robust planning framework that builds an emotional Software and Manufacturing) to enable him to gain a deep connection with your board, clients, team and target market to understanding of his clients’ projects. Martin’s presentation achieve sustainable results. is considered a ‘must see’ - with billions of dollars potentially Graham Finch available to SME’s (Small, Medium Enterprises) and larger gFA ACCountAnts And BusIness AdvIsors organisations from government incentive programmes. He will be sharing invaluable insights in to how you can get your wEALTh CrEATion TAx STrATEGiES share. Graham Finch is a Director of GFA Accountants and Business Advisers with over 25 years experience in providing clients Deryck Graham with a complete range of business and financial services. His ComposItes & AerospACe IndustrIes specialty is in working with SME owners to help them build the TEChnoLoGy induSTry dESiGn, diSTribuTion, business they really want based on the following fundamentals mAnufACTurinG, And mArkETinG - Profit, Cash Flow, Growth, Asset Protection and Wealth Deryck Graham has over 20 years’ experience in senior Creation. Graham will explore opportunities to minimize management, administration and marketing positions. His taxation payable and demonstrate strategies used by wealthy experience includes five years as Managing Director of an individuals and successful SME owners throughout Australia. ASX listed company that designed, developed, manufactured Simon McFarlane and distributed hardware and software products for the hpC dAtA Centres broadcasting and entertainment industries. Since 1986, he has been involved in the composites and aerospace indus- ‘CLoud’ CompuTinG impLiCATionS for tries. Deryck will provide invaluable insights into design, your buSinESS manufacturing, distribution and marketing considerations for As founding Director of HPC Data Services Simon McFarlane emerging technology companies in the mining, civil has more than 20 years of international commercial finance engineering and software development industries. experience. Having undertaken several senior roles with companies around the world that included four years in Hong Peter van Bruchem Kong working in the professional services division of a US Angel Investment software company. Simon will be presenting on the commer- TEChnoLoGy CompAny STArT-up cial considerations and implications of ‘cloud’ computing. fundinG opporTuniTiES Mark Pullen Peter van Bruchem is an experienced Intellectual Property WAtermArK pAtent & trAdemArK AttorneYs and Commercialisation lawyer who has advised government, public sector organisations and private companies in Australia ip proTECTion & ip porTfoLio invESTmEnT Mark Pullen is a principal of Watermark Patent and Trade and the United Kingdom. On his return to Australia in 2009 he Marks Attorneys. He holds an honours degree in physics helped establish the Western Australian Association of Angel and is a registered patent and trade marks attorney having Investors which assists young companies in raising investment initially trained as a marine engineer. Mark currently assists funding. Peter will be making a presentation on funding clients in protecting and managing their businesses intellec- opportunities for technology focussed start-ups. tual assets. He will be examining the need for an IP portfolio Damian Collins and how to manage it to ensure those intellectual assets momentum WeAlth protect your business. propErTy invESTmEnT for buSinESS ownErS Robert West Damian Collins is the founder and Managing Director of BusIness AdvIsor Momentum Wealth, a full service property investment TurboChArGE your buSinESS SEminAr ‘mC’ company that helps investors build wealth through property. Your seminar ‘MC’ is Robert West a successful business Damian is a qualified Chartered Accountant, holds Graduate innovator with twenty five years experience in the retail in- Degrees in applied finance and property and is a Fellow of dustry and property development. He transformed a fashion FINSIA. He is also a highly successful property investor and business operating at a local market into a record breaking owns a multi-million dollar property investment portfolio. $4M (P/A) turnover enterprise. His adversity-into-advantage Damian will be discussing property investment opportunities approach is what sets Robert apart and he currently works for business owners that ensure wealth protection. with innovative and lateral thinking entrepreneurs, delivering strategies for securing Government or private funding.