En 3 oraciones o menos:
La autora describe su casa y escuela, lugares que le gustan. En su casa ya se hizo amigos y le gusta vivir all¨ª, adem¨¢s de los parques cercanos. En su escuela tambi¨¦n le gusta por los buenos maestros y amigos en los que puede confiar.
The document describes a project to design an interactive experience to help people make better fitness and nutrition choices. It discusses conducting user research through interviews to understand needs and evaluate prototype designs. Low- and high-fidelity prototypes were created for a mobile app called Pencil Project that allows users to create profiles, join fitness factions with group challenges and goals, and find workout partners. Further user testing provided feedback that informed improvements to the profiles, team, and challenge experience pages.
Martin Omander from Google presented on two APIs: Google Storage for reliable scalable data storage and Google Prediction for building predictive models from historic data. He demonstrated using Storage for file hosting and Prediction for language detection. Both APIs allow leveraging Google's infrastructure at low cost, focusing on customers rather than building proprietary systems.
Demonstrating the Value of Process ModellingBPM Link
The document summarizes a project to develop a Fraud Investigation Manual (FIM) using a business process modeling approach. It describes the need for the FIM, how it was developed through workshops with stakeholders, its key components including process diagrams and documentation, and the benefits of taking a process-based approach like improved efficiency, consistency and knowledge sharing.
Las creaciones t¨¦cnicas como las herramientas y los instrumentos cient¨ªficos han tenido una gran influencia en el desarrollo de las ciencias naturales. Instrumentos como el telescopio y el microscopio han facilitado y mejorado la observaci¨®n, lo que ha permitido avances en el estudio de temas de inter¨¦s para cada disciplina. Adem¨¢s, las creaciones t¨¦cnicas han mejorado actividades productivas como la agricultura, la pesca y la ganader¨ªa, y han permitido el desarrollo de la medicina a trav¨¦s de medicamentos, vacunas e instrumentos
This document is a case study prepared by four students for a postgraduate business diploma on digital enterprises. It discusses using virtual worlds and games as an HR tool for staff development. It explores hedonic motivation factors in games, such as achieving different self-concepts and building self-efficacy. It also examines value systems and currencies in virtual worlds, how value is created through mastery, status, and purchased accessories. Key success factors for value creation in virtual worlds include understanding the community, focusing on interaction, and providing dynamic content and ongoing activities to drive engagement.
El documento discute la producci¨®n y redistribuci¨®n. Explica que la producci¨®n satisface las necesidades humanas como alimento y vivienda. Una mayor producci¨®n conduce a mayores bienes disponibles. La redistribuci¨®n m¨¢s equitativa de los bienes puede elevar el nivel de vida de las mayor¨ªas. La producci¨®n y redistribuci¨®n deben ir de la mano para mejorar la calidad de vida.
Innovations in ProSe: Targeting Pro Se Automated Documents
Presenation by Mary Neal on how Illinois Legal Aid on Line selects documents to automate and can lead to better forms for court use.
Independence Ridge Retirement Community Unit Models, Part 2mandeedoll
The document contains illustrations of residential units at Independence Square in Austin, Texas from an architectural firm. Specifically, it shows illustrations for Unit 2Bj and an optional Unit 3Ba dated August 3, 2007 that include floor plans and designs for the units.
El documento resume una sesi¨®n educativa de 30 actividades. Incluye una tabla con 6 actividades realizadas por los estudiantes, donde marcaron su desempe?o de 1 a 10 para cada una. La suma total de calificaciones fue de 60, lo que result¨® en un promedio de 10 para la sesi¨®n.
Infeksi nosokomial merupakan kontributor penting pada morbiditas dan mortalitas yang diakibatkan oleh infeksi yang didapatkan selama perawatan di rumah sakit. Infeksi ini dapat dicegah dengan menjalankan praktik kebersihan dan kesehatan tangan serta sterilisasi peralatan dengan biaya yang relatif rendah.
Este documento proporciona instrucciones sobre c¨®mo usar Microsoft Word para crear y editar documentos. Explica c¨®mo abrir Word, escribir texto, formatear fuentes y p¨¢rrafos, y corregir errores usando las teclas retroceso, flechas y suprimir. Tambi¨¦n describe elementos b¨¢sicos como la barra de t¨ªtulo, el punto de inserci¨®n y el puntero del rat¨®n.
Este documento presenta el plan de estudios de un curso escolar dividido en tres trimestres. Cada trimestre contiene varias unidades tem¨¢ticas que abarcan asignaturas como comunicaci¨®n, matem¨¢ticas, ciencias, tecnolog¨ªa e historia. Los objetivos de cada unidad se enfocan en desarrollar las habilidades de los estudiantes para comunicarse efectivamente, comprender conceptos acad¨¦micos, convivir de forma responsable y ejercer la ciudadan¨ªa democr¨¢tica.
The document discusses managing new heterogeneous networks. It defines cloud service models from NIST including Software as a Service (SaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), and Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS). It also notes that classic IT service management processes are mature, while strategic processes lag behind. Additionally, it projects 26% annual growth in cloud-related jobs through 2015, with 1.7 million open jobs but only 2.7 million existing IT professionals in the US currently.
This document provides information and guidance for groups of five who want to sponsor refugees to come to Canada. It outlines the refugee situation globally with over 43 million forcibly displaced people. It then discusses Canada's response, including its refugee targets and how refugees can come to Canada through inland processing or overseas processing. The document explains who can be sponsored, the eligibility criteria, and considerations of other durable solutions and admissibility. It describes the different types of sponsors in Canada including Sponsorship Agreement Holders, community sponsors, and groups of five. The document reviews the responsibilities of sponsors and provides details on the required application forms and process that groups of five must complete to sponsor refugees.
¡°Naziler ve Atat¨¹rk¡± mukayeseli tarih anlay???n?n bir ¨¹r¨¹n¨¹ olarak Temmuz 2015¡¯te raflardaki
yerini ald?. Stefan Ihrig¡¯?n T¨¹rkiye¡¯de, ismiyle adeta infial yaratan bu eseri esas?nda Cambridge
?niversite Tarih B?l¨¹m¨¹nde yap?lan doktora tezinin kitap haline getirilmi? suretidir. Bu ?al??ma,
Atat¨¹rk ile Hitler¡¯i, Mussolini¡¯yi hatta General Franco¡¯yu k?yaslayarak, bu liderlerin aralar?ndaki
etkile?ime dikkat ?ekmeye ?al???yor. Liderlerin birbirleri hakk?ndaki g?r¨¹?lerine, tutumlar?na ve
de?erlendirmelerine s?k?a de?iniliyor. ?zellikle de Atat¨¹rk ve Hitler aras?nda¡ Ayr?ca sadece bu
iki liderle de s?n?rl? kal?nm?yor. T¨¹rk devrimiyle Nazi hareketinin ki?iler, kurumlar, ideolojiler ve
eylemler ba?lam?nda mukayeseleri yap?l?p etkile?imleri irdeleniyor. Bunu yaparken mecburen
d?nemin T¨¹rk-Alman ili?kilerine de pek tabii de?iniliyor. Bu de?inimin Kurtulu? Sava??¡¯ndan
?kinci Cihan Harbinin sonuna kadar oldu?unu s?ylemek gerek. Tabii eserin d¨¹nyan?n say?l?
¨¹niversitelerinden biri olan Cambridge ?niversitesi¡¯nde yap?lm?? bir tez olmas? okuyucuya
yeterince objektif ve bilimsel nitelikte titizlikle yaz?ld???n? d¨¹?¨¹nd¨¹rt¨¹yor. Peki, bu yarg? ger?ekle
ne kadar uyu?maktad?r?
Martin Omander from Google presented on two APIs: Google Storage for reliable scalable data storage and Google Prediction for building predictive models from historic data. He demonstrated using Storage for file hosting and Prediction for language detection. Both APIs allow leveraging Google's infrastructure at low cost, focusing on customers rather than building proprietary systems.
Demonstrating the Value of Process ModellingBPM Link
The document summarizes a project to develop a Fraud Investigation Manual (FIM) using a business process modeling approach. It describes the need for the FIM, how it was developed through workshops with stakeholders, its key components including process diagrams and documentation, and the benefits of taking a process-based approach like improved efficiency, consistency and knowledge sharing.
Las creaciones t¨¦cnicas como las herramientas y los instrumentos cient¨ªficos han tenido una gran influencia en el desarrollo de las ciencias naturales. Instrumentos como el telescopio y el microscopio han facilitado y mejorado la observaci¨®n, lo que ha permitido avances en el estudio de temas de inter¨¦s para cada disciplina. Adem¨¢s, las creaciones t¨¦cnicas han mejorado actividades productivas como la agricultura, la pesca y la ganader¨ªa, y han permitido el desarrollo de la medicina a trav¨¦s de medicamentos, vacunas e instrumentos
This document is a case study prepared by four students for a postgraduate business diploma on digital enterprises. It discusses using virtual worlds and games as an HR tool for staff development. It explores hedonic motivation factors in games, such as achieving different self-concepts and building self-efficacy. It also examines value systems and currencies in virtual worlds, how value is created through mastery, status, and purchased accessories. Key success factors for value creation in virtual worlds include understanding the community, focusing on interaction, and providing dynamic content and ongoing activities to drive engagement.
El documento discute la producci¨®n y redistribuci¨®n. Explica que la producci¨®n satisface las necesidades humanas como alimento y vivienda. Una mayor producci¨®n conduce a mayores bienes disponibles. La redistribuci¨®n m¨¢s equitativa de los bienes puede elevar el nivel de vida de las mayor¨ªas. La producci¨®n y redistribuci¨®n deben ir de la mano para mejorar la calidad de vida.
Innovations in ProSe: Targeting Pro Se Automated Documents
Presenation by Mary Neal on how Illinois Legal Aid on Line selects documents to automate and can lead to better forms for court use.
Independence Ridge Retirement Community Unit Models, Part 2mandeedoll
The document contains illustrations of residential units at Independence Square in Austin, Texas from an architectural firm. Specifically, it shows illustrations for Unit 2Bj and an optional Unit 3Ba dated August 3, 2007 that include floor plans and designs for the units.
El documento resume una sesi¨®n educativa de 30 actividades. Incluye una tabla con 6 actividades realizadas por los estudiantes, donde marcaron su desempe?o de 1 a 10 para cada una. La suma total de calificaciones fue de 60, lo que result¨® en un promedio de 10 para la sesi¨®n.
Infeksi nosokomial merupakan kontributor penting pada morbiditas dan mortalitas yang diakibatkan oleh infeksi yang didapatkan selama perawatan di rumah sakit. Infeksi ini dapat dicegah dengan menjalankan praktik kebersihan dan kesehatan tangan serta sterilisasi peralatan dengan biaya yang relatif rendah.
Este documento proporciona instrucciones sobre c¨®mo usar Microsoft Word para crear y editar documentos. Explica c¨®mo abrir Word, escribir texto, formatear fuentes y p¨¢rrafos, y corregir errores usando las teclas retroceso, flechas y suprimir. Tambi¨¦n describe elementos b¨¢sicos como la barra de t¨ªtulo, el punto de inserci¨®n y el puntero del rat¨®n.
Este documento presenta el plan de estudios de un curso escolar dividido en tres trimestres. Cada trimestre contiene varias unidades tem¨¢ticas que abarcan asignaturas como comunicaci¨®n, matem¨¢ticas, ciencias, tecnolog¨ªa e historia. Los objetivos de cada unidad se enfocan en desarrollar las habilidades de los estudiantes para comunicarse efectivamente, comprender conceptos acad¨¦micos, convivir de forma responsable y ejercer la ciudadan¨ªa democr¨¢tica.
The document discusses managing new heterogeneous networks. It defines cloud service models from NIST including Software as a Service (SaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), and Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS). It also notes that classic IT service management processes are mature, while strategic processes lag behind. Additionally, it projects 26% annual growth in cloud-related jobs through 2015, with 1.7 million open jobs but only 2.7 million existing IT professionals in the US currently.
This document provides information and guidance for groups of five who want to sponsor refugees to come to Canada. It outlines the refugee situation globally with over 43 million forcibly displaced people. It then discusses Canada's response, including its refugee targets and how refugees can come to Canada through inland processing or overseas processing. The document explains who can be sponsored, the eligibility criteria, and considerations of other durable solutions and admissibility. It describes the different types of sponsors in Canada including Sponsorship Agreement Holders, community sponsors, and groups of five. The document reviews the responsibilities of sponsors and provides details on the required application forms and process that groups of five must complete to sponsor refugees.
¡°Naziler ve Atat¨¹rk¡± mukayeseli tarih anlay???n?n bir ¨¹r¨¹n¨¹ olarak Temmuz 2015¡¯te raflardaki
yerini ald?. Stefan Ihrig¡¯?n T¨¹rkiye¡¯de, ismiyle adeta infial yaratan bu eseri esas?nda Cambridge
?niversite Tarih B?l¨¹m¨¹nde yap?lan doktora tezinin kitap haline getirilmi? suretidir. Bu ?al??ma,
Atat¨¹rk ile Hitler¡¯i, Mussolini¡¯yi hatta General Franco¡¯yu k?yaslayarak, bu liderlerin aralar?ndaki
etkile?ime dikkat ?ekmeye ?al???yor. Liderlerin birbirleri hakk?ndaki g?r¨¹?lerine, tutumlar?na ve
de?erlendirmelerine s?k?a de?iniliyor. ?zellikle de Atat¨¹rk ve Hitler aras?nda¡ Ayr?ca sadece bu
iki liderle de s?n?rl? kal?nm?yor. T¨¹rk devrimiyle Nazi hareketinin ki?iler, kurumlar, ideolojiler ve
eylemler ba?lam?nda mukayeseleri yap?l?p etkile?imleri irdeleniyor. Bunu yaparken mecburen
d?nemin T¨¹rk-Alman ili?kilerine de pek tabii de?iniliyor. Bu de?inimin Kurtulu? Sava??¡¯ndan
?kinci Cihan Harbinin sonuna kadar oldu?unu s?ylemek gerek. Tabii eserin d¨¹nyan?n say?l?
¨¹niversitelerinden biri olan Cambridge ?niversitesi¡¯nde yap?lm?? bir tez olmas? okuyucuya
yeterince objektif ve bilimsel nitelikte titizlikle yaz?ld???n? d¨¹?¨¹nd¨¹rt¨¹yor. Peki, bu yarg? ger?ekle
ne kadar uyu?maktad?r?
Sat?? elemanlar?n? hangi sekt?rden veya ¨¹r¨¹nden inceleyecek olursan?z olun genelde hata konusunda hepsinin tek tip hareket ettiklerini g?r¨¹rs¨¹n¨¹z.
Y¨¹zy?llard?r de?i?meyen tek ?ey de?i?im. Bu nedenle i? d¨¹nyas? bu h?zl?, ak??kan ve de?i?ken atmosferde ya?ayabilmek i?in s¨¹rekli yenilenmek ve de?i?mek zorunda.
De?i?im ile yenilik?ilik birbirini tamamlayan kavramlar.
1. Ba?ar? en b¨¹y¨¹k motive edicidir.
2. Ne yapt???n?z? bildi?iniz s¨¹rece bunu di?erlerine kan?tlamaya gerek yoktur.
3. Ba?armak i?in ba?ar?y? hayal et ve inan.
-¡°Zeka nedir?¡±
??te can al?c? soru budur. ¡°Zekay? nas?l tan?mlar, nelerle ?l?eriz?¡± Bu sorunun yan?t?nda en ?nemli ?l?ek ¡°matematik ve fen bilimleri¡±ne ak?l erdirmek olmaktad?r. ¡°Bu ?ocukta matematik zekas? var¡± dendi?i zaman akan sular durur, ba?ka bir kan?ta gerek kalmadan ¡°?ocu?umuzun ?ok zeki¡± oldu?u onaylan?r.
Davran??lar?m?z?n iki ?nemli unsuru vard?r; Bili?sel ve duygusal.
Bili?sel unsur, bir konu hakk?nda bildiklerimizden olu?ur. Duygusal unsur ise, bir konu hakk?nda hissettiklerimizden olu?ur.
El documento habla sobre la importancia de la educaci¨®n y el aprendizaje continuo a lo largo de la vida. Se?ala que en un mundo en constante cambio es crucial seguir aprendiendo nuevas habilidades y actualizando los conocimientos para mantenerse relevante. Tambi¨¦n enfatiza que la educaci¨®n debe enfocarse m¨¢s en ense?ar a las personas a pensar de manera cr¨ªtica y resolver problemas de forma creativa.
6 Ekim ?stanbul¡¯un kurtulu? g¨¹n¨¹.
Atat¨¹rk¡¯¨¹ be?enmeyip Osmanl? sevdal?s? olan arkada?larda bu resimlere bak?p o g¨¹nleri hissetmeye ?al??s?nlar.
?ayet kanlar? donmuyorsa bozulmu?tur¡
¡°Kurtulu?¡±u ?z¨¹mseyebilmek i?in i?gali bilmek gerek.
Yaln?z Bo?az¡¯a d¨¹?man z?rhl?lar? demirlemedi, ?stanbul i?gal edildi.
13 Kas?m 1918¡¯den 6 Ekim 1923¡¯e kadar¡
Yakla??k be? y?l¡
Her k??esi...
Dile kolay, tam 1789 g¨¹n¡
??te o k?busun g?rsel belgeleri¡
This document provides a brief overview of notable figures, artists, and locations from Dutch/Netherlands history and culture. It mentions the painters Rembrandt van Rijn, Jan Vermeer, and his works "The Milkmaid" and Jan Havickszoon Steen, as well as Vincent van Gogh and Piet Mondrian as famous Dutch artists. It also lists the musician Andr¨¦ Rieu, references a famous Dutch model, mentions a Dutch dancer in "The Tulip Festival", and notes several Dutch cities including Rotterdam, Den Haag and landmarks like Fort Bourtange and Netherlands castles.