Presentation (Dutch):
We've all been there: the specifications are created, you start building the app and eventually it turns out you've missed some important scenarios. ATDD/Specification by Example might have saved you to get some earlier insight about those scenarios. After building the fully accepted app, you deploy it to the App Stores. You might get 1-star reviews from people claiming the app keeps crashing. Couldn't you have prevented that? By combining the power of Specification by Example & testing this fully automatically on hundreds of physical devices in the cloud, you can! All of this, while still maintaining a continuous delivery workflow, will achieve some great, high quality apps.
12. Given
a great session is presented
the presentation is over
the audience will clap
^Acceptance Driven Presentation ̄
13. Given
a <level> session is presented
the presentation is over
the audience will <reaction>
| level | reaction |
| great | clap |
| horrible | cry |
18. [Given(@"a great session is presented")]
public void AGreatSessionIsPresented() {
// Setup
[When(@"the presentation is over")]
public void ThePresentationIsOver() {
// Trigger
[Then(@"the audience will clap")]
public void TheAudienceWillClap() {
// Verify
19. [Given(@"a ""(.*)"" session is presented")]
public void ASessionIsPresented(
string level) {
// Setup
[When(@"the presentation is over")]
public void ThePresentationIsOver() {
// Trigger
[Then(@"the audience will ""(.*)""")]
public void TheAudienceWill (
string reaction) {
// Verify
24. ? Specs + Testcases + Scripts coupled
? Scalable regression framework
? Testcases to run
? Testexecution runs
? Devices
? Operating systems
29. Source
Xamarin test cloud: from zero to hero in
automated UI testing
The circle of life: ALM for your Xamarin app
with VSTS and HockeyApp
Enabling DevOps Practices for Mobile Apps
with Visual Studio Team Services, Xamarin and
31. Given
a <level> session is presented
the presentation is over
the audience will <reaction>
| level | reaction |
| great | clap |
| horrible | cry |
| great | clap |
| horrible | cry |
Editor's Notes
Leeftijd railpocket?
EOL hardware
Veel heel veel functionaliteit voor diverse gebruikersgroepen.
Aantal gebruikers
Mobiele kantoor voor eerstelijns
Ontrafelen van heel veel software. Afstappen van dedicated hardware.
Scope vd opdracht : zelfde functionaliteit als de RP maar dan in een nieuw technisch fundament.
Gebruik maken van standaard marktoplossingen zoals Android, Samsung, Azure Services
Scheiding ^Theorie/praktijk vs Implementatie ̄
Hoe realiseer je dit in een project en borg je de kwaliteit?
Presentatie: quality apps, niet direct backends
Hoe gaan we dit invullen?
MTP (Master Test Plan)
Welke testsoorten (functioneel, performance, security) in welke testlevel (fase) in welke testomgeving (OTAP)
Reguliere expressie
Enkel device (geblokkeerd)
Duurt lang (vooral met veel testen)
Bouwen van high quality apps heeft geresulteerd in Xammy