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Edinburgh, 11th April 2018
Alessandra de Renzis
Tuscany Regional Government, Italy
Tuscany Inner Areas strategy
An history of participation
InnerInner AreasAreas Strategy:Strategy: inin briefbrief
Inner Areas are
 territories characterized by a NOT adequate
offer of/ access to essential services to assure a
certain level of citizenship among population.
 territories substantially far from large and
medium-sized urban centres able to supply
adequate health, educational and transport
 Inner areas are considered strategically
relevant to foster a more sustainable and
inclusive national growth.
Aims of the strategy
 Improve the quality of life and wellbeing of
local communities
 Increase local employment and work
 Recover un-valorised natural resources and
territorial capital
 Reduce the social cost due to the
progressive depopulation trend characterizing
these areas
 Strengthen local development factors
Ultimate goal of the strategy
Reinforcement of demographic structure
5 main innovations
 National dimension and multilevel
governance (Centres  Regions municipalities
and inter municipalities cooperation)
 In the project areas  at the same time -
services improvements (mainly through
national policy) and investments in selected
development factors (regional policy)
 Multi-fund attitude (EAFRD, ERDF, ESF and
National Funds)
 Participatory approach to local
 Municipalities Associations.
60% of national territory
4.000 municipalities
23% of total population
65% mountain municipalities
First Draft
Preliminary to the Strategy
InnerInner AreasAreas Strategy:Strategy:
MethodMethod andand criteriacriteria
Desk AnalysisDesk Analysis
(Area diagnosis)(Area diagnosis)
Pre-selected area is thoroughly
analyzed with respect to a
series of demographic and
socio-economic parameters:
e.g. Population losses and
demographic structure, Utilized
Agricultural Area (UAA) trends,
deforestation, hydrological risk,
entrepreneurship, tourism and
cultural heritage, quality of
education, mobility and health
services, Digital Divide
LocalLocal developmentdevelopment
definition and designdefinition and design
Project Areas
Development Strategy
Population: 3.742.437 inhab
Area: 23.000 km族
GDP per capita:  29.466
GDP composition: 73.4% Services;
per sector (2015) 24.3% Industry;
2.3% Agriculture (including Fishery and Forestry)
Registered companies: approximately 351.000 (ISTAT- 2015)
Around 95% of companies have less than 10 employees (ISTAT- 2015)
Manufacturing: over 32% of regional workforce (ISTAT- 2015)
Employment rate 69,9%
Mountain area represents 25% of the territory
Hilly landscape is predominant, representing more than 66%
Flatland accounts for about 8%
Forests cover about 51% of the landscape and are well distributed in the Region
Total agricultural surface is about 8.000 Square Km.
Population with higher education: 10%
R&D expenditure as a % of GDP: 1,36% (40% from private sector)
University size: 150.000 students
Tuscany in brief:Tuscany in brief: main featuresmain features
Fragile Inner areas
Low potential tourist Inner areas
Inner areas with potentiality
Residential Inner areas
Silver - type railway station
2nd level DEA hospital
Service Centers and Belt areas
1st level DEA hospital
Exhaustive range of secondary schools
NationalNational ClassificationClassification
(r(ree))DDefiningefining TuscanyTuscany
InnerInner AreasAreas
RegionalRegional rere--ClassificationClassification
Selection of project areas:Selection of project areas: backgroundbackground
Tuscany has a long history of
participatory processes: the first
Regional Law dates back 2007 (L.R.
n.69/2007 now repealed with L.R.
n.46/2013) a pioneer initiative
in the Italian and European context
and it can be considered one of the
first examples of perennial
institutionalized social participation
guided by deliberative systems
Regional Development
Programme 2016-2020 foresees
the identification of
homogeneous territorial areas
where carrying out analysis
and collection of local needs,
together with local Institutions
and economic actors.
The regional Government publishes a call for proposal
entrusting the territory to propose a local development
strategy based on and able to respond to local population
and economic system needs addressing rights (i.e.
Education, Health-welfare and mobility policies) and
growth (economic development) simultaneously.
Size and entity of the participation process are considered
as selection criteria.
While programming Regional Inner
Areas strategy, the regional
Government decided that it had to
be the territory itself to select, define
and promote an aggregation of
territories as its strategic area
(around a core of weakest areas of
the Region identified  fragile).
Selection of project areas:Selection of project areas: outcomesoutcomes
Garfagnana  Lunigiana  Media Valle del
Serchio  Appennino Pistoiese
Valdarno-Valdisieve, -
Mugello - Valbisenzio
Casentino -
Val di Cecina
Amiata Grossetana - Amiata
Val d'Orcia - Colline Metallifere
- Colline del Fiora - Val di
Chiana Senese - Val di Merse
Project Area: 17 Municipalities
Strategy Area: 22Municipalities
Public partners: 12
Private partners: 15
No. meetings: 13
No. participants: 133
Project Area: 11 Municipalities
Strategy Area: 28 Municipalities
Public partners: 22
Private partners: 37
No. meetings: 7
No. participants: 156
Project Area: 12 Municipalities
Strategy Area: 23 Municipalities
Public partners: 23
Private partners: 25
No. meetings: 14
No. participants: 135
Project Area: 4 Municipalities
Strategy Area: 1 Municipality
Public partners: 10
Private partners: -
No. meetings: 1
No. participants: 15
Project areas Development Strategy:Project areas Development Strategy:
Identifying needs and opportunityIdentifying needs and opportunity
Desk AnalysisDesk Analysis
(Area diagnosis)(Area diagnosis)
Beware of
Project areas Development Strategy:Project areas Development Strategy:
DeDefiningfining actionsactions andand outcomesoutcomes
LocalLocal development strategydevelopment strategy
definition and designdefinition and design
Project areas Development Strategy:Project areas Development Strategy:
HHowow diddid wewe getget therethere??
MTR RIS3:MTR RIS3: Territorial proofingTerritorial proofing
HowHow: Analyse the potential application of research and development roadmaps to regional
- correlation of the innovation roadmaps to territorial value chains;
- analysis of "territorial stocks" enabling roadmaps effectiveness;
- feedback from S3 local development mirror group (LAGs, FLAGs, EIP-OGs).
WhyWhy: The aim is to combine excellence with relevance, supporting excellences while reducing
disparities and fostering equal development opportunities: from rivalry to synergy!
What is all about?What is all about? A synthesis of
Territorial Impact Assessment (TIA)
and Rural Proofing (RP) together
with roadmaps technical validation,
provides a place-evidence
contribution on the relevance of
strategic roadmaps and their
expected impacts at territorial level.
PProjectroject areasareas DDevelopmentevelopment Strategy :Strategy :
Source: Inner Areas Open Kit
% pop. in digital div ide Mean distance from closer Serv ice center
% pop. w ithin 15 min from main
railw ay station
Garfagnana Valdarno Casentino Toscana
% pop 65 y ears + % foreign residents Var. % pop. 2001-2011
% UAA 2010 % PDO - PGI holdings % Protected areas sup. % Woodland
Manufacturing activ ities
(specialization index *)
Nr. holdings per 10.000 inhab. Nr. Day trippers per 1.000
Bed places per 10.000 inhab.
% pop. in digital div ide Mean distance from closer Service center
% pop. within 15 min from main
hospitalisation rate*
Waiting time for first
rescue v ehicle
Mobility rate
primary school
% clasess with
groups of mixed-
aged students in
primary schools
Invalsi**: mean
score in Italian
(Secondary school)
Inv alsi**: mean
score in Maths
(Secondary school)
Territorial VCsTerritorial VCs andand Territorial StocksTerritorial Stocks (1/2)(1/2)
Subsets containing relevant
groups of producers
Subsets containing relevant
groups of users
Poor Weak or absent link
Indirect/supply chain links with
other direct subsets
Main information
-Distribution and
-I/O models;
-Labour Market
Areas dynamics.
Good Territorial Stocks
Poor Territorial Stocks
DIRECT 束Easy winners損 束Obstacle course
INDIRECT Likely adopters 束Ball and chain損
POOR Tapped
Territorial Stocks
Territorial VCsTerritorial VCs andand Territorial StocksTerritorial Stocks (2/2)(2/2)
To be discussed with S3 local development mirror group (LAGs, FLAGs, EIP-OGs)

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Tuscany Inner Areas strategy An history of participation

  • 1. Edinburgh, 11th April 2018 Alessandra de Renzis Tuscany Regional Government, Italy Tuscany Inner Areas strategy An history of participation
  • 2. InnerInner AreasAreas Strategy:Strategy: inin briefbrief Inner Areas are territories characterized by a NOT adequate offer of/ access to essential services to assure a certain level of citizenship among population. territories substantially far from large and medium-sized urban centres able to supply adequate health, educational and transport services. Inner areas are considered strategically relevant to foster a more sustainable and inclusive national growth. Aims of the strategy Improve the quality of life and wellbeing of local communities Increase local employment and work opportunities Recover un-valorised natural resources and territorial capital Reduce the social cost due to the progressive depopulation trend characterizing these areas Strengthen local development factors Ultimate goal of the strategy Reinforcement of demographic structure 5 main innovations National dimension and multilevel governance (Centres Regions municipalities and inter municipalities cooperation) In the project areas at the same time - services improvements (mainly through national policy) and investments in selected development factors (regional policy) Multi-fund attitude (EAFRD, ERDF, ESF and National Funds) Participatory approach to local development Municipalities Associations. 60% of national territory 4.000 municipalities 23% of total population 65% mountain municipalities
  • 3. First Draft Preliminary to the Strategy Scouting InnerInner AreasAreas Strategy:Strategy: MethodMethod andand criteriacriteria Desk AnalysisDesk Analysis (Area diagnosis)(Area diagnosis) Pre-selected area is thoroughly analyzed with respect to a series of demographic and socio-economic parameters: e.g. Population losses and demographic structure, Utilized Agricultural Area (UAA) trends, deforestation, hydrological risk, entrepreneurship, tourism and cultural heritage, quality of education, mobility and health services, Digital Divide FieldField AnalysisAnalysis LocalLocal developmentdevelopment strategystrategy definition and designdefinition and design Project Areas Development Strategy
  • 4. Population: 3.742.437 inhab Area: 23.000 km族 GDP per capita: 29.466 GDP composition: 73.4% Services; per sector (2015) 24.3% Industry; 2.3% Agriculture (including Fishery and Forestry) Registered companies: approximately 351.000 (ISTAT- 2015) Around 95% of companies have less than 10 employees (ISTAT- 2015) Manufacturing: over 32% of regional workforce (ISTAT- 2015) Employment rate 69,9% Mountain area represents 25% of the territory Hilly landscape is predominant, representing more than 66% Flatland accounts for about 8% Forests cover about 51% of the landscape and are well distributed in the Region Total agricultural surface is about 8.000 Square Km. Population with higher education: 10% R&D expenditure as a % of GDP: 1,36% (40% from private sector) University size: 150.000 students Tuscany in brief:Tuscany in brief: main featuresmain features
  • 5. Fragile Inner areas Low potential tourist Inner areas Inner areas with potentiality Residential Inner areas Silver - type railway station 2nd level DEA hospital Service Centers and Belt areas 1st level DEA hospital Exhaustive range of secondary schools NationalNational ClassificationClassification (r(ree))DDefiningefining TuscanyTuscany InnerInner AreasAreas RegionalRegional rere--ClassificationClassification
  • 6. Selection of project areas:Selection of project areas: backgroundbackground Tuscany has a long history of participatory processes: the first Regional Law dates back 2007 (L.R. n.69/2007 now repealed with L.R. n.46/2013) a pioneer initiative in the Italian and European context and it can be considered one of the first examples of perennial institutionalized social participation guided by deliberative systems theories. Regional Development Programme 2016-2020 foresees the identification of homogeneous territorial areas where carrying out analysis and collection of local needs, together with local Institutions and economic actors. 20072007 JanJan 20152015 JulyJuly 20152015 20162016 The regional Government publishes a call for proposal entrusting the territory to propose a local development strategy based on and able to respond to local population and economic system needs addressing rights (i.e. Education, Health-welfare and mobility policies) and growth (economic development) simultaneously. Size and entity of the participation process are considered as selection criteria. While programming Regional Inner Areas strategy, the regional Government decided that it had to be the territory itself to select, define and promote an aggregation of territories as its strategic area (around a core of weakest areas of the Region identified fragile).
  • 7. Selection of project areas:Selection of project areas: outcomesoutcomes Garfagnana Lunigiana Media Valle del Serchio Appennino Pistoiese Valdarno-Valdisieve, - Mugello - Valbisenzio Casentino - Valtiberina Val di Cecina Amiata Grossetana - Amiata Val d'Orcia - Colline Metallifere - Colline del Fiora - Val di Chiana Senese - Val di Merse Project Area: 17 Municipalities Strategy Area: 22Municipalities Public partners: 12 Private partners: 15 No. meetings: 13 No. participants: 133 Project Area: 11 Municipalities Strategy Area: 28 Municipalities Public partners: 22 Private partners: 37 No. meetings: 7 No. participants: 156 Project Area: 12 Municipalities Strategy Area: 23 Municipalities Public partners: 23 Private partners: 25 No. meetings: 14 No. participants: 135 Project Area: 4 Municipalities Strategy Area: 1 Municipality Public partners: 10 Private partners: - No. meetings: 1 No. participants: 15
  • 8. Project areas Development Strategy:Project areas Development Strategy: Identifying needs and opportunityIdentifying needs and opportunity Desk AnalysisDesk Analysis (Area diagnosis)(Area diagnosis) RIGHTSRIGHTS NEEDSNEEDS GROWTHGROWTH Beware of development bottlenecks and constraints BASICBASIC SERVICESSERVICES OPPORTUNITYOPPORTUNITY MARKETMARKET
  • 9. Project areas Development Strategy:Project areas Development Strategy: DeDefiningfining actionsactions andand outcomesoutcomes LocalLocal development strategydevelopment strategy definition and designdefinition and design
  • 10. Project areas Development Strategy:Project areas Development Strategy: HHowow diddid wewe getget therethere??
  • 11. MTR RIS3:MTR RIS3: Territorial proofingTerritorial proofing HowHow: Analyse the potential application of research and development roadmaps to regional territories: - correlation of the innovation roadmaps to territorial value chains; - analysis of "territorial stocks" enabling roadmaps effectiveness; - feedback from S3 local development mirror group (LAGs, FLAGs, EIP-OGs). WhyWhy: The aim is to combine excellence with relevance, supporting excellences while reducing disparities and fostering equal development opportunities: from rivalry to synergy! What is all about?What is all about? A synthesis of Territorial Impact Assessment (TIA) and Rural Proofing (RP) together with roadmaps technical validation, provides a place-evidence contribution on the relevance of strategic roadmaps and their expected impacts at territorial level.
  • 13. PProjectroject areasareas DDevelopmentevelopment Strategy :Strategy : needsneeds Source: Inner Areas Open Kit 0 20 40 60 80 100 % pop. in digital div ide Mean distance from closer Serv ice center (min) % pop. w ithin 15 min from main railw ay station Garfagnana Valdarno Casentino Toscana -10 0 10 20 30 40 % pop 65 y ears + % foreign residents Var. % pop. 2001-2011 0 20 40 60 80 100 % UAA 2010 % PDO - PGI holdings % Protected areas sup. % Woodland 0 10 20 30 40 Manufacturing activ ities (specialization index *) Nr. holdings per 10.000 inhab. Nr. Day trippers per 1.000 inhab. Bed places per 10.000 inhab. 0 20 40 60 80 100 % pop. in digital div ide Mean distance from closer Service center (min) % pop. within 15 min from main railwaystation 0 20 40 60 80 Avoidable hospitalisation rate* Waiting time for first rescue v ehicle Mobility rate primary school teachers % clasess with groups of mixed- aged students in primary schools Invalsi**: mean score in Italian (Secondary school) Inv alsi**: mean score in Maths (Secondary school)
  • 14. Territorial VCsTerritorial VCs andand Territorial StocksTerritorial Stocks (1/2)(1/2) Roadmap proximity Direct Subsets containing relevant groups of producers Subsets containing relevant groups of users Indirect Poor Weak or absent link Indirect/supply chain links with other direct subsets Main information from: -Distribution and perfomance indicators; -I/O models; -Labour Market Areas dynamics. COMPETENCES ECONOMIC SYSTEM DEMOGRAPHY INFRASTRUCTURES PUBBLIC SERVICES Good Territorial Stocks Poor Territorial Stocks TVCs TSs
  • 15. GOOD POOR DIRECT 束Easy winners損 束Obstacle course runners損 INDIRECT Likely adopters 束Ball and chain損 adopters POOR Tapped potential? Roadmap proximity Territorial Stocks Territorial VCsTerritorial VCs andand Territorial StocksTerritorial Stocks (2/2)(2/2) To be discussed with S3 local development mirror group (LAGs, FLAGs, EIP-OGs) TSs TVCs