Tuition insurance, also known as tuition refund insurance, protects students from financial loss due to involuntary withdrawal from their educational program. It covers withdrawals due to medical issues, death, mental health issues, job loss of the student or guardian. The insurance refunds tuition and fees based on when the withdrawal occurs, ensuring the student receives a full refund. It covers tuition, meal, and scholarship fees but not failures to attend class or intentional injuries. Major companies offer this insurance for students attending expensive schools.
Tuition Insurance is also known as Tuition
Refund Insurance.
Tuition Insurance is an insurance protecting
students attending cost-intensive educational
institutions - schools, colleges or universities -
from the financial loss that may result from the
students involuntary withdrawal from his or her
It usually covers withdrawals due to
medical reasons (illness or injury)
death of the student
the death of the students legal guardian(s).
involuntary job loss
mental health withdrawals
It either refunds or cover the costs associated
with attending the students institution.
6. If the College Tuition Refund Student
Withdrawal Refunds insurance Receives:
Occurs During: Refunds:
First Week 90% 10% 100%
Second Week 80% 20% 100%
Third Week 60% 40% 100%
Fourth Week 40% 60% 100%
Fifth Week 20% 80% 100%
Balance of 0% 100% 100%
7. What is Covered?
Tuition fees
Meal fees
Scholarship fees
Tuition Deposit
8. What Isn't Covered?
Failure to attend class for any reason other than
illness or injury
Intentional self injury or Suicide
War or Terrorism or revolution
The use or taking of any narcotic, medication or
any other drug unless taken which is prescribed
by a physician
Riding or driving in any kind of race for prize
money or profit.
Committing or attempting to commit a criminal