This document provides instructions for taking the free sample Preliminary English Test (PET) online practice listening test. It explains that the test can be taken in either test mode or learner mode. Learner mode provides additional aids like a dictionary, help functions, and ability to review answers. The instructions describe the different question formats and functions for navigating between questions, reviewing answers, and submitting responses. Timing information is also provided to simulate the actual exam experience.
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1. Preliminary English Test Online Practice Test Free Sample
How to complete the PET Online Practice Test Free Sample: Listening
Welcome to the Preliminary English Test Online Practice Test Free Sample. This is
the Listening Test tutorial. The following instructions will show you how to complete
the free sample test.
Mode Screen
You can sit this free sample test in either Test Mode or Learner Mode. To sit the test
under exam conditions, click YES next to the Test Mode option.
To sit the test in Learner mode, click NO next to the Test Mode option.
2. Within the Learner Mode, there are six options:
HELP: This option allows you to ask for help to answer the questions during the test.
DICTIONARY: This option allows you to look up any words in the test.
CHECK ANSWERS: This option allows you to check if your answers are correct or
incorrect during the test.
CLOCK: This option allows you to see a clock that will count down the test time.
AUDIO CONTROLS: This option allows you to play, stop and pause the sound during
the test.
TRANSCRIPT: This option allows you to see a copy of the recorded text which you
can print out.
If you do not want all of these options, you can select which ones you want by
clicking the YES and NO buttons on the screen.
When you are ready to take the Online Practice Test, click START TEST to begin.
In this free sample you can only answer some of the questions, but in the main test,
you can answer all of the questions.
3. The instructions for each part of the test are in the box at the top of the screen.
Listen carefully for the Part number and Question numbers to make sure you are
looking at the right screen.
You can change the volume by clicking on the plus or minus buttons at the bottom of
the screen at any time during the test.
Part 1, Part 2 and Part 4
To answer a question in Parts 1, 2 or 4, choose one of the answers, for example A, B
or C.
Click on the button next to the answer that you have chosen.
If you want to change your answer, click on another button.
If you want to leave the question without an answer, click on the button again.
4. You can use the navigation at the bottom of the screen, or click on the NEXT button
to move from one question to the next question. The NEXT button appears every
time you have answered a question.
The navigation shows which questions you have answered. A line appears under the
question number if you have answered the question.
NEXT button
Navigation bar
Part 3
To answer a question in Part 3, type your answers in the spaces.
You will have 2 minutes after Part 3 to type your answers.
Type answer
Scroll bar
You can review and change your answers at any time until the end of the test.
5. Learner Mode Functions
If you want to check your answers during the test, click on the CHECK ANSWERS
If your answer is correct a tick will appear next to your answer.
6. If your answer is incorrect a cross will appear next to your answer and a tick will
appear next to the correct answer.
Click the TEST button to return to the test.
If you want to look up a word, click on the DICTIONARY button.
7. Type your word in the box in the dictionary screen and click on LOOK IT UP.
To close the dictionary, click on the cross in the corner. To close the
If you want help answering any of the questions in the test, click on the HELP button.
8. You can use the cursor to move the help screen if you want to.
Click on the CLOSE button to return to the test.
In Learner Mode you can use the audio control to stop and pause the audio. In Test
Mode, as in the real exam, you cannot pause or stop the audio.
9. In Learner Mode, you can also read a copy of the recorded text by clicking on the
To close, click on the CLOSE button.
You will have 2 minutes to check your answers at the end of the test.
10. In the real exam, you have approximately 35 minutes to complete the test.
This Free Sample is shorter.
There is a clock at the top of the screen which tells you how much time you have left.
This clock will flash when you have 10 minutes and 5 minutes left.
The test will tell you when the time is finished. If you want to end the test yourself,
click on the END button.
When you have answered all of the questions the SUBMIT ANSWERS button will
appear at the bottom of the screen.
Please remember in the real Online Practice Test you can only submit your answers
11. A scores screen will then appear.
In the full test, the PRINT SCORES button will appear here. In the full test, you can
print scores for Reading & Writing and Listening.
In the full test, if you want your answers explained you can click on the ANSWER
FEEDBACK button at the bottom of the screen.
To exit the test, click on the EXIT button.
That is the end of the Free Sample Preliminary English Test Listening Test tutorial.
Good luck with the Preliminary English Test Free Sample Online Practice Test for