This document discusses three topics: tuning a Terminal Operating System to maximize performance, generating on-site solar power for marine terminals as part of a renewable revolution, and improved security options for Vessel Traffic Service applications that involve radar pickup.
New Employee Orienteering Process Company ProcessTony Warner
The document outlines the key stages and activities of an onboarding process. It details various stages from pre-arrival to the first 6 months of employment. Activities include interviews, reference checks, orientation, benefits overview, goals setting, leadership meetings, training, and assimilation within the company culture through a new employee committee. Resources like the recruiter, HR, supervisors, and specialists are involved at different stages of the onboarding process.
This document discusses two options for automated container yards: traditional end-loaded automatic stacking cranes (ASCs) and parallel cantilever rail mounted gantries (RMGs) with transverse container storage. ASC systems have rigid layouts that require identical numbers of cranes for waterside and landside operations. Parallel RMGs allow for optimizing the number of cranes for each operation. They also provide more buffer storage space and higher storage density. While parallel RMGs offer advantages, their implementation presents challenges like requiring more sophisticated software and horizontal rehandling of containers.
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