Directing students from a distance can be achieved through creating short tutorials using free screencasting software like Jing. These directional tutorials provide equitable library instruction to distance students, answering specific information needs at the point of need in an efficient manner. The tutorials can be embedded in subject guides, database pages, help pages, blogs, learning management systems, and used for internal training to help scaffold students' library research success.
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Tutorials on the fly:
1. Tutorials on the fly:
Directing students
from a distance
Marisa Walstrum, Chicago Campus Librarian
National-Louis University
Information Literacy Summit, MVCC. April 13, 2010.
2. Directional Tutorials
Provide distance students with equitable service
Help at the point of need
Efficient way to provide instruction at any time
Answers specific information needs
3. Jing = Free Screencasting Software
Low barrier to entry
Automatically uploads & saves to
Create screencasts or take screen captures
Easily embed, or post links, copy/paste, and save
Free account with 2GB of space and 2GB of bandwidth
monthly on
Zero editing ability
5 minute time limit
4. Embedded tutorials for IL instruction
Create a scaffolding for library research success in:
Subject Guides
Database Pages
Help pages
Library Blog - Announce & promote
Learning Management System
Internal (staff training) - Wikis, Intranets, etc.