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The Global City--Developing an Honors Freshman MOOC Experience


                Ann Marie Fallon, PhD PSU Urban Honors
The Global City--Developing an Honors Freshman MOOC Experience
What the Hell is PSU Honors and Why Should I Care?

     Hosts a community of self-select, high-achieving students.

 Primary learning experience is training in disciplinary methods and
                   applied undergraduate research.

 Application of knowledge happens through Junior year internships.

 Culminating experience is tailored to student academic and career
   interest and demonstrates knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSAs).

       Our students are highly competitive upon graduation.

  Weve been disrupting traditional college education for 44 years.

 Someone just gave us a $1 Million USD gift to keep it up and grow.
Lets Pull this Apart

     Hosts a community of self-select, high-achieving students.

 Primary learning experience is training in disciplinary methods and
                   applied undergraduate research.

 Application of knowledge happens through Junior year internships.

 Culminating experience is tailored to student academic and career
  interests and demonstrates knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSAs).

       Our students are highly competitive upon graduation.

  Weve been disrupting traditional college education for 44 years.

 Someone just gave us a $1 Million USD gift to keep it up and grow.
Bringing it All Together

                      Tailored Virtual Academy


                               @ PSU

Meets the needs of all high-achieving students who work hard building
 their career foundations and expect the university to work for them.
Tailored Virtual Academy


                               @ PSU

Meets the needs of all high-achieving students who work hard building
 their career foundations and expect the university to work for them.
Tailored Virtual Academy


                               @ PSU

Meets the needs of all high-achieving students who work hard building
 their career foundations and expect the university to work for them.
Keep It Up and Grow

                           TVA @PSU
 Fully engages the social media environment most students take for
                   granted and therefore use daily.

 Leverages information technology and learning analytics to tailor
  their general education experience based on stated academic and
                           career interests.

  Makes general education relevant again to academic majors and
                       professional training.

     Provides an open source for content delivery at PSU and a
             proprietary model for institutional revenue.
Keep It Up and Grow

                        Or more simply stated:

                           TVA @PSU
  will provide access to excellence to all high-achieving PSU students


generate licensing revenue to fund academic innovation by PSU faculty.
What the Hell is PSU Honors and Why Should I Care?

PSU Honors will inaugurate TVA @PSU through its Global City Course
            and scale up through its entire curriculum.

 PSU Honors will become the Nations first online Honors College with
    complementary offerings on campus for students who value a
                      residential experience.

Students are free to mix and match learning environments depending
                     on their needs and interests.

    TVA @PSU will serve as a portal for departmental majors and
professions who are recruiting high-achieving students through profiles
         developed during their 1st year of general education.
How Does This Work?
A. Personal Profile (Data Driven) backed by Personal Attention.

B. Real Time Learning Analytics (see Long and Siemens)

1. Course-level: learning trails, social network analysis, discourse analysis,

2. Educational data-mining: predictive modeling, clustering, pattern mining,

3. Intelligent curriculum: the development of semantically defined curricular resources,

4. Adaptive content: adaptive sequence of content based on learner behavior, recommender
systems, and

5. Adaptive learning: the adaptive learning process (social interactions, learning
activity, learner support, not only content).

Learning Analytics             Academic (Business) Analytics

C. Student Oriented Tutorials within Larger Course Structure Per B4.

D. Inquiry Papers or Projects on Topics Relevant to Student Per B5 and
Demonstrate Application of Knowledge and Mastery of Subject Matter.
What Does This Look Like?
Why TVA@PSU?                  and       Why Not MOOCs@PSU?

 TVA@PSU quickly establishes              Everyone wants a MOOC just like
  brand identity.                           everyone wants a new pair of shoes.

 TVA@PSU places high value on             MOOC is a one-size fits all approach
                                            which means you the student is
  individual achievement and
                                            really no different than any other
  personal attention over group
  think and big data.
                                           MOOCs are generally free of charge
 TVA@PSU could offer a                     and there is already a race to the
  sustained, return on investment           bottom unless you have venture
  through licensing of patents and          capital, a large endowment, or extra
  interface design and would likely         income from student fees/tuition to
  standout when seeking investors.          fund your startup offering.
Tailored,                           Virtual Learning
      The Global City--Developing an Honors Freshman MOOC Experience


                                           Ann Marie Fallon, PhD PSU Urban Honors

                                            Special thanks to Neely Fallon Design Strategy LTD.

Johnson, L., Smith, R., Willis, H., Levine, A., and Haywood, K., (2011). The 2011 Horizon Report. Austin Texas: The New Media Consortium.
Long, Phil and Siemens, George. Penetrating the Fog: Analytics in Learning and Education. EDUCAUSE Review, vol. 46, no. 5 (September/October 2011).
UNESCO Institute for Information Technologies in Education, (2012). Learning Analytics. Moscow Russian Federation: UNESCO IITE.

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  • 1. The Global City--Developing an Honors Freshman MOOC Experience #174 Ann Marie Fallon, PhD PSU Urban Honors
  • 2. The Global City--Developing an Honors Freshman MOOC Experience #174
  • 3. What the Hell is PSU Honors and Why Should I Care? Hosts a community of self-select, high-achieving students. Primary learning experience is training in disciplinary methods and applied undergraduate research. Application of knowledge happens through Junior year internships. Culminating experience is tailored to student academic and career interest and demonstrates knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSAs). Our students are highly competitive upon graduation. Weve been disrupting traditional college education for 44 years. Someone just gave us a $1 Million USD gift to keep it up and grow.
  • 4. Lets Pull this Apart Hosts a community of self-select, high-achieving students. Primary learning experience is training in disciplinary methods and applied undergraduate research. Application of knowledge happens through Junior year internships. Culminating experience is tailored to student academic and career interests and demonstrates knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSAs). Our students are highly competitive upon graduation. Weve been disrupting traditional college education for 44 years. Someone just gave us a $1 Million USD gift to keep it up and grow.
  • 5. Bringing it All Together Tailored Virtual Academy OR TVA @ PSU Meets the needs of all high-achieving students who work hard building their career foundations and expect the university to work for them.
  • 6. Tailored Virtual Academy OR TVA @ PSU Meets the needs of all high-achieving students who work hard building their career foundations and expect the university to work for them.
  • 7. Tailored Virtual Academy OR TVA @ PSU Meets the needs of all high-achieving students who work hard building their career foundations and expect the university to work for them.
  • 8. Keep It Up and Grow TVA @PSU Fully engages the social media environment most students take for granted and therefore use daily. Leverages information technology and learning analytics to tailor their general education experience based on stated academic and career interests. Makes general education relevant again to academic majors and professional training. Provides an open source for content delivery at PSU and a proprietary model for institutional revenue.
  • 9. Keep It Up and Grow Or more simply stated: TVA @PSU will provide access to excellence to all high-achieving PSU students and generate licensing revenue to fund academic innovation by PSU faculty.
  • 10. What the Hell is PSU Honors and Why Should I Care? PSU Honors will inaugurate TVA @PSU through its Global City Course and scale up through its entire curriculum. PSU Honors will become the Nations first online Honors College with complementary offerings on campus for students who value a residential experience. Students are free to mix and match learning environments depending on their needs and interests. TVA @PSU will serve as a portal for departmental majors and professions who are recruiting high-achieving students through profiles developed during their 1st year of general education.
  • 11. How Does This Work? A. Personal Profile (Data Driven) backed by Personal Attention. B. Real Time Learning Analytics (see Long and Siemens) 1. Course-level: learning trails, social network analysis, discourse analysis, 2. Educational data-mining: predictive modeling, clustering, pattern mining, 3. Intelligent curriculum: the development of semantically defined curricular resources, 4. Adaptive content: adaptive sequence of content based on learner behavior, recommender systems, and 5. Adaptive learning: the adaptive learning process (social interactions, learning activity, learner support, not only content). Learning Analytics Academic (Business) Analytics C. Student Oriented Tutorials within Larger Course Structure Per B4. D. Inquiry Papers or Projects on Topics Relevant to Student Per B5 and Demonstrate Application of Knowledge and Mastery of Subject Matter.
  • 12. What Does This Look Like?
  • 14. Why TVA@PSU? and Why Not MOOCs@PSU? TVA@PSU quickly establishes Everyone wants a MOOC just like brand identity. everyone wants a new pair of shoes. TVA@PSU places high value on MOOC is a one-size fits all approach which means you the student is individual achievement and really no different than any other personal attention over group student. think and big data. MOOCs are generally free of charge TVA@PSU could offer a and there is already a race to the sustained, return on investment bottom unless you have venture through licensing of patents and capital, a large endowment, or extra interface design and would likely income from student fees/tuition to standout when seeking investors. fund your startup offering.
  • 15. Tailored, Virtual Learning The Global City--Developing an Honors Freshman MOOC Experience #174 Ann Marie Fallon, PhD PSU Urban Honors Special thanks to Neely Fallon Design Strategy LTD. References: Johnson, L., Smith, R., Willis, H., Levine, A., and Haywood, K., (2011). The 2011 Horizon Report. Austin Texas: The New Media Consortium. Long, Phil and Siemens, George. Penetrating the Fog: Analytics in Learning and Education. EDUCAUSE Review, vol. 46, no. 5 (September/October 2011). UNESCO Institute for Information Technologies in Education, (2012). Learning Analytics. Moscow Russian Federation: UNESCO IITE.