The document lists ways $20 could be spent in different locations around the world. It provides examples such as buying perfume in New York, tickets to see traditional Japanese puppets in Tokyo, fuel in Mecca, supporting panda conservation through the WWF in Sichuan, planting trees in Peru, distributing bibles in rural China, and providing food, school supplies, chickens, preventative healthcare and more to those in need through various charitable organizations around the world. It encourages spending the $20 now through charity to do more good than saving it.
2. $20 in New York
Perry Ellis 360 Blue Perfume, 1.7 oz
Reduced from $60 at Luxury Perfume.
Its actually a very small bottle.
3. $20 in Tokyo
A Ticket to the Bunraku.
The traditional Japanese puppets begin with half-hour sessions.
4. $20 in Mecca
150 Litres of Petrol.
5. 15 Bottles of Red or 26 Cups of Coffee.
$20 in Lisbon
The place to go for drinks
6. $20 in Dublin
If you aim at a slow suicide
Two Packets of Cigarettes.
7. $20 in Delhi
The Sakshat Laptop.
The Sakshat model has 2 GB of memory, Wi-Fi and fixed Ethernet
capability, and consumes just 2 watts of power.
When the Sakshat laptop was released in 2009,
critics called it nothing more than a USB.
8. $20 Wasted?
If you want to do something
more useful with your $20,
take it where it will go further
10. $20 in Peru
Plant 40 Trees.
Project by GlobalGiving: an indigenous family near the Amazon
will plant 40 chambira palm trees, use the fibres to make woven
crafts and extract and sell the essential oils.
11. $20 in Nanjing
Four Bibles.
Project by Bibles for China: print, bind and distribute four Bibles
to rural Chinese churches.
12. $20 in Flood or Earthquake Zone
A Solar-Powered Light.
Project by Oxfam: This durable, solar-powered light helps people
make their way around emergency shelters and allows children to
continue with their homework. They are safer, cheaper and eco-
friendlier than kerosene lamps.
13. $20 in Mongolia
A Winter Outfit.
Project by Save the Children: a winter coat and hat for a child
living in a zone where winter temperatures fall below 40 C.
14. $20 in a Tibetan Village
12 metres of Water Pipe.
Project: GlobalGiving. Buy 12 metres of pipe to bring water to a
remote mountain village in Tibet.
16. $20 in a Tajikistani Village
Vegetable Seeds.
Project by Oxfam: purchase fast-growing, high-yield seeds, a bag
of fertiliser and some agricultural training so that villagers can
feed their families and earn a modest profit.
17. $20 in Calcutta
Three Pairs of Shoes.
Programme by Hope Foundation: buy shoes for street children in
the slum areas.
18. $20 in Dar es Salaam
Pens, Paper & Schoolbooks.
Project by Oxfam: provide a child with books and stationery.
19. $20 in Laos
Two Chickens.
Project by Oxfam: the family can eat the eggs, sell the eggs or
breed the chickens to produce
more chickens, more eggs, more chickens and more eggs.
20. $20 in Sri Lanka
Start a Home Business.
Project by Oxfam: a loan of $20 can start up a business in
brick-making, tailoring, pottery or a small spice-shop.
After the loan is repaid, it is lent again to a neighbour.
21. $20 in Burkina Faso
Prevent Blindness for 20 Children.
Project by Helen Keller International: Children who go blind in
the Third World usually die within a year. The leading cause of
childhood blindness can be prevented by an annual vitamin A
supplement costing $1 per child per year.
22. $20 in Karachi
Feed a Family of Four for one Week.
Project by Oxfam: food vouchers after the flooding.
See also
23. $20 Today
A dollar today is worth more than a
dollar tomorrow. You could just add
your $20 to your piggy bank. But you
will probably do more good for the
world if you spend it today.