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Taking the First Step 
on the Road to College 
Donovan Blair 
7th Grade
I still remember the day I learned about Breakthrough when Tina visited my class. She asked us to 
raise our hand if we wanted to go to college. Of course, I did! My mother always tells me that 
education is the key to success. And, well I want to be successful. I want an amazing career that 
pays good money to support my family someday. 
But then, things got real when she handed out the 26-page Breakthrough application. I had to 
answer seven short answer questions, write a five paragraph essay, get my report cards and test 
scores from the secretary, ask my teachers for recommendations and ask my mom to fill out the 
parent part. Yeah it was a lot! To compete with other sixth graders applying to Breakthrough, I felt 
like I had to put lots of personality into my application because I feel like its my greatest feature. I 
never completed an application that intense before and when I finally finished the application, I 
felt so relieved and proud. One thing the application told me is that being part of Breakthrough is 
no joke. 
And, it isnt. This summer, I worked my tail off. Eight hours a day, Monday through Friday, I took 
algebra, biology, writing, literature, poetic justice and drama and then had homework every night. 
By the end of the summer, I had perfected my firm handshake, met friends who are motivated like 
me, and most of all, I learned that this is just the beginning of my road to college.
Seeing How Far 
the Road Can Take Me 
Maggie Ly 
8th Grade
At the end of my first summer with Breakthrough, my favorite teacher, Zach, gave me this gift. My 
very own University of Pennsylvania poster. Just six weeks before that day, I had never even heard 
of the University of Pennsylvania. For that matter, Id never heard of many things that I learned at 
Breakthrough that summer. Terms like The Clean Room and Semiconductor or schools so 
prestigious that people know what youre talking about with only three letters: M.I.T. 
Breakthrough exposed me to much more than my family or my environment can offer  
Breakthrough opened my eyes to a much bigger world. When my parents immigrated here, they 
knew very little English, and they certainly didnt talk to me about colleges and careers. Now, 
because of Breakthrough, companies like Applied Materials and Bloom Energy are in my 
vocabulary. Schools at all ends of the country  from Seattle University to Yale, are part of my 
dreams. Ive given speeches, been part of formal debates, and learned what good writing really 
looks like. All of this has made me feel much more confident about who I am. 
My vision for what my future holds is completely different now. My exact college or career may be 
unclear (I am still an indecisive 8th grader after all!). But one thing is certain: I know Im capable of 
the best. Zach obviously believes in me, and everyone at Breakthrough does too. This poster is a 
constant reminder of the summer that changed everything.
Uncertainty and 
Jennifer Ledezma 
11th Grade
Growing up, my family of seven lived in a one bedroom apartment. All I wanted when I was little 
was my own bed. It was crowded at times but we made it work. When I was 10, we moved to the 
two bedroom apartment, where we still live today. My sister, brother and I sleep in one bedroom 
and my two brothers sleep in the other. My parents sleep in the living room, which causes them to 
wake up at night when the doors open. They work so much and they are always tired. But, they 
sacrifice their sleep to make sure we are safe. 
All of my siblings are attending college right now, which is great, but it makes money much tighter. 
My family prioritizes education but there has always been a language barrier between my parents 
and my academics. They help me as much as they can  but its at Breakthrough where I get the 
support I need. Its like my second family. 
I used to not ask for help with my schoolwork because I felt like that meant I was not intelligent 
enough to do it on my own. Breakthrough helped me change my point of view. They taught me 
that I need to overcome obstacles and not let them overcome me. 
I will not let money or stereotypes knock me off the road to college.
Traveling an 
Unfamiliar Road 
Manuel Partida 
12th Grade
As a kid, I went to the park in front of my apartment to try to make some friends. I didnt notice at the time, but 
those kids were bad influences. Looking back, leaving that group turned out to be one of the best decisions Ive 
made. Today, as I work hard to maintain my 3.9 GPA and prepare my applications for 17 colleges, those same kids 
are still in my neighborhood. They are the gang members, drop outs and teen parents you hear about in the 
It hasnt been easy getting this far. As immigrants, my parents and I have had to navigate a school system 
completely foreign to us. Ill admit when we learned about Breakthrough in the 6th grade I didnt want to apply  
but my parents made me. I think they knew we couldnt travel this road alone. And now, as a senior, I cant thank 
them enough for doing that. Breakthroughs been helping me so much for so long, its second nature to come 
here when I need guidance. 
I also know Breakthrough has high expectations that I have to meet. My friends at school dont have the same 
push. They arent worried if they get a C and they definitely dont have mandatory Saturday sessions for ACT 
prep! When Breakthrough tells me to do something, I take it to heart because I know they have my best interest 
in mind. 
Im proud to say that I have never missed a single breakthrough meeting in six years. Because, honestly, I dont 
know where Id be today without them. Id be lost. Id have no guidance to college. I would be on the road but 
without any clear direction. 
Instead, I know that the doors to my future alma mater are open and right around the corner.
Danielle Serrano 
Breakthrough Alumna, 
Stanford University Senior 
At the end of the road 
and yet, just beginning
As a senior at Stanford, I find myself at the end of a road. Not far from San Jose but worlds away from the 
world that I have known. Over the course of my college career, I met many different people - different in 
their perspectives, experiences and journeys. Each of them, gifting me with a new way of looking at life. I've 
expanded my view, changed my opinions, and am more secure in knowing who I am and who I strive to be. 
Looking back, when I was accepted to Stanford, I was convinced it was a mistake. I did not feel as if I 
belonged. During that time, Breakthrough was the little voice in the back of my head saying, Dont worry. 
You can do it. We wont let you fall. Breakthrough has been that voice since I was 11. It was Breakthrough 
that told me I belonged at a school like Stanford! 
And you know what? They were right! 
At Stanford, I discovered my passion for Psychology by working side by side with Professors, volunteering as a 
peer counselor, and indulging in classes like Narrative Psychology. 
And, it was at Stanford where I developed into a leader. I am the President of my sorority and proud member 
of the Order of Omega, an honor reserved for only the top 3% of students at each university. 
But, what I am most proud of is that I stand here before you tonight as the first in my family to go to college. 
With my success, Im paving a new road for future generations of kids just like me. 
On behalf of all Breakthrough students, past, present, and future, thank you for believing in us.

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  • 2. Taking the First Step on the Road to College Donovan Blair 7th Grade
  • 3. I still remember the day I learned about Breakthrough when Tina visited my class. She asked us to raise our hand if we wanted to go to college. Of course, I did! My mother always tells me that education is the key to success. And, well I want to be successful. I want an amazing career that pays good money to support my family someday. But then, things got real when she handed out the 26-page Breakthrough application. I had to answer seven short answer questions, write a five paragraph essay, get my report cards and test scores from the secretary, ask my teachers for recommendations and ask my mom to fill out the parent part. Yeah it was a lot! To compete with other sixth graders applying to Breakthrough, I felt like I had to put lots of personality into my application because I feel like its my greatest feature. I never completed an application that intense before and when I finally finished the application, I felt so relieved and proud. One thing the application told me is that being part of Breakthrough is no joke. And, it isnt. This summer, I worked my tail off. Eight hours a day, Monday through Friday, I took algebra, biology, writing, literature, poetic justice and drama and then had homework every night. By the end of the summer, I had perfected my firm handshake, met friends who are motivated like me, and most of all, I learned that this is just the beginning of my road to college.
  • 4. Seeing How Far the Road Can Take Me Maggie Ly 8th Grade
  • 5. At the end of my first summer with Breakthrough, my favorite teacher, Zach, gave me this gift. My very own University of Pennsylvania poster. Just six weeks before that day, I had never even heard of the University of Pennsylvania. For that matter, Id never heard of many things that I learned at Breakthrough that summer. Terms like The Clean Room and Semiconductor or schools so prestigious that people know what youre talking about with only three letters: M.I.T. Breakthrough exposed me to much more than my family or my environment can offer Breakthrough opened my eyes to a much bigger world. When my parents immigrated here, they knew very little English, and they certainly didnt talk to me about colleges and careers. Now, because of Breakthrough, companies like Applied Materials and Bloom Energy are in my vocabulary. Schools at all ends of the country from Seattle University to Yale, are part of my dreams. Ive given speeches, been part of formal debates, and learned what good writing really looks like. All of this has made me feel much more confident about who I am. My vision for what my future holds is completely different now. My exact college or career may be unclear (I am still an indecisive 8th grader after all!). But one thing is certain: I know Im capable of the best. Zach obviously believes in me, and everyone at Breakthrough does too. This poster is a constant reminder of the summer that changed everything.
  • 6. Navigating Uncertainty and Chaos Jennifer Ledezma 11th Grade
  • 7. Growing up, my family of seven lived in a one bedroom apartment. All I wanted when I was little was my own bed. It was crowded at times but we made it work. When I was 10, we moved to the two bedroom apartment, where we still live today. My sister, brother and I sleep in one bedroom and my two brothers sleep in the other. My parents sleep in the living room, which causes them to wake up at night when the doors open. They work so much and they are always tired. But, they sacrifice their sleep to make sure we are safe. All of my siblings are attending college right now, which is great, but it makes money much tighter. My family prioritizes education but there has always been a language barrier between my parents and my academics. They help me as much as they can but its at Breakthrough where I get the support I need. Its like my second family. I used to not ask for help with my schoolwork because I felt like that meant I was not intelligent enough to do it on my own. Breakthrough helped me change my point of view. They taught me that I need to overcome obstacles and not let them overcome me. I will not let money or stereotypes knock me off the road to college.
  • 8. Traveling an Unfamiliar Road Manuel Partida 12th Grade
  • 9. As a kid, I went to the park in front of my apartment to try to make some friends. I didnt notice at the time, but those kids were bad influences. Looking back, leaving that group turned out to be one of the best decisions Ive made. Today, as I work hard to maintain my 3.9 GPA and prepare my applications for 17 colleges, those same kids are still in my neighborhood. They are the gang members, drop outs and teen parents you hear about in the news. It hasnt been easy getting this far. As immigrants, my parents and I have had to navigate a school system completely foreign to us. Ill admit when we learned about Breakthrough in the 6th grade I didnt want to apply but my parents made me. I think they knew we couldnt travel this road alone. And now, as a senior, I cant thank them enough for doing that. Breakthroughs been helping me so much for so long, its second nature to come here when I need guidance. I also know Breakthrough has high expectations that I have to meet. My friends at school dont have the same push. They arent worried if they get a C and they definitely dont have mandatory Saturday sessions for ACT prep! When Breakthrough tells me to do something, I take it to heart because I know they have my best interest in mind. Im proud to say that I have never missed a single breakthrough meeting in six years. Because, honestly, I dont know where Id be today without them. Id be lost. Id have no guidance to college. I would be on the road but without any clear direction. Instead, I know that the doors to my future alma mater are open and right around the corner.
  • 10. Danielle Serrano Breakthrough Alumna, Stanford University Senior At the end of the road and yet, just beginning
  • 11. As a senior at Stanford, I find myself at the end of a road. Not far from San Jose but worlds away from the world that I have known. Over the course of my college career, I met many different people - different in their perspectives, experiences and journeys. Each of them, gifting me with a new way of looking at life. I've expanded my view, changed my opinions, and am more secure in knowing who I am and who I strive to be. Looking back, when I was accepted to Stanford, I was convinced it was a mistake. I did not feel as if I belonged. During that time, Breakthrough was the little voice in the back of my head saying, Dont worry. You can do it. We wont let you fall. Breakthrough has been that voice since I was 11. It was Breakthrough that told me I belonged at a school like Stanford! And you know what? They were right! At Stanford, I discovered my passion for Psychology by working side by side with Professors, volunteering as a peer counselor, and indulging in classes like Narrative Psychology. And, it was at Stanford where I developed into a leader. I am the President of my sorority and proud member of the Order of Omega, an honor reserved for only the top 3% of students at each university. But, what I am most proud of is that I stand here before you tonight as the first in my family to go to college. With my success, Im paving a new road for future generations of kids just like me. On behalf of all Breakthrough students, past, present, and future, thank you for believing in us.