appengine ja night #25 Google App Engine for PHPRyo Yamasaki
appengine ja night #25で発表したGoogle App Engine for PHPのスライドです。
?appengine ja night #25
- English Version
I rewrote in English.
And I added some contents which I spoke in the event to English version.
Therefore, the English version is written in more detail than Japanese version.
O documento apresenta uma estratégia de marketing digital para o lan?amento de um novo cart?o Continente em parceria com a Galp. A estratégia prop?e o uso de vídeo, anúncios em mobiliário urbano, website e redes sociais com o objetivo de gerar 100 mil novos cart?es no primeiro mês.
Este documento lista los 8 integrantes de un grupo: Bartomioli Maldonado Candela, Cipriano Ana Paula, Gilbert Virginia, Granero Gonzalo, Malnati Melina, Moraglio Sebastian, Retrivo Viviana y Vargas Juan Manuel.
HTML5 Conference 2012 の講演資料
WebIntentsとRaw Socket APIのコンビネーションにより、WebからTVが直接操作できること。そして、シームレスなデバイス連携に関わる最新標準化動向
I strongly believe that People become to access cloud service and local devices in seamless way.
appengine ja night #24 Google Cloud Endpoints and BigQueryRyo Yamasaki
appengine ja night #24で発表したGoogle Cloud Endpoints と BigQueryのスライドです。
?English version
HTML5 Conference 2012 の講演資料
WebIntentsとRaw Socket APIのコンビネーションにより、WebからTVが直接操作できること。そして、シームレスなデバイス連携に関わる最新標準化動向
I strongly believe that People become to access cloud service and local devices in seamless way.
appengine ja night #24 Google Cloud Endpoints and BigQueryRyo Yamasaki
appengine ja night #24で発表したGoogle Cloud Endpoints と BigQueryのスライドです。
?English version
English follows Japanese.
筑波技術大学アレクサスキル開発チームがJAWS のユーザグループで登壇した内容です.視覚障害者の開発についても少しだけ触れています.
This is a presentation given by the Tsukuba University of Technology Alexa Skills Development Team at a JAWS user group. It also touches briefly on development for visually impaired people.
Guidance for beginners and experts on how to set up a Windows driver developm...Atomu Hidaka
This explains how to build a Windows driver development environment that can be used immediately by beginners and experts alike. The author, who has extensive experience developing various Windows drivers, shows the latest and simplest ways to use Visual Studio and WDK.