Twitter can be used at conferences to (1) connect with attendees, (2) find conference information quickly, and (3) participate in the "back-channel" discussion. The document discusses how Twitter was used at the Interaction 09 conference, including strategies for live-tweeting sessions, promoting the conference to non-attendees, and reflecting on the conference afterward. While session-specific hashtags saw little use, #ixd09 became the main conference hashtag, and the Twitter stream provided value for attendees and non-attendees during and after the event.
2. Twitter at Conferences
Connect with other attendees
Find conference info quickly
Be in two places at once
Participate in the back-channel
(like passing notes in class)
#Hashtag as conference ID
3. My Incessant Live-Twittering
Im a Twitter 鍖end
Twitter quotes and insights from sessions
Promote the conference to non-attendees
Post conference recap on my blog
(@yonis Tweet-to-Blog)
Boxes and Arrows sponsorship
4. Stratweetegy
How to use Twitter in the Interaction 09
conference program
Stratweetegy = Twitter Strategy
Initiated by a single tweet from
@Fred_Beecher, with encouragement from
12. Stratweetgy Success?
Few people used the session speci鍖c
hashtags; hard to reference program
Most everyone used #ixd09
Still, tons of value from the Twitter stream
during sessions and for non-attendees
Billboards more of a gimmick, less useful
17. Get on the Twitter Bandwagon!
All tweets about Interaction 09:
Yonis Tweet-to-Blog:
Follow me!