Talk together with Anna Jobin at a workshop of the DFG Network Grand Challenges & New Forms of Organizing, September 20, 2021, Humboldt Institut for Internet and Society, Berlin
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Twitter Firestorms, Media Attention and Workload: Challenges of Impact Scholarship Revisited
1. Twitter Firestorms, Media Attention and Workload:
Challenges of Impact Scholarship Revisited
Leonhard Dobusch & Anna Jobin
2. Challenge: Context Collapse
They say context is king but public scholars communicate simultaneously with
peers, other disciplines, the public at large.
Experience with the challenge
State banalities at an industry
Make implicit disciplinary
conventions explicit
Confronting the challenge
Clarify roles
The sociology of expertise
Demand more coherence from
institutions (I know!)
3. Challenge: Non-Policy Research in Policy Circles
Policy-makers love to reference science, data, and evidence. They see value in
translatable research. How to defend other projects and disciplines?
Experience with the challenge
Present qualitative research and
why it matters
Justify the existence of critical
Confronting the challenge
Narratives are compelling. Share
anecdotes about usefulness.
Advocate for independent
4. Challenge: Surprise Questions by Journalists
You may be prepared for a particular topic or set of questions but are asked
something provocatively, or about a different topic. During a live broadcast.
Experience with the challenge
Receiving an interview guide that
was completely ignored
Questioned on different expertise
Asked to introduce the topic
Your talking points are brought up
by the interviewer
Confronting the challenge
No more discussions
Be a politician: set the agenda
and answer the question that
should have been asked
5. Challenge: Balancing Instant and Delayed Grati鍖cation
Publishing on social media and blogs produces instant grati鍖cation due to
immediate publishing and audience response. Research is the polar opposite.
Experience with the challenge
Instant feedback on social media
can be very motivating..
..but also become addictive.
Confronting the challenge
Secure writing/reading time-slots
Prioritize outreach if your core
area of expertise is in the news
6. Challenge: Your Own Wikipedia Article
Some are unhappy because they dont have a Wikipedia article. Others are
unhappy because they have one - de鍖ning the 鍖rst thing others learn about you.
Experience with the challenge
Very lucky to know the author
of my Wikipedia article
Odd decisions on relevance
(books beat journal articles)
Confronting the challenge
Find or become a Wikipedian
Wikipedia needs new rules for
articles on living people
7. Challenge: Accidental Social Media Firestorm
Sometimes social media frenzy 鍖nds you unprepared and you end up in the eye of
a 鍖restorm.
Experience with the challenge
It will soon be over, research
鍖nds little lasting effects..
..solidarity and attention may be
an unintended consequence of a
Confronting the challenge
Blocking and muting features are
your friends
Remember: responses are for the
gallery of observers only
Keep calm and carry on
8. Challenge: How Do Journalists Recognize Your Brilliance?
Journalists dont read research papers. Becoming an expert in news media
requires extra efforts so that journalists can 鍖nd you.
Experience with the challenge
Journalists love researchers they
know from Twitter
Its all about the news cycle
If you do a good job, journalists
will come back to you.
Confronting the challenge
Use Twitter to comment on the
Offer op-eds
9. Challenge: Speaking Beyond Your Own Research
Journalists questions are driven by the news cycle, not your core areas of
Experience with the challenge
What you teach is also where you
are an expert
The problem is not the lack of
knowledge, but how to present it
Confronting the challenge
Ask for questions/topics upfront
Prepare talking points
Reference the expertise of other
10. Challenge: How to Deal with Radicals & Trolls?
Some topics attract organized trolls and radicals, which have experience in online
Experience with the challenge
Dont mess with the Bitcoin
The chilling effect.
Confronting the challenge
Blocking and muting is
Its okay to ask friends for help
11. Challenge: Give a Damn about Your Reputation?
Taking a stance on controversial issues makes a difference and you interesting
from a media perspective. But what about your (academic) reputation?
Experience with the challenge
Bene鍖ts of prominence outweigh
the downsides (as long as you
are not notorious.. ;-)
Positivists will never get it.
Haters gonna hate.
Confronting the challenge
Make sure you put your feet in
the right place. Then stand 鍖rm.