4. The basics
What is twitter?
- A Social networking and microblogging service that enables its
users to send and read other users’ updates known as tweets
- You can CREATE content for others to view and VIEW content
from others
5. The basics
A tweet
- A message of 140 characters (not words).
- Can be public or private
- Characters can include links to images, video, and webpages
6. Handles (@) and Hashtags (#)
Handle (@)
- Name chosen to represent a entity on twitter
- Entity can be person, company, organisation, cause, etc…
- Case insensitive
E.g @BarackObama, @UsainBolt, @UNICEFEthiopia, @unicef,
@BBCAfrica, @postworld2015, @WorldFoodDay
7. Handles (@) and Hashtags (#)
Hashtags mark keywords or topics in tweets
Can be single word or phrase
Always start with #sign, case insensitive
- Popular hashtags: #westgate, #election2012, #arabuprising, #someonetellkenya
- UNICEF hashtags:
#endviolence, #promise4children, #vaccinesnow, #back2school, #ethiopiameetsmdg4,
#unjobslist, #ONEWASH
10. What can you do with twitter?
- Be entertained
- Find out what is going on!
- Connect with areas of interest: people, shows,
movements, organisations, breaking news
providers, etc..
11. Tweet speak
RT= Retweet
e.g. RT @UNICEFEthiopia: Happy Mondays to u from @UNICEFEthiopia. Its the 1st day of the school
year for kids in #Ethiopia. Retweet 2 keep the #promise4children!
DM= Direct Message
e.g. @UNICEFEthiopia, can you DM me your phone number
LOL = Laugh Out Loud
e.g. LOL, cool video @UNICEFEthiopia
MT= Modified Tweet
e.g. READ: #EthiopianHerald story on launch of #ONEWASH in #Ethiopia. ow.ly/oYk17
MT READ: @UNICEFEthiopia posted our story on launch of #ONEWASH in #Ethiopia. ow.ly/oYk17
12. Tweet speak
OH= Overheard
e.g. OH at @UNICEFEthiopia : 3million #children out of #school in #Ethiopia
SMH= Shaking My Head
e.g. More than 30,000 children in #Ethiopia die of diarrhea every year. SMH!
TBH= To Be Honest
e.g. TBH, I don’t know why @UNICEFEthiopia tweets about #WASH in #rural #Ethiopia when toilets in
#Addis stink
FF= Follow Fridays, TT= Throwback Thursdays
e.g. Happy #ff to our partners @eu_echo @dfid_uk @usaidethiopia @usaid @dftad
14. Tips on safe tweeting
Use strong login details
Keep your machine secure
Evaluate links before opening
Be careful of what you post (its very public)
Be careful of who you follow (remember your standing in
15. UNICEF guidelines
- UNICEF DOES NOT monitor employee accounts!
- On profile, include disclaimer like “Views expressed
here are solely mine”
- Maintain ethics and dignity in usage
- You are encouraged to retweet updates from
UNICEF, UNICEFEthiopia, and other associated