This document discusses how Twitter can be used for professional purposes like staying up to date in one's field. It compares Twitter to email, noting both allow communication but Twitter has key differences like character limits and public broadcasts. Elements of Twitter are explained like handles, hashtags, URLs, direct messages, retweets, and lists. Lists are emphasized as a way to organize tweets by topic or person into private groups or public communities. Dashboard tools are introduced to manage multiple lists in column views without opening each list.
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Twitter In-Depth 1
1. Social Media: Twitter
Twitter In-depth
May 9, 2012
Robert Lawrence III
For the Intermediate Twitterer
2. Why Twitter
Research, learn, stay up to date in your field
(e.g., CPA, IT, HR, Medical Devices, etc.)
Follow topics and people of interest
Look for jobs
Be seen; get your brand out
Participate in a community (e.g., Cubs, Sox,
CPA, IT, Mac)
Send out important information to others
4. How is Twitter Like
Both are communication tools
Tweet like email message
@handle like email address
Sending Tweet like sending message to an
email group
Private list like email group
Public list like public group in email
5. How is Twitter Like
Both can have addresses in the message
Both can contain text, URLs, pictures
DM like sending email to one person
Both can become unmanageable if not
6. How is Twitter Not
Like Email?
140 characters in Tweet
Tweets sent to people you dont know
with #hashtags and @handles
@handles, URLs, #hashtags in Tweet
Dont delete Tweets
7. How is Twitter Not
Like Email?
Show brand in Twitter (Profile, Tweets)
Find information in Twitter, including jobs;
someone must send them to you in email
Followers and Following
Communities, social aspect
Can link Twitter to Facebook, LinkedIn, etc.
9. Twitter Elements
Profile Information
Handles - @xCubs2016 or @xwhitesox2013
Hashtags - #socialmedia
URL added to Tweet
Direct Messages (DM) and Retweets (RT)
11. @handles
Unique to every Twitter user
Use handle to send a Tweet to someone
that is not following you
Placed anywhere in Tweet body, acts like a
c.c. in email
Click on a handle to show other messages
12. Using @handles
Expand audience
beyond followers
Add handles in the
body of the Tweet
c.c. contact in Retweet
13. Hashtags
Relevant keywords
Placed anywhere in Tweet body
Clicking on a hashtags shows other
messages with that keyword
Can be trend topics
15. Using # and @ together
Click on
handles and
hashtags to
see similar
16. Adding URL to Tweet
Share article, information or blog with others
A long URL is shortened in Tweet so it fits
17. Direct Messages (DM)
Send a message only to the recipient
Recipient must be a follower
Other followers cannot see
Not listed in Tweet timeline
Two ways to send DM
23. What are Lists
Sort Tweets by topics and people for
easier viewing
A curated group of Twitter users
Two kinds; Private and Public
Create or join lists
25. List Types - Private
You create - 25 characters per list name,
20 lists/account, 500 members/list
Think group of people, you can organize by
topic or interest
Separates important information from a
storm of Tweets
Only you can view private list
33. About Public Lists
Community of members, share tweets with
others that appreciate them
Anyone can find and join
Create your own public list in Twitter
Subscribe to already created public lists
Create or join public list on Listorious
35. Create Public List
Pick unique name
Enter appropriate
description for
public to see
Select Public and
save list
36. Add Members
Look up
handles to add
to public list
New member
will be notified
37. Join a Public List from
Click on
Click on their lists;
only Public lists
Click on the list that
you like
38. Join a Public List
Subscribe to list
New List will show under your profile
39. Removing Yourself
From a Public List
First step; what lists are you on?
See what lists you are on (i.e., Member of
To remove name from list,
block list owner
Unblock owner if you still
want to follow them
(Still off the list)
41. Subscribe to Public
Listorious search lists and
people to follow by topic,
region or profession
Twitter log in
Follow or create
public lists
46. Unmanaged Lists
A lot of steps to see unmanaged lists
Go to profile
Click on list
Up to 20 lists to open and view Tweets
Dashboards group lists in columns
Columns are open lists
Dont have to open list to see tweets
Tweets still organized by lists
47. Dashboards
Dashboard displays your lists in column form
Used to manage private or public Twitter lists
TweetDeck, HooteSuite, Seesmic, others
Top 10 Dashboards -
Versions for iPhone, iPad, Windows, Mac
50. Changing Views
Each column represents a list from your
Twitter account
Column lists Tweets by order received
Add columns to TweetDeck as you create lists
Navigate columns by clicking on bars
54. Additional Resources
How to create a List -
TweetDeck Tutorial -
How to use Listorious -
Using #hashtags -
55. Conclusion
Understand Twitter Elements, experiment
Lists organize and display similar Tweets
Lists are starting point for Dashboards
Dashboards display lists in columns
Columns display Tweets w/o opening lists