This document provides an introduction to Twitter, including what it is, its founder and statistics, how followers and following work, account setup tips, Twitter lingo, ideas for tweets, things to remember when using Twitter, benefits of Twitter, and a call to action to start using Twitter. It encourages following competitors to stay informed, commenting on and retweeting other tweets to build community, and using Twitter to promote a company or brand.
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Twitter Intro
1. An Introduction to twitter--you are what you tweet02/22/2011Sameer PadhaProduct Manager
2. What is Twitter2 Twitter is a micro-blogging and a social networking serviceTwitter is a service for friends, family, and coworkers to communicate and stay connected through the exchange of quick, frequent messages. People write short updates,often called "Tweets" of 140 characters or fewer. These messages are posted to your profile oryour blog, sent to yourfollowers, and are searchable on Twitter search.What is Twitter 2/22/20113
3. Launched: July, 2006.Who is the founder: Jack Dorsey/Even Williams/Biz StoneCEO: Dick Costolo.How many subscribers: 190 million accounts.Holding: Private. Revenue: $150 Million.Slogan: Whats Happening?Who is Twitter 2/22/20114
4. Followers are people who receive your tweets.They will receive your tweets in their home page, phone, or any application (like Tweetie, TweetDeck, etc.) that they use.If you follow someone, you are their follower.Who are Followers?2/22/20115
5. You are subscribing to their Tweets as a Follower.Their updates will appear in yourtimeline.That person has permission to send you private Tweets, calledDirect Messages.6What does Following Mean?
9. You can follow Anyone!2/22/201110Search for their name or twitter handle.Click on the Follow button on their timeline.Tip: Following your competitors is very beneficial.
10. # (Hashtags) : Lets you tag and categorize your tweets: this makes your tweets findable.@ : is used to call out usernames in Tweets.DM : Direct Message.Twitter Handle: Your username.Timeline: A real-time list of Tweets from those you follow.Mention: Mentioning another user in your Tweet.Reply: Replying to other peoples Tweets.Retweet (RT) : Tweeting a tweet by another user.Twitter Lingo2/22/201111
11. Will look at my Twitter account and try stuff we have learnt so far.Hands On!2/22/201112
12. Instead of answering the question, What are you doing? answer the question, What has your attention?Let the world know if you are attending a professional event and share the link.When tweeting about companys product, make it useful. Give advice, post pictures, etc.Share links with what you read concerning your industry or profession.Ask questions related to your industry and see what your peers following you think.Commenting on other peoples tweets and re-tweeting is a great way to build followers and helps build community.Ideas about what to Tweet2/22/201113
13. You dont have to read every tweet.Use direct messages for 1-to-1 conversations if you feel theres no value to Twitter at large to hear the conversation.Learn quickly to use the URL shortening tools likeTinyURLand all the variants. It helps tidy up your tweets.Commenting on others tweets, and retweeting what others have posted is a great way to build community.Create lists of the people you follow.Things to Remember2/22/201114
14. Benefits of TwitterResearch tool.Collaboration and Networking.Promote your company/brand.Marketing channel.Find out what people really think.
15. Please setup your account.Follow @angeldotcom, @spadha, @rennyson, @didou and whoever you want to!Use twitter to post the latest Angel webinars, blog posts.Search for #IVR.Follow as many competitors you can, keep yourself informed.Lets start Tweeting2/22/201116
#9: Browse Interests and you can also follow friends. Because I usually shop online and am always looking out for great deals, So based on my interests I selected to follow Fatwalletdeals
#10: In this interface you actually see my First tweet. What you also see is tweets from Fatwallet who I selected to follow in the preveious interface.
#12: The # symbol, called a hashtag, is used to mark keywords or topics in a Tweet. It was created organically by Twitter users as a way to categorize messages@ sign is @ is used to call out usernames in Tweets. Whenever a word is preceded by an @ it becomes linked to a twitter profile- Mentioning another user in your Tweet by including the @ sign followed directly by their username is called a "mention"
#14: When promoting a blog post, ask a question or explain whats coming next, instead of just dumping a link.-