ArgoCD is a Continuous Delivery and Deployment tool based on GitOps principles. It helps to automate deployment to Kubernetes cluster from github. We will look into how to adopt and use argoCD for continuous deployment.
This document provides an introduction to Kubernetes including:
- What Kubernetes is and what it does including abstracting infrastructure, providing self-healing capabilities, and providing a uniform interface across clouds.
- Key concepts including pods, services, labels, selectors, and namespaces. Pods are the atomic unit and services provide a unified access method. Labels and selectors are used to identify and group related objects.
- The Kubernetes architecture including control plane components like kube-apiserver, etcd, and kube-controller-manager. Node components include kubelet and kube-proxy. Optional services like cloud-controller-manager and cluster DNS are also described.
Role based access control - RBAC - KubernetesMilan Das
This document discusses Role Based Access Control (RBAC) in Kubernetes. It begins with an introduction of the speaker and then provides an overview of RBAC including roles, bindings, and how authentication works. It demonstrates how to configure RBAC and manage users through extensions like Auth0 to restrict access at the namespace and cluster level. The speaker then shows a demo of setting up RBAC roles and bindings in a Minikube cluster to configure secure access to the Kubernetes dashboard.
Spring Framework Petclinic sample applicationAntoine Rey
Spring Petclinic is a sample application that has been designed to show how the Spring Framework can be used to build simple but powerful database-oriented applications.
The fork named Spring Framework Petclinic maintains a version both with a plain old Spring Framework configuration and a 3-layer architecture (i.e. presentation --> service --> repository).
Short Introduction to Docker. These slides show the basic idea behind the container technology Docker. The slides present the basic features for the daily use with Docker, Docker Compose, Docker Machine and Docker Swarm.
Docker is specially important for DevOps, because it gives Software Developers more control about their dependencies in different environments.
Free GitOps Workshop + Intro to Kubernetes & GitOpsWeaveworks
Follow along in this free workshop and experience GitOps!
? Welcome - Tamao Nakahara, Head of DX (Weaveworks)
? Introduction to Kubernetes & GitOps - Mark Emeis, Principal Engineer (Weaveworks)
? Weave Gitops Overview - Tamao Nakahara
? Free Gitops Workshop - David Harris, Product Manager (Weaveworks)
If you're new to Kubernetes and GitOps, we'll give you a brief introduction to both and how GitOps is the natural evolution of Kubernetes.
Weave GitOps Core is a continuous delivery product to run apps in any Kubernetes. It is free and open source, and you can get started today!
If you’re stuck, also come talk to us at our Slack channel! #weave-gitops (If you need to invite yourself to the Slack, visit
This document discusses improving the developer experience through GitOps and ArgoCD. It recommends building developer self-service tools for cloud resources and Kubernetes to reduce frustration. Example GitLab CI/CD pipelines are shown that handle releases, deployments to ECR, and patching apps in an ArgoCD repository to sync changes. The goal is to create faster feedback loops through Git operations and automation to motivate developers.
Running Spring Boot in Kubernetes and Intro to HelmCarlos E. Salazar
The document discusses deploying Spring Boot applications to Kubernetes using Helm. It begins with an introduction to Spring Boot and running Java applications in containers. It then covers Helm and how it provides advantages over directly using Kubernetes, including managing configurations and releases across environments. The remainder demonstrates the architecture and workflow of Helm, including installing, upgrading, and rolling back applications packaged as Helm charts. It also discusses integrating Helm with continuous integration/delivery pipelines.
Migrating Java JBoss EAP Applications to Kubernetes With S2IKonveyor Community
Watch presentation:
Despite the incredible pace of adoption of container orchestration platforms, the vast majority of EAP workloads are still running on VMs or bare metal. In a lot of cases enterprise operation teams are mandated to modernize and move these workloads to the cloud, and containerization and migration to Kubernetes is the natural destination. When talking about this migration path, we're often asked questions like:
What's involved?
How easy is it to move these workloads?
How can you be sure of no code changes?
What tools are there to assist with this effort?
What are the benefits of moving workloads to Kubernetes?
In this meetup, Philip Hayes, Runtimes Practice Lead at Red Hat, will provide answers to these questions and also include a step-by-step guide to migrating an EAP 7 application to Kubernetes.
The monolith to cloud-native, microservices evolution has driven a shift from monitoring to observability. OpenTelemetry, a merger of the OpenTracing and OpenCensus projects, is enabling Observability 2.0. This talk covers the fundamental concepts of observability and then demonstrates how to instrument your applications using the OpenTelemetry libraries.
Mastering GitOps 2022, April, Mario-Leander Reimer (@LeanderReimer, Principal Software Architect bei QAware).
== Dokument bitte herunterladen, falls unscharf! Please download slides if blurred! ==
Crossplane or: kubectl apply -f cloud-Infrastructure-as-code.yaml
Developing cloud-native applications easily and efficiently presents significant challenges for many teams. This is because, in addition to implementing domain-specific features and microservices, developers are now often jointly responsible for building the required cloud services with Infrastructure as Code à la Terraform. Unfortunately, the associated high cognitive load quickly leads to overload and suboptimal solutions.
Crossplane is an open source add-on for Kubernetes that addresses this problem. Using Crossplane, one can declaratively build cloud infrastructure for all popular cloud providers without writing a line of code. In addition, there is the ability to create highly specific self-service APIs and abstractions that can then be applied very easily by feature teams.
This talk will demonstrate the practical use of Crossplane with its features in AWS and GCP, as well as the seamless integration with a GitOps approach.
This document discusses the importance of observability-driven development. It advocates for testing features and changes directly in production to understand their real-world impact on users and systems. Observability is key to gaining insights through metrics, logs, and traces. The document promotes establishing service level objectives and indicators to define and measure service performance. Overall it argues that understanding how systems operate in production through observability should guide development activities.
Jenkins is a continuous integration server that detects changes to code repositories, running tasks like building, testing, and deploying code. It helps integrate code more frequently to detect errors early. Jenkins has over 47,000 installations and 600+ plugins. It coordinates running tasks as part of workflows to compile, test, package, and deploy code. Common alternatives to Jenkins include TeamCity and Bamboo.
GitOps è un nuovo metodo di CD che utilizza Git come unica fonte di verità per le applicazioni e per l'infrastruttura (declarative infrastructure/infrastructure as code), fornendo sia il controllo delle revisioni che il controllo delle modifiche. In questo talk vedremo come implementare workflow di CI/CD Gitops basati su Kubernetes, dalla teoria alla pratica passando in rassegna i principali strumenti oggi a disposizione come ArgoCD, Flux (aka Gitops engine) e JenkinsX
In this session, Diógenes gives an introduction of the basic concepts that make OpenShift, giving special attention to its relationship with Linux containers and Kubernetes.
The document provides an introduction to GitOps and Flux. It discusses what GitOps is, how it utilizes version control as a single source of truth for continuous delivery. It then summarizes what Flux is and its key components like the source, kustomize, helm and notification controllers. The document highlights benefits of Flux like reducing developer burden and being extensible. It also briefly mentions new Flux features like OCI support and related tools like the terraform controller, flamingo and Weave GitOps.
OpenShift 4, the smarter Kubernetes platformKangaroot
OpenShift 4 introduces automated installation, patching, and upgrades for every layer of the container stack from the operating system through application services.
Building Cloud-Native App Series - Part 7 of 11
Microservices Architecture Series
Containers Docker Kind Kubernetes Istio
- Pods
- ReplicaSet
- Deployment (Canary, Blue-Green)
- Ingress
- Service
Free GitOps Workshop + Intro to Kubernetes & GitOpsWeaveworks
Follow along in this free workshop and experience GitOps!
? Welcome - Tamao Nakahara, Head of DX (Weaveworks)
? Introduction to Kubernetes & GitOps - Mark Emeis, Principal Engineer (Weaveworks)
? Weave Gitops Overview - Tamao Nakahara
? Free Gitops Workshop - David Harris, Product Manager (Weaveworks)
If you're new to Kubernetes and GitOps, we'll give you a brief introduction to both and how GitOps is the natural evolution of Kubernetes.
Weave GitOps Core is a continuous delivery product to run apps in any Kubernetes. It is free and open source, and you can get started today!
If you’re stuck, also come talk to us at our Slack channel! #weave-gitops (If you need to invite yourself to the Slack, visit
This document discusses improving the developer experience through GitOps and ArgoCD. It recommends building developer self-service tools for cloud resources and Kubernetes to reduce frustration. Example GitLab CI/CD pipelines are shown that handle releases, deployments to ECR, and patching apps in an ArgoCD repository to sync changes. The goal is to create faster feedback loops through Git operations and automation to motivate developers.
Running Spring Boot in Kubernetes and Intro to HelmCarlos E. Salazar
The document discusses deploying Spring Boot applications to Kubernetes using Helm. It begins with an introduction to Spring Boot and running Java applications in containers. It then covers Helm and how it provides advantages over directly using Kubernetes, including managing configurations and releases across environments. The remainder demonstrates the architecture and workflow of Helm, including installing, upgrading, and rolling back applications packaged as Helm charts. It also discusses integrating Helm with continuous integration/delivery pipelines.
Migrating Java JBoss EAP Applications to Kubernetes With S2IKonveyor Community
Watch presentation:
Despite the incredible pace of adoption of container orchestration platforms, the vast majority of EAP workloads are still running on VMs or bare metal. In a lot of cases enterprise operation teams are mandated to modernize and move these workloads to the cloud, and containerization and migration to Kubernetes is the natural destination. When talking about this migration path, we're often asked questions like:
What's involved?
How easy is it to move these workloads?
How can you be sure of no code changes?
What tools are there to assist with this effort?
What are the benefits of moving workloads to Kubernetes?
In this meetup, Philip Hayes, Runtimes Practice Lead at Red Hat, will provide answers to these questions and also include a step-by-step guide to migrating an EAP 7 application to Kubernetes.
The monolith to cloud-native, microservices evolution has driven a shift from monitoring to observability. OpenTelemetry, a merger of the OpenTracing and OpenCensus projects, is enabling Observability 2.0. This talk covers the fundamental concepts of observability and then demonstrates how to instrument your applications using the OpenTelemetry libraries.
Mastering GitOps 2022, April, Mario-Leander Reimer (@LeanderReimer, Principal Software Architect bei QAware).
== Dokument bitte herunterladen, falls unscharf! Please download slides if blurred! ==
Crossplane or: kubectl apply -f cloud-Infrastructure-as-code.yaml
Developing cloud-native applications easily and efficiently presents significant challenges for many teams. This is because, in addition to implementing domain-specific features and microservices, developers are now often jointly responsible for building the required cloud services with Infrastructure as Code à la Terraform. Unfortunately, the associated high cognitive load quickly leads to overload and suboptimal solutions.
Crossplane is an open source add-on for Kubernetes that addresses this problem. Using Crossplane, one can declaratively build cloud infrastructure for all popular cloud providers without writing a line of code. In addition, there is the ability to create highly specific self-service APIs and abstractions that can then be applied very easily by feature teams.
This talk will demonstrate the practical use of Crossplane with its features in AWS and GCP, as well as the seamless integration with a GitOps approach.
This document discusses the importance of observability-driven development. It advocates for testing features and changes directly in production to understand their real-world impact on users and systems. Observability is key to gaining insights through metrics, logs, and traces. The document promotes establishing service level objectives and indicators to define and measure service performance. Overall it argues that understanding how systems operate in production through observability should guide development activities.
Jenkins is a continuous integration server that detects changes to code repositories, running tasks like building, testing, and deploying code. It helps integrate code more frequently to detect errors early. Jenkins has over 47,000 installations and 600+ plugins. It coordinates running tasks as part of workflows to compile, test, package, and deploy code. Common alternatives to Jenkins include TeamCity and Bamboo.
GitOps è un nuovo metodo di CD che utilizza Git come unica fonte di verità per le applicazioni e per l'infrastruttura (declarative infrastructure/infrastructure as code), fornendo sia il controllo delle revisioni che il controllo delle modifiche. In questo talk vedremo come implementare workflow di CI/CD Gitops basati su Kubernetes, dalla teoria alla pratica passando in rassegna i principali strumenti oggi a disposizione come ArgoCD, Flux (aka Gitops engine) e JenkinsX
In this session, Diógenes gives an introduction of the basic concepts that make OpenShift, giving special attention to its relationship with Linux containers and Kubernetes.
The document provides an introduction to GitOps and Flux. It discusses what GitOps is, how it utilizes version control as a single source of truth for continuous delivery. It then summarizes what Flux is and its key components like the source, kustomize, helm and notification controllers. The document highlights benefits of Flux like reducing developer burden and being extensible. It also briefly mentions new Flux features like OCI support and related tools like the terraform controller, flamingo and Weave GitOps.
OpenShift 4, the smarter Kubernetes platformKangaroot
OpenShift 4 introduces automated installation, patching, and upgrades for every layer of the container stack from the operating system through application services.
Building Cloud-Native App Series - Part 7 of 11
Microservices Architecture Series
Containers Docker Kind Kubernetes Istio
- Pods
- ReplicaSet
- Deployment (Canary, Blue-Green)
- Ingress
- Service
twMVC#44 如何測試與保護你的 web application with playwrighttwMVC
This document summarizes a presentation on using Playwright to test and protect web applications. It discusses what Playwright is, why it was chosen, how to use it, and some use cases. Playwright is an open source test automation framework created by Microsoft that allows testing web applications across browsers and platforms. It is faster and more reliable than traditional end-to-end testing. The presentation provides demonstrations of using Playwright to test network requests, handle authentication, and more.
新技術的導入,由0到1通常是最難的一步。尤其在大型企業內,要導入一門新技術不是那麼容易,從接觸 Windows 容器到導入,就像是從離開舒適圈一樣,一開始的路走得跌跌撞撞,鼻青臉腫。但隨著關關難過關關過的精神與毅力,一但突破了那0的臨界點,才能享受到1的技術美好。本場次分享在學習與導入 Windows 容器上的心路歷程,有高興、有期待、有失望、有憤怒,試著用不一樣的角度來分享 Windows 容器的苦與樂。