La Lectura Fácil ofrece beneficios para un envejecimiento proactivo al facilitar el acceso a la cultura, la información y las actividades de lectura a personas mayores y otros grupos. Promueve la autonomÃa, el aprendizaje y las relaciones sociales. Sin embargo, en el PaÃs Vasco hay poca presencia de materiales en Lectura Fácil, especialmente en euskera. Se propone crear una red de colaboración para impulsar la edición, difusión y uso de estos materiales.
Project Pictogram - Driving Safer Roads - community communication initiative - FREE guidelines for use in the promotion of road safety and fatality reduction.
The document contains lists of words repeated in different arrangements, including PALA, PENA, PIKU, PIPA, and PISU. These words are rearranged in lines with some words like PILOTA, MAPA, PIANO, and others mixed in between the repeating words in different lines. The words are also broken up and rearranged letter-by-letter within lines.
The document discusses a school project where students will create pictograms - stylized drawings used to convey information quickly without words - for different areas of the school like toilets, gym, and cafeteria. It provides examples of when pictograms can be used, such as when people speak different languages or for safety purposes. The document outlines the requirements for the pictogram project, including a size of 20x20cm, the deadline, and that entries must be students' original designs that clearly convey their intended messages in the same consistent style.
Pictograms and cartograms are visual representations of data. Pictograms use pictorial symbols to represent concepts and ideas in a way that is easy to understand. When creating pictograms, the symbols should be self-explanatory, represent general concepts clearly and concisely, and suit the available space. Cartograms use geographic maps to provide quantitative statistical information about spatial distributions.
A 25-year-old Mexican woman who resides in Belgium with her Belgian husband of one year. She has a Master's in Business Administration and a Bachelor's in Communication. She is bilingual in Spanish and English and has an intermediate proficiency in French. She has work experience in sales, customer service, and working in multicultural environments.
El documento presenta una lista de palabras en euskera, la lengua vasca, agrupadas por su inicial. Algunas de las palabras incluidas son partes del cuerpo (barre, beso, bola), objetos (bote, bide, liburua), animales (arraina, katua, zu), comida y bebida (galleta, kafea, sagarra), conceptos abstractos (magoa, nota, festa) y más.
El documento enumera las diferentes partes del cuerpo humano en euskera, incluyendo la cabeza, ojos, boca, nariz, orejas, pelo, cara, barbilla, boca, manos, piernas e pies.
This document appears to be in an unknown language and contains a series of random letters and symbols with no discernible meaning or message. It does not provide any essential information that can be summarized due to being entirely unintelligible.
Este documento contiene una serie de reflexiones y proverbios sobre la vida. Algunos de los temas tratados son la bondad, la paciencia, la importancia de escuchar más de lo que se habla, los efectos de las mentiras y la crueldad, y la permanencia de las huellas dejadas en la vida de otras personas.
The document discusses road accident prevention and control. It lists several common causes of accidents, including speeding, not wearing a helmet or seatbelt, and using a phone while driving. It emphasizes the importance of following traffic rules and warnings about speeding in wet conditions. Statistics are provided on road deaths in India and economic losses. Suggestions for prevention include stricter enforcement of speed limits and installation of speed controllers.
Este documento describe los Sistemas Alternativos y Aumentativos de Comunicación (SAAC), que son sistemas utilizados para sustituir o reforzar la comunicación cuando no es posible desarrollar el habla. Explica los objetivos de los SAAC, los tipos principales como el dactilológico, lengua de signos, Braille y sistemas pictográficos, y muestra algunos de los SAAC más comunes como ejemplos.
The document discusses a school project where students will create pictograms - stylized drawings used to convey information quickly without words - for different areas of the school like toilets, gym, and cafeteria. It provides examples of when pictograms can be used, such as when people speak different languages or for safety purposes. The document outlines the requirements for the pictogram project, including a size of 20x20cm, the deadline, and that entries must be students' original designs that clearly convey their intended messages in the same consistent style.
Pictograms and cartograms are visual representations of data. Pictograms use pictorial symbols to represent concepts and ideas in a way that is easy to understand. When creating pictograms, the symbols should be self-explanatory, represent general concepts clearly and concisely, and suit the available space. Cartograms use geographic maps to provide quantitative statistical information about spatial distributions.
A 25-year-old Mexican woman who resides in Belgium with her Belgian husband of one year. She has a Master's in Business Administration and a Bachelor's in Communication. She is bilingual in Spanish and English and has an intermediate proficiency in French. She has work experience in sales, customer service, and working in multicultural environments.
El documento presenta una lista de palabras en euskera, la lengua vasca, agrupadas por su inicial. Algunas de las palabras incluidas son partes del cuerpo (barre, beso, bola), objetos (bote, bide, liburua), animales (arraina, katua, zu), comida y bebida (galleta, kafea, sagarra), conceptos abstractos (magoa, nota, festa) y más.
El documento enumera las diferentes partes del cuerpo humano en euskera, incluyendo la cabeza, ojos, boca, nariz, orejas, pelo, cara, barbilla, boca, manos, piernas e pies.
This document appears to be in an unknown language and contains a series of random letters and symbols with no discernible meaning or message. It does not provide any essential information that can be summarized due to being entirely unintelligible.
Este documento contiene una serie de reflexiones y proverbios sobre la vida. Algunos de los temas tratados son la bondad, la paciencia, la importancia de escuchar más de lo que se habla, los efectos de las mentiras y la crueldad, y la permanencia de las huellas dejadas en la vida de otras personas.
The document discusses road accident prevention and control. It lists several common causes of accidents, including speeding, not wearing a helmet or seatbelt, and using a phone while driving. It emphasizes the importance of following traffic rules and warnings about speeding in wet conditions. Statistics are provided on road deaths in India and economic losses. Suggestions for prevention include stricter enforcement of speed limits and installation of speed controllers.
Este documento describe los Sistemas Alternativos y Aumentativos de Comunicación (SAAC), que son sistemas utilizados para sustituir o reforzar la comunicación cuando no es posible desarrollar el habla. Explica los objetivos de los SAAC, los tipos principales como el dactilológico, lengua de signos, Braille y sistemas pictográficos, y muestra algunos de los SAAC más comunes como ejemplos.
El documento habla sobre un contador de cuentos que se llevará a cabo el 24 de septiembre de 2013. Brevemente describe el evento como una actividad para niños en la que se contarán historias.
This document contains a list of names of people. There are various Basque names such as Jorge, Irantzu, Asier, Xabier, Gaizka, Ane, Martin, Alaia, Christian, Ander, Alain, Naroa, Unai, Markel, Ibone, David, Josu, Dylan, Izar, Ibón, Laia, Irati, Noa, Aiala, and Naia as well as some Spanish names like Adriana.
Este manual de manualidades para el primer trimestre del curso 2011-2012 indica que continuarán trabajando en proyectos manuales. Brevemente describe el contenido general del manual sin entrar en detalles sobre los proyectos especÃficos.