2. Objectives
Why This Talk?
Growth Of The Lens
Basic Anatomy Of lens
Prevalence Of Cataract in India
Definition of Cataract
3. Why This talk??
To Diagnose the type of
cataract correctly
For Providing the patient
a proper guidelines for
its treatment
For better counselling.
4. Growth Of Lens
1. Embryonic
(1st 3 months)
2. Foetal
(3 months-till
3. Juvenile
(Birth Puberty)
4. Adult
(After Puberty-
rest of the life)
5. Cortex
6. Capsule
5. Anatomy of Lens
Lens Epithelium:-
Carry out Metabolic activities which
also include DNA , RNA , Protein , And
Lipid Biosynthesis.
Generates Epithelial lens which
furthur elongates to form Lens Fibers
This New Cells are Do not have
organells & generate energy from
Nucleus & Cortex:-
No cells are lost from The Lens.
Nucleus is Central part containing Oldest
Cortex is Peripheral Part Containing
Youngest Fibers. Lens Fibers are Hexagonal
in shape.
6. Anatomy of Lens
Elastic Transparent Basement
Membrane made of Epithelial
Provides Source of
attachment For the Zonular
Contains Lens Substance &
Help in Accomodation.
Originates from the basal lamina of the
non pigmented epithelium of pars
plana and pars plicata of ciliary body.
Are distributed as:-
o the Anterior fibers.
o Equatorial Fibers.
o Posterior fibers.
11. Definition
A cataract is a clouding of the lens of the eye
which leads to a decrease in vision.
Or in simple words it is development of any
opacity in Lens or its Capsule.
Cataract is like Looking through a waterfall
12. Reason Behind The Cataract
Hydration Of Lens.
Denaturation Of Lens
Slow Sclerorsis.
Lamellar cataracts. (a) Lamellar
opacities around the fetal nucleus with
cortical riders (see arrows) on the
periphery; (b) optical section under
slit-lamp biomicroscopy; (c) lamellar
opacities around the fetal nucleus
without cortical riders on the
periphery; (d) optical section under
slit-lamp biomicroscopy
Lamellar Cataract
38. Toxic Agents leading to Cataract
Cortico-steroids chlorpromazine cataract
39. After Cataract
PCO- Posterior capsular opacification.
Elschnig pearl formation (arrow)
40. No Slit-Lamp.. No Problem!!
We Can Also see the cataract with torch light or
Retinoscope just we need to observe the following
Color Of the lens
Iris Shadow
Vision of the person
41. One More Question??
Lens is Named Crystalline Lens just because
it transmit light like a Crystal !! Really??
42. QUIZ!!
This cataract is so dense that the
cortex has liquefied, allowing the
nucleus to sink to the bottom of
the lens capsule. This special type
of very dense cataract is known as
a Morgagnian cataract.
posterior sclerosing cataractcortical spoking cataract