Crime can take many forms and its definition varies in different parts of the world. The document defines and describes several major types of crime: street crime, which predominantly impacts those of low socioeconomic status and occurs more in developing nations; corporate crime committed by large organizations; organized crime conducted by criminal networks; white collar crime carried out by respected individuals; political crime that is often linked to corruption; and cyber crime, a new form of illegal activity enabled by computers and the internet. Victims can include the general public, employees, other organizations, and governments. Punishment is sometimes insufficient to curb corporate and political crimes.
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Types of Crime
1. Crime
1.An illegal activities banned by government
2.Mostly general public are victimized of these
3. Some activities are regarded as crime in one
part of world but common in other part of
2. Street crime
Corporate crime
Organized crime
White collar crime
Political crime
Cyber crime
3. This is the crime happening on the base of streets
and highways
When people, politician, and media talk about crime
then it is called street crime
Street crime are highly happened in underdeveloped
and developing nations rather than developed
nation but in some highly advanced nations street
crime is also at high rate .
These type of crime can be profession of people
due to poverty, low education, low status in society
so people involve in these type of crime are usually
from low status and low economic family.
Divided into two part
Violent crime:- murder, rape, roberry,etc
Property crime:- motor vehicle theft, burglary
theft, larney theft
F.B.I report show that 25% family of usa are
touched by some forms of street crime
4. Crime done by large organization
rather than any one individual.
Usually done to maximize the profit
of organization.
General public, employee and other
organizations can be victimized by
this kind of crime.
Crime against general public, price
fixing, sale of unsafe product and
polluting the environment.
Punishment in case in our nation is
generally limited to certain fine so it
is very difficult to minimize these
types of crime.
5. Organized crime is like corporate crime ,in
which different organization are involved
whose main objective is to earn money
from illegal activities.
Smuggling of drugs, arms are major
activities done by these organization.
These type of crime found in almost all
part of world from underdeveloped
country to highly advanced country.
Long chain of command so that criminal
who do crime may not know whose is
his/her supreme boss or leader.
Dawood Ibrahim one of the leader of such
organization who run his business from
Dubai to all over Asia.
6. Any kind of criminal
activities done by well
known or respected
person of the society
or nation.
Mostly general public,
employee and
organization are
victimized of these
kind of crime
Such type of crime are
happens due to ego, or
some hidden interest.
7. Mostly happening crime in
developing and under developed
In many cases both organized
crime and corporate crime are
directly or indirectly link with
political crime
Wide variety of activities:-
Corruption, providing tender to
close one, forcibly collection of
donation, threaten to different
people in the name of political
parties or political leader
General public and many
government organization and
their employee are main
victimized of these type of
8. New kind of crime as compare to other kind s of crime
It is a criminal activities which is related with computer and Internets
virtual world.
Cyber crimes are in daily increased in our socities but only few of those
came out in public.
Hacking various web sites and others innovations, trying to open others
email ,use computer to harm others, uploading new movies or songs or
documentary without permission of copyright opening email id on
others name are some of the examples of cyber crime
After facebook and twitter become so popular all over the world, the
cyber crime has increase Geometric progression, creating fb or twitter
account in other persons name or hacking others id has been increase in
geometric progression.