There are three major classes of ecosystems: freshwater, terrestrial, and ocean ecosystems. Freshwater ecosystems include lakes, ponds, rivers and streams, and cover around 1.8% of the Earth's surface. Terrestrial ecosystems are the most diverse and include rainforests, savannas, deserts, grasslands, deciduous forests, coniferous forests, and tundra defined by factors like precipitation levels and temperatures. Ocean ecosystems cover around 75% of the planet and include shallow ocean waters where photosynthesis occurs, deep ocean surfaces also suitable for photosynthesis, and deep ocean waters too deep for light to penetrate.
2. What is an ecosystem?
An ecosystem consists of the biological community that
occurs in some locale, and the physical and chemical
factors that make up its non-living or abiotic
3. There are many types of ecosystems on earth.
There are 3 major classes of ecosystems:
1. Freshwater Ecosystems
2. Terrestrial Ecosystems
3. Ocean Ecosystems
4. Freshwater ecosystems:
Relatively small in area ~ 1.8% of earth's surface.
Support many species of life including fish,
amphibians, insects and plants.
Base of all food is found in freshwater
Planktons(microscopic organisms)
They include lakes and ponds, rivers, streams,
springs, and wetlands.
6. Terrestrial ecosystems:
Many diverse types of ecosystems come under this
major category.
Location usually dependent on the latitude of area
and amount of precipitation.
7. Tropical Rain Forest
 Precipitation ~250 cm/year
 Little temperature
 Contains more species than
11. Deciduous Forests
• Precipitation 75-
• Warm summers and cool
• Parts of Europe; North
Eastern United States;
Eastern Canada
14. Ocean ecosystems:
Very large amount of earth is covered by ocean
40% of all photosynthesis occurs in oceans.
3 types of oceanic ecosystems.