Evaluations prior to instructional act are pre-assessment, formative, and summative test. These three types of evaluation are done to determine the needs and strengths o the students
2. At the end of the presentation, you should
be able to:
1. Differentiate the three types of evaluation
prior to insrtuctional act.
2. Appreciate the essence of the types of
evaluation prior to instructional act.
3. Analyze the differences between the
formative and summative evaluation.
4. Create your own teaching style prior to
the type of evaluation discussed.
3. a way to determine what students know about
a topic before it is taught. It should be used
regularly in all curricular areas
4. To make instructional decisions about
student strengths and needs
To determine flexible grouping patterns
To determine which students are ready for
advance instruction
5. 揃Differentiate Instruction
揃Guide whole-group instruction
揃Plan learning activities that address varying
levels of readiness
揃Determine which students have/have not
achieved mastery of specific objectives
6. Identify problems that might cause students
difficulty with mastery of an objective
Form flexible groups
Determine master level of individuals or
small groups
8. Teacher prepared pretests
Traditional tests
Writing prompts/samples or any Pre-writing
Self-Assessment Probes
9. Prediction
Student interviews
Student products and work samples
Table Top discussions
10. Guess Box
Interest survey
KWL charts and other graphic organizers
Open-ended Questioning
Picture Interpretation
11. Pre-assessment type of evaluation is
therefore very important because it helps
determine the students ability and capability
to be studied. It is the type of evaluation
which helps determine the readiness of the
13. type of testing that helps in developing a
knowledgeable student with deep understanding
of the information and then be able to account for
a students' comprehension on a subject.
14. to provide feedback for teachers to
modify subsequent learning activities and
to identify and remediate group or
individual deficiencies
to move focus away from achieving grades
and onto learning processes, in order to
increaseself efficacyand reduce the
negative impact ofextrinsic motivation
15. Proactive
To understand or clarify the need for the
To make clear the theory of change that the project
is based on
16. Interactive
To improve the projects design (continual
improvement) as it is rolled out
To ensure that the project activities are being
delivered efficiently and effectively
17. A language teacher asks students to choose
the bestthesis statementfrom a selection; if
all choose correctly she moves on; if only some
do she may initiate a class discussion; if most
answer incorrectly then she may review the
work on thesis statements.
18. A science supervisor looks at the previous
year's student test results to help plan
teacher workshops during the summer
vacation, to address areas of weakness in
student performance.
A teacher documents student work and
student conferences to help plan authentic
activities to meet student needs
19. A teacher asks her students to write down, in
a brainstorm activity, all they know about
how hot-air balloons work so that she can
discover what students already know about
the area of science she is intending to teach.
20. Formative evaluation is used to determine
whether the approach, method, or strategy
used is effective. If not so, then approach,
method, or strategy must be altered for the
better understanding of the students.
Formative evaluation helps not just the
student performance but also the teachers
21. E -
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22. Summative assessment is used for the
purpose of documenting outcomes and
judging value.It is used for providing
feedback to instructors. Most studies of this
type are rarely exclusively summative in
practice, and they usually contain some
aspects of formative assessment.
23. takes place during and following the project
implementation, and is associated with more
objective, quantitative methods. The
distinction between formative and
summative evaluation can become blurred.
Generally it is important to know both how
an intervention works, as well as if it
worked. It is therefore important to capture
and assess both qualitative and quantitative
24. Provides information on program
Conducted after the completion of the
program design
To helpdecide whether to continue or end a
To help determine whether a program should
be expanded to other locations
25. To assess whether the project has met its
goals, whether there were any unintended
consequences, what were the learnings, and
how to improve
26. Questionnaires
Projects (A culminating project that synthesizes
27. Outcome Evaluation
When Project implementation and post-
Why To assess whether the project has
met its goals, whether there were any
unintended consequences, what were the
learnings, and how to improve
28. Unit Test
Essay Test
Long Quiz
Final Exam
Achievement Test
29. Focus Group
Most Significant Change
Outcome Hierarchy
30. Summative tests are given to determine
whether the goals or the objectives has been
attained. Also, summative tests are given to
determine whhat the students have learnt at
the end of the unit or of the chapter.
Sumative tests helps the teacher detemine
thier performance.
31. 1. Among the three (3) types of evaluation
discussed, for you what could be the most
essential? Why?
2. Which of the three evaluation that has
been discussed is the core or the foundation
in the teaching-learning process? Defend your
answer creatively.