There are three types of love described in the Bible:
1. Eros love is sexual or romantic love based on physical attraction and desire, but it can become possessive if not redeemed by God.
2. Agape love is unconditional divine love exemplified by God's love for humanity, which Christians are commanded to have for all people.
3. Philos love is brotherly affection one feels for close companions, but it is not as reliable as agape love since it can sour over time.
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Types of love
1. Al Dif f er ent Types of Love
The Three Types of Love in the Bible
Irrespective of your status, race or the economics, everyone values love & recognizes that it is love that shapes
what is true and good. The term Love has always been used so broadly to describe an emotional attraction
between two or more people. But the truth of the matter is that there are three kinds of love in the Bible and this
includes Eros, Agape and Philos. So if you really want to learn how you can follow Jesuss command to always
love one another please read on.
Eros Love
Eros is a Greek term which actually means desire and longing. And according to the Greek methodology, Eros
is the name of the Greek god of love. Also referred to as erotic love, this is a selfish kind of love as it associated
with sexual love. Eros love is based on the strong feeling we have against one another and it usually develops
during the 1st stage of a romantic relationship. This kind of love is based on the physical traits. And unless it is
redeemed by the Lords presence; this type of love can end up being possessive, since it always seeks to 1st
conquer and then control.
God created physical attraction between a man & a woman, but He never intended for it to be selfish. He
created desire and longing which makes up sexual love which is crucial in any marriage. This love was meant
to be preserved between a couple and it is essential for any health marriage. And since it is mostly based on
self-benefit, many people tend to fall out of love if they are not happy with the marriage.
Agape Love
This is a special term which represents the divine-love of the Lord towards his Son Jesus Christ, the human
beings and all believers. This is the best of the three types of love in the bible, in fact Jesus himself showed this
type of divine love to his Dad in heaven and humanity. Agape love is the love that God commanded all
believers to have for everyone whether he/she is a believer or not. Agape love should never be determined by
our feelings; it is more of a set of behaviors or actions. With agape, you do not have to actually feel it for you to
give it, which means that you can be able to show love without feeling anything at all. At times feelings can
follow after showing this kind of love.
2. Philos Love
This is a unique kind of love like the one you have for a companion or pal. It refers to loving one another just
like your brother or sister. This love is for a pal who is really close and dear to us and it is characterized by
various different shared experiences between two people. In fact this is the kind of love that many Christians
tend to practice towards one another. And although philos love is really wonderful, it is not that much reliable,
since it can end up souring at times as we have all experienced at some point in our lives.