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* This presentation is to show TypeScript's major feature and the benefit that it brings to your JavaScript projects.
* Our main objective is just to spark interest especially to those not familiar with the tool.
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- What is TypeScript
* go to next slide
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- Is a superset of JavaScript
* it simply means an extension to JavaScript
- Use JavaScript code on TypeScript
* JS code naturally works on TypeScript
* Which also means your beloved JavaScript libraries such as JQuery, or your fancy interacive plugins would work as well.
- TypeScript compiles to plain old JavaScript
* TS code compiles to simple and clean JS.
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- Screenshot of TS compiled to JS
* In this example, compiling a TS class code would result to a JS version, and a regular JavaScript function when compiled is basically untouched.
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- TypeScript's Main Feature
* So what does TS provide us with? What does it actually do?
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- Static Type Checking
* TypeScript allows us to enable type checking by defining data types to your for ex. variables, function parameters and return types.
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- Screenshot of basic Static Type Checking
* In this example#
* What I've done here was to assign supposedly wrong values for what the variables or parameters were meant to hold
* As JavaScript is a dynamic and untyped language these expressions would either fail or be okay when you run it on your browser.
* In TypeScript by enabling static type checking these potential errors are caught earlier (see the red marks on the expressions) and wouldn't even allow you to compile unless these are resolved.
* In addition you can also type arrays and object literals
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- Effects of Static Type Checking
* As TS code is statically type-checked a side effect of such...
- Allows IDEs to perform live error checks
- Exposes auto-completion and code hinting
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- Screenshot of code hinting
* Say I was coding JQuery on regular JavaScript code there would be no natural way to help me identify its class properties, methods and parameters... except through reading the API documentation or a separate plugin.
* As a result of static type checking this allows IDE's to access these class members as code hints
* So if this was a 3rd party library how much more if you are just referencing your own JavaScript/TypeScript files within your project.
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- A few of the other cool features
* That was only the basic feature of TypeScript
* A few of the other cool features are...
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- End
8. Effects of Static Type Checking
? Allows IDEs to perform live error checks
? Exposes auto-completion and code hinting
10. A few of the other cool features
? Support for Object Oriented Programming
? Compile to a specific ECMAScript version
? Integration with Gulp/Grunt
? and much more: