Zaburzenia psychiczne osób dorosłychConsilia Centrum Wsparcia RodzinyAktualne informacje na temat zaburzeń psychicznych osób dorosłych.
Omówienie modeli myślenia psychologicznego na temat zaburzeń.
Kryteria diagnostyczne.
Przegląd metod terapii i ocena ich skuteczności.
Pierwsza pomoc w kontakcie z osobą chorą.
Zaburzenia psychiczne osób dorosłychConsilia Centrum Wsparcia RodzinyAktualne informacje na temat zaburzeń psychicznych osób dorosłych.
Omówienie modeli myślenia psychologicznego na temat zaburzeń.
Kryteria diagnostyczne.
Przegląd metod terapii i ocena ich skuteczności.
Pierwsza pomoc w kontakcie z osobą chorą.
Computer securityYoung AlistaThe document discusses various cryptographic techniques including:
- Block ciphers like the Shift Cipher, Substitution Cipher, Affine Cipher, Vigenere Cipher, Hill Cipher, and Permutation Cipher.
- Stream ciphers like the Linear Feedback Shift Register (LFSR) cipher.
- Public key cryptography techniques including RSA, Rabin, and the Digital Signature Algorithm (DSA).
- Modes of operation for block ciphers like Electronic Codebook (ECB), Cipher Block Chaining (CBC), Cipher Feedback (CFB), and Output Feedback (OFB).
Abstract classYoung AlistaAbstract classes and interfaces allow for abstraction and polymorphism in object-oriented design. Abstract classes can contain both abstract and concrete methods, while interfaces only contain abstract methods. Abstract classes are used to provide a common definition for subclasses through inheritance, while interfaces define a contract for implementing classes to follow. Both support polymorphism by allowing subclasses/implementing classes to determine the specific implementation for abstract methods.
Exception handlingYoung AlistaAn exception is an unpredictable event that requires special processing. Exception handlers are sections of code that execute when exceptions occur, allowing programs to handle errors gracefully rather than crashing. The try-catch statement monitors a block of code for exceptions, with catch blocks handling specific exception types. If an exception is thrown within the try block, the corresponding catch block executes to process the exception before the program continues.
Nlp naive bayesYoung AlistaThe document discusses Daphne Koller's work on Naive Bayes models and classifiers. It introduces naive Bayes models, showing how they represent classes and conditionally independent features. It then explains how a naive Bayes classifier calculates probabilities of features given labels to classify new documents into labels or classes.
Crypto theory practiceYoung Alista1) DES is a block cipher developed in the 1970s that became a standard but is now considered insecure due to advances in computing power allowing brute force attacks on its 56-bit key.
2) DES uses a Feistel network structure applying 16 rounds of substitution and permutation. The key is used to generate 48-bit round keys for each round.
3) Common modes of operation for DES include ECB, CBC, CFB and OFB which specify how the cipher is applied to multiple blocks of plaintext. CTR mode is considered the best as it allows parallel encryption of blocks.
Text classificationYoung AlistaThis document provides an overview of text classification and the Naive Bayes machine learning algorithm. It defines text classification as assigning categories or labels to documents, and discusses different approaches like human labeling, rule-based classification, and machine learning. Naive Bayes is introduced as a simple supervised learning method that calculates the probability of documents belonging to different categories based on word frequencies. The document then reviews probability concepts and shows how Naive Bayes makes the "naive" assumption that words are conditionally independent given the topic to classify documents.
Poo javaYoung AlistaThis document discusses object-oriented programming concepts like abstraction, inheritance, and polymorphism in Java. It provides examples using a Dance Studio application with classes like Dancer, Foot, and MaleDancer/FemaleDancer to illustrate the concepts. Abstraction allows ignoring irrelevant details and focusing on relevant features. Encapsulation keeps data private within classes and exposes public interfaces. Inheritance creates parent-child class relationships and code reuse. Polymorphism ensures the right method is called based on an object's actual type.
Prolog resumeYoung AlistaThis document discusses numeric computation and problem space search in Prolog. It provides examples of solving the knapsack problem and 8-queens problem through search. For knapsack, it shows representing item weights and values, defining legal knapsacks within a weight limit, and finding the knapsack with maximum value. For 8-queens, it explains the problem and represents queen positions compactly before searching for a solution.
Motivation for multithreaded architecturesYoung AlistaThe document discusses the motivation for and design of multithreaded architectures. It aims to increase processor utilization by allowing multiple independent instruction streams, or threads, to execute simultaneously. This can compensate for a lack of instruction-level parallelism in individual threads. Simultaneous multithreading (SMT) processors in particular issue instructions from multiple threads each cycle without hardware context switching. SMT achieves high throughput with minimal performance degradation to individual threads by sharing most hardware resources between threads.
Directory based cache coherenceYoung AlistaThe document discusses non-uniform cache architectures (NUCA), cache coherence, and different implementations of directories in multicore systems. It describes NUCA designs that map data to banks based on distance from the controller to exploit non-uniform access times. Cache coherence is maintained using directory-based protocols that track copies of cache blocks. Directories can be implemented off-chip in DRAM or on-chip using duplicate tag stores or distributing the directory among cache banks.
List in webpageYoung AlistaThe document discusses the different types of lists that can be used in web pages, including unordered, ordered, and nested lists. Unordered lists use bullet points, while ordered lists number each item. The <UL>, <OL>, and <LI> tags are used to define these lists. Nested lists allow sub-lists to be indented within the main list to show hierarchical relationships between the items.
Google appenginejava.pptYoung AlistaThis document provides an overview of Google App Engine for Java, including its key features and limitations. It discusses the App Engine stack, how to configure and run Java applications on App Engine using the Java Datastore, Mail, URL Fetch, Images, Memcache, and XMPP services. The document also covers quotas, the development SDK, and deploying/managing apps through the App Engine administration console.
Data mining and knowledge discoveryYoung AlistaThe document discusses data mining and knowledge discovery from large data sets. It begins by defining the terms data, information, knowledge, and wisdom in a hierarchy. It then explains that the growth of data from various sources has created a need for data mining to extract useful knowledge from large data repositories. The key aspects of data mining discussed are that it aims to discover previously unknown, implicit and potentially useful patterns from large data sets in an automated manner. The document outlines the interdisciplinary nature of data mining and its relationship to knowledge discovery in databases. It describes the types of data that can be mined, including structured, transactional, time-series and web data, as well as common data mining tasks like classification, prediction and clustering.
Data and assessmentYoung AlistaThe document discusses using various types of student data to inform instruction, including running records, testing data, student work samples, and staff data. It emphasizes looking at data to understand what students know, still need to learn, and their next steps. Teachers should differentiate instruction based on student data, ensuring the right material is used to build on prior learning and assess upcoming skills.
ExceptionYoung AlistaException handling in Java allows programs to handle errors and unexpected conditions gracefully using try, catch, throw, throws and finally keywords. An exception is an event that occurs during program execution that disrupts normal flow of program instructions. Exceptions can be generated by the Java runtime system or manually by code. The try block contains code that might throw exceptions. The catch blocks define what to do if an exception occurs. Finally blocks contain code that always executes after try and catch blocks.
Xml schemaYoung AlistaThe document discusses schemas and their purpose in specifying the structure and constraints of an XML document. It provides examples of things that cannot be done with DTDs but can be done with schemas, such as constraining text values. The document outlines the components of a schema, including elements, attributes, and data types. It provides an example of defining a schema in IE5 and the steps involved, including declaring element types, specifying content models, and using data types.
Abstract data typesYoung AlistaThis document discusses abstract data types (ADTs) and their implementation in various programming languages. It covers the key concepts of ADTs including data abstraction, encapsulation, information hiding, and defining the public interface separately from the private implementation. It provides examples of ADTs implemented using modules in Modula-2, packages in Ada, classes in C++, generics in Java and C#, and classes in Ruby. Parameterized and encapsulation constructs are also discussed as techniques for implementing and organizing ADTs.
Object modelYoung AlistaThe document discusses the key elements of the object model, including abstraction, encapsulation, modularity, and hierarchy. It explains that abstraction is one of the fundamental ways to cope with complexity in software design. Abstraction focuses on the essential characteristics of an object that distinguish it from other objects, from the perspective of the viewer. The object model provides a conceptual framework for object-oriented programming that is based on these elements.
9. ‒ „A o ile może pan zwiększyć szanse sprzedaży?”
‒ „Rozumiem, że ważna jest dla pani szybkość. Z mojego
doświadczenia wynika, że wiele osób decyduje się właśnie na
współpracę ze względu na to, że jest skrócenie czasu. Wobec
czego gwarantuję, że będzie pani naprawdę zadowolona.”
Systematyczny - dokładny
10. ‒ „Wie pan, muszę się zastanowić, porozmawiać z żoną”
‒ „Rozumiem, że ważne jest dla pani X. Z mojego
doświadczenia wynika, że wiele osób decyduje się właśnie ze
względu na to, że jest X. Wobec czego gwarantuję, że będzie
pani naprawdę zadowolona.”
Systematyczny - roztropny
12. ‒ „Rozumiem, że do tej pory mógł pan się spotkać z
natarczywymi agentami, którzy zdarzają się naprawdę często.
Moją intencją i intencją firmy X jest coś zupełnie innego.
Proszę dać mi powiedzieć, w czym rzecz, żeby mógł się pan o
tym przekonać. A tym samym, jak wiele korzyści przyniesie
panu tak krótka rozmowa.”
Dynamiczny - zdenerwowany
13. ‒ „To specjalnie dla pana…”
‒ „Dla naszych wyjątkowych klientów przygotowałem…”
‒ „Z racji tego, że jest pan z nami już tak długo…”
‒ „W odpowiedzi na wyrafinowane gusta naszych klientów…”
‒ „Zazwyczaj proponuję X, jednak dla specjalnych klientów,
takich jak pan, przygotowałem Y, czym być może mógłby być
pan zainteresowany…”
Dynamiczny - wyjątkowy
17. ‒ „Doskonale panią rozumiem, że nie chce pani zmieniać
czegoś, co jest dla pani wystarczające, tak jak wielu naszych
klientów… Oni też mają potrzebę bezpieczeństwa sytuacji,
stabilizacji na określonym poziomie…”
Spokojny – bojący się zmian
18. ‒ „Nie wiem, czy tego potrzebuję, muszę się zastanowić.”
‒ „Absolutnie pana rozumiem. Często też byłem w sytuacji, w
której musiałem dłużej się zastanowić przed podjęciem
właściwej decyzji i tak naprawdę nie wiedziałem do końca,
która jest właściwa. Proszę mi powiedzieć, jakich jeszcze
informacji pan potrzebuje, by podjąć tę decyzję, a wspólnie
znajdziemy najlepsze rozwiązanie, by mógł być pan w pełni
Spokojny - niezdecydowany