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Official Academic Transcript from
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
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Sending School Information
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Office of the Registrar
901 W Illinois St, Suite 140
Urbana, IL 61801-3446
Telephone: 217-333-2034
School Web Page: www.illinois.edu
Accreditation: North Central Association of Colleges and Schools, The Higher Learning Commission (NCA-HLC)
Student Information
Student Name: Hartman , Eric Robert
Numeric Identifier: 676805468
Birth Date: 31 - Aug
Student Email: erhartm91@gmail.com
Receiver Information
Document Information
Transmitted On: Thu, 22 January 2015
Transcript ID: TRAN000006918655
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Transcripts marked 'Issued to Student' are intended for student use only.
Recipients should only accept academic transcripts directly from the sending school.
This PDF document may be validated. A printed copy cannot be validated. See attached cover page for additional information.
Rodney E. Hoewing, Interim Registrar
Urbana, Illinois 61801
Student Name:
University ID: Issue Date:
Hartman , Eric Robert
31 - AugUndergrad - Urbana-Champaign
22 - Jan - 15
Day - Month of Birth:
Institution Information continued:
PS 270 Intro to Political Theory 3.00 C+ 6.99
PS 280 Intro to Intl Relations 3.00 C+ 6.99
Ehrs: 15.00 GPA-Hrs: 15.00 QPts: 45.99 GPA: 3.06
Fall 2013 - Urbana-Champaign
Liberal Arts & Sciences
HIST 345 Medieval Civilization 3.00 B 9.00
HIST 370 Colonial America 3.00 B 9.00
HIST 443 Byzantine Empire AD 284-717 3.00 B 9.00
PS 348 Gov & Pol in Western Europe 3.00 B+ 9.99
Ehrs: 12.00 GPA-Hrs: 12.00 QPts: 36.99 GPA: 3.08
Spring 2014 - Urbana-Champaign
Liberal Arts & Sciences
CLCV 116 The Roman Achievement 3.00 A 12.00
HIST 260 History of Russia 3.00 B+ 9.99
HIST 498 Research and Writing Seminar 3.00 A 12.00
PS 300 Chinese Foreign Policy 3.00 A 12.00
Ehrs: 12.00 GPA-Hrs: 12.00 QPts: 45.99 GPA: 3.83
Summer 2014 - Urbana-Champaign
Liberal Arts & Sciences
HIST 100 Global History 3.00 A 12.00
RLST 251 Viking Mythology 3.00 B 9.00
Ehrs: 6.00 GPA-Hrs: 6.00 QPts: 21.00 GPA: 3.50
Earned Hrs GPA Hrs Points GPA
TOTAL INSTITUTION 60.00 60.00 188.97 3.14
TOTAL TRANSFER 75.00 75.00 251.00 3.34
OVERALL 135.00 135.00 439.97 3.25
Most Recent Program
College : Liberal Arts & Sciences
Major : History
Degree Awarded BA Liberal Arts and Science 22-DEC-2014
Degree Information
College : Liberal Arts & Sciences
Campus : Urbana-Champaign
Major : History
Minor : Political Science
SP10 - SP12 Coll of Dupage
Ehrs: 59.00 GPA-Hrs: 59.00 QPts: 187.00 GPA: 3.16
SU13 Univ of Illinois at Chicago
Ehrs: 8.00 GPA-Hrs: 8.00 QPts: 32.00 GPA: 4.00
SU14 Univ of Illinois at Chicago
Ehrs: 8.00 GPA-Hrs: 8.00 QPts: 32.00 GPA: 4.00
Fall 2012 - Urbana-Champaign
Liberal Arts & Sciences
ANTH 220 Introduction to Archaeology 3.00 B- 8.01
ATMS 100 Introduction to Meteorology 3.00 B 9.00
HIST 200 Intro Hist Interpretation 3.00 B- 8.01
HIST 251 Warfare Milit Insts & Soc 3.00 C+ 6.99
PS 100 Intro to Political Science 3.00 C+ 6.99
Ehrs: 15.00 GPA-Hrs: 15.00 QPts: 39.00 GPA: 2.60
Spring 2013 - Urbana-Champaign
Liberal Arts & Sciences
HIST 259 20thC World from Midcentury 3.00 A 12.00
HIST 396 Europe and the Mediterranean 3.00 A- 11.01
HIST 400 War, Soc, Politics, & Culture 3.00 B 9.00
This electronic transcript, as delivered in PDF form through the eSCRIP
-SAFE速 Global Transcript Delivery Network, has a transcript explanation
at the end of the document which details authentication information.
Further authentication may be obtained by calling (217) 333-0210.
Student email:
Issued to:
www.registrar.illinois.edu OFFICE OF THE REGISTRAR, 901 W ILLINOIS, SUITE 140, URBANA, IL 61801-3446 PH (217) 333-0210 / FAX (217) 333-3100
ADDITIONAL TRANSCRIPT EXPLANATION IS AVAILABLE ON THE WEB AT: http://admin.illinois.edu/policy/code/article3_part7_3-701.html
Transcript information for students who attended the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign prior to 1982 is available on the web at: http://www.registrar.illinois.edu/pdf/pre1982key.pdf
North Central Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools.
The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign operates on an academic calendar of two
sixteen-week semesters and, beginning in 2005, one twelve-week summer term. Prior to
2005, the summer calendar included a four-week summer session (referred to as Intersession
prior to 1995) and one eight-week summer session.
Grades and Symbols used in Calculation of Grade-Point Averages:
Prior to the Fall Semester 1996, plus and minus grades were not awarded.
Grade Grade Points Grade Grade Points
A+ = 4.00 C+ = 2.33
A Excellent = 4.00 C Fair = 2.00
A- = 3.67 C- = 1.67
B+ = 3.33 D+ = 1.33
B Good = 3.00 D Poor = 1.00
B- = 2.67 D- = 0.67
F Failure (including courses dropped for
academic irregularities.)
= 0.00
ABS Absent from final exam, counts as failure.
FR F by rule. Prior to Fall 2004, a grade of F has replaced an incomplete grade
because of students failure to comply with specified time limitations.
H Immediately following the letter grade denotes honors credit as certified by the
department offering the course.
A Repeated course indicator (R column) Included in GPA and Attempted Hours but
deducted from Passed and Earned hours.
E Repeated course indicator (R column) Excluded from GPA and included in
Attempted Hours only.
Grades and Symbols Excluded from Calculation of Grade-Point Averages:
AU Audit indicates attendance as a visitor only.
CR A minimum grade of C- is required for credit (pre 1975 D in Study Abroad).
DFR Grade temporarily deferred. Used only in graduate and undergraduate thesis and
honors courses, and in a limited number of other courses that extend over more than
one semester.
I Incomplete. Approved extension of time to complete the final examination or other
requirements of the course.
NR Not Reported.
NC No Credit.
NV Not Valid.
PS Pass. For test-based credit. Minimum grade of C- is required.
S/U Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory.
W Approved withdrawal without credit.
* Immediately following the letter grade indicates grade does not count toward the
students GPA or earned hours.
& Immediately following the letter grade for Religious Foundation courses indicates the
grade and credit are not included in the GPA.
Grade-Point Average is based upon a scale of 4.0 = A. Transcript totals display following
all itemized credit entries for each level on the transcript. The Total Institution GPA is
based on all term credit.
The Overall GPA earned includes all applicable traditional and nontraditional term credit,
transfer, and test-based credit.
The Total Transfer GPA is based on all finalized credit that has been accepted.
Beginning with the Fall Semester 1996, the University changed the grade point designation
from A = 5.0 to A = 4.0. The change was applied retroactively to all students enrolled since
the Fall Semester of 1982. All averages shown on the attached transcript are computed on
a 4.0 scale regardless of when the credit was earned.
College of Law only:
Prior to Fall 1996, grades of B+ (3.5) and C+ (2.5) were used. Beginning with the Fall
Semester 1996 the law grades are the same as those in the other colleges.
Beginning Fall 2004
000-099 Noncredit, preparatory courses.
100-199 Lower level undergraduate courses.
200-299 Lower level undergraduate courses.
300-399 Upper level undergraduate courses.
400-499 Upper level undergraduate and graduate courses.
500-599 Graduate courses.
600-799* Professional and select graduate courses.
*700-799 Beginning Spring 2006
Prior to Fall 2004
100-199 Courses primarily for freshmen and sophomores.
200-299 Courses primarily for undergraduate students who satisfy the published
prerequisite(s), if any.
300-399 Courses primarily for juniors, seniors, professional, and graduate students
who satisfy published prerequisite(s), if any.
400-499 Courses for professional and graduate students, and certain seniors with
Graduate College approval to register.
Graduate Transfer credit dates of attendance: xxxx = unknown
Transfer credit appears on the transcript in summary based on prior institution(s) of
attendance, and in some cases, prior to Spring 2003, as Pre-System Transfer Summary
Hours recorded as a total of transfer credit.
Freshman 0  29.5 hours Sophomore 30  59.5 hours
Junior 60  89.5 hours Senior 90 hours
For undergraduate, graduate, and professional students, twelve credit hours and above is
required for certification as a full-time student; at least six credit hours is required for
certification as a half-time student in a semester.
*Graduate students may establish full-time status with fewer than 12 credits. (see
A students status is determined from his or her academic performance and conduct. A
student is in good standing and eligible to return unless noted.
Conduct Dismissal: Senate Committee on Student Discipline (SCSD); requires a successful
petition for any future readmission.
Conduct Dismissal (Suspended): SCSD; dismissal becomes effective with any further
Conduct Suspension: SCSD; student is not currently a student due to conduct violations.
Conduct Suspension (Suspended): SCSD; Suspension becomes effective with any further
Conduct Probation (Restricted): SCSD; restrictions on student status.
Conduct Probation: SCSD.
Conduct Hold on Readmission: SCSD; permission to pursue the readmission process
cannot be granted without action of SCSD.
Conduct Hold on Degree: SCSD; degree not to be awarded without action of SCSD.
In accordance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) of 1974, this
document cannot be released to a third party without the written consent of the student.
A transcript is official when it bears the signature of the Registrar on officially printed paper or
an electronic version that is sent directly from the institution to the recipient (see below).
Transcripts that are provided directly to students are marked Issued to Student. Partial or
incomplete transcripts are not issued except upon request and only issued by student level
(Undergraduate, Graduate, Law, or Veterinary Medicine). Those transcripts are labeled
Partial Transcript. 09/23/2010
TO TEST FOR AUTHENTICITY: This transcript was delivered through the eSCRIP-SAFE速
Global Transcript Delivery Network. The original transcript is in electronic
PDF form. The authenticity of the PDF document may be validated at escrip-safe.com by selecting the Document Validation link. A printed copy cannot be validated.
This document cannot be released to a third party without the written consent of the student. This is in accordance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of

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U of I Official Transcript escrip safe

  • 1. Official Academic Transcript from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Statement of Authenticity This official academic transcript has been delivered to you through eSCRIP-SAFE, the Global Electronic Transcript Delivery Network, provided by SCRIP-SAFE International, 136 Commerce Blvd, Loveland, OH 45140, 1-877-204-6176. SCRIP-SAFE has been appointed and serves as the designated delivery agent for this sending school, and verifies this sender is recognized by the accreditation source identified below This official academic transcript was requested, created, and released to the recipient following all applicable state and federal laws. It is a violation of federal privacy law to provide a copy of this official academic transcript to anyone other than the named recipient. This PDF document includes: the cover page, the official academic transcript from the sending school, and the academic transcript legend guide. The authenticity of the PDF document may be validated at escrip-safe.com by selecting the Document Validation link. A printed copy cannot be validated. Questions regarding the content of the official academic transcript should be directed to the sending school. For additional information regarding this service, visit escrip-safe.com. Sending School Information University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Office of the Registrar 901 W Illinois St, Suite 140 Urbana, IL 61801-3446 Telephone: 217-333-2034 School Web Page: www.illinois.edu Accreditation: North Central Association of Colleges and Schools, The Higher Learning Commission (NCA-HLC) Student Information Student Name: Hartman , Eric Robert Numeric Identifier: 676805468 Birth Date: 31 - Aug Student Email: erhartm91@gmail.com Receiver Information erhartm91@gmail.com Document Information Transmitted On: Thu, 22 January 2015 Transcript ID: TRAN000006918655 Save this PDF document immediately. It will expire from the eSCRIP-SAFE server 24 hours after it is first opened. Validate authenticity of the saved document at escrip-safe.com. This document is intended for the above named receiver. If you are not the identified receiver please notify the sending school immediately. Transcripts marked 'Issued to Student' are intended for student use only. Recipients should only accept academic transcripts directly from the sending school.
  • 2. This PDF document may be validated. A printed copy cannot be validated. See attached cover page for additional information. FromUniversityofIllinoisatUrbana-Champaigntoerhartm91@gmail.comon01/22/201511:42AMTRAN000006918655 FromUniversityofIllinoisatUrbana-Champaigntoerhartm91@gmail.comon01/22/201511:42AMTRAN000006918655 Rodney E. Hoewing, Interim Registrar UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA - CHAMPAIGN Urbana, Illinois 61801 Student Name: University ID: Issue Date: Level: Hartman , Eric Robert 676805468 31 - AugUndergrad - Urbana-Champaign 22 - Jan - 15 4731560A erhartm91@gmail.com Student Day - Month of Birth: SUBJ NO. COURSE TITLE CRED GRD PTS R _________________________________________________________________ Institution Information continued: PS 270 Intro to Political Theory 3.00 C+ 6.99 PS 280 Intro to Intl Relations 3.00 C+ 6.99 Ehrs: 15.00 GPA-Hrs: 15.00 QPts: 45.99 GPA: 3.06 Fall 2013 - Urbana-Champaign Liberal Arts & Sciences History HIST 345 Medieval Civilization 3.00 B 9.00 HIST 370 Colonial America 3.00 B 9.00 HIST 443 Byzantine Empire AD 284-717 3.00 B 9.00 PS 348 Gov & Pol in Western Europe 3.00 B+ 9.99 Ehrs: 12.00 GPA-Hrs: 12.00 QPts: 36.99 GPA: 3.08 Spring 2014 - Urbana-Champaign Liberal Arts & Sciences History CLCV 116 The Roman Achievement 3.00 A 12.00 HIST 260 History of Russia 3.00 B+ 9.99 HIST 498 Research and Writing Seminar 3.00 A 12.00 PS 300 Chinese Foreign Policy 3.00 A 12.00 Ehrs: 12.00 GPA-Hrs: 12.00 QPts: 45.99 GPA: 3.83 Summer 2014 - Urbana-Champaign Liberal Arts & Sciences History HIST 100 Global History 3.00 A 12.00 RLST 251 Viking Mythology 3.00 B 9.00 Ehrs: 6.00 GPA-Hrs: 6.00 QPts: 21.00 GPA: 3.50 ** TRANSCRIPT TOTALS *** Earned Hrs GPA Hrs Points GPA TOTAL INSTITUTION 60.00 60.00 188.97 3.14 TOTAL TRANSFER 75.00 75.00 251.00 3.34 OVERALL 135.00 135.00 439.97 3.25 ** END OF TRANSCRIPT *** Most Recent Program College : Liberal Arts & Sciences Major : History Degree Awarded BA Liberal Arts and Science 22-DEC-2014 Degree Information College : Liberal Arts & Sciences Campus : Urbana-Champaign Major : History Minor : Political Science SUBJ NO. COURSE TITLE CRED GRD PTS R _________________________________________________________________ TRANSFER CREDIT ACCEPTED SP10 - SP12 Coll of Dupage Ehrs: 59.00 GPA-Hrs: 59.00 QPts: 187.00 GPA: 3.16 SU13 Univ of Illinois at Chicago Ehrs: 8.00 GPA-Hrs: 8.00 QPts: 32.00 GPA: 4.00 SU14 Univ of Illinois at Chicago Ehrs: 8.00 GPA-Hrs: 8.00 QPts: 32.00 GPA: 4.00 INSTITUTION CREDIT: Fall 2012 - Urbana-Champaign Liberal Arts & Sciences History ANTH 220 Introduction to Archaeology 3.00 B- 8.01 ATMS 100 Introduction to Meteorology 3.00 B 9.00 HIST 200 Intro Hist Interpretation 3.00 B- 8.01 HIST 251 Warfare Milit Insts & Soc 3.00 C+ 6.99 PS 100 Intro to Political Science 3.00 C+ 6.99 Ehrs: 15.00 GPA-Hrs: 15.00 QPts: 39.00 GPA: 2.60 Spring 2013 - Urbana-Champaign Liberal Arts & Sciences History HIST 259 20thC World from Midcentury 3.00 A 12.00 HIST 396 Europe and the Mediterranean 3.00 A- 11.01 HIST 400 War, Soc, Politics, & Culture 3.00 B 9.00 CONTINUED ON NEXT COLUMN **** 1Page This electronic transcript, as delivered in PDF form through the eSCRIP -SAFE速 Global Transcript Delivery Network, has a transcript explanation at the end of the document which details authentication information. Further authentication may be obtained by calling (217) 333-0210. Recipient: Student email: Issued to:
  • 3. FromUniversityofIllinoisatUrbana-Champaigntoerhartm91@gmail.comon01/22/201511:42AMTRAN000006918655 FromUniversityofIllinoisatUrbana-Champaigntoerhartm91@gmail.comon01/22/201511:42AMTRAN000006918655 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN www.registrar.illinois.edu OFFICE OF THE REGISTRAR, 901 W ILLINOIS, SUITE 140, URBANA, IL 61801-3446 PH (217) 333-0210 / FAX (217) 333-3100 ADDITIONAL TRANSCRIPT EXPLANATION IS AVAILABLE ON THE WEB AT: http://admin.illinois.edu/policy/code/article3_part7_3-701.html Transcript information for students who attended the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign prior to 1982 is available on the web at: http://www.registrar.illinois.edu/pdf/pre1982key.pdf ACCREDITATION: North Central Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools. ACADEMIC CALENDAR: The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign operates on an academic calendar of two sixteen-week semesters and, beginning in 2005, one twelve-week summer term. Prior to 2005, the summer calendar included a four-week summer session (referred to as Intersession prior to 1995) and one eight-week summer session. GRADE EXPLANATION BEGINNING FALL 1982: Grades and Symbols used in Calculation of Grade-Point Averages: Prior to the Fall Semester 1996, plus and minus grades were not awarded. Grade Grade Points Grade Grade Points A+ = 4.00 C+ = 2.33 A Excellent = 4.00 C Fair = 2.00 A- = 3.67 C- = 1.67 B+ = 3.33 D+ = 1.33 B Good = 3.00 D Poor = 1.00 B- = 2.67 D- = 0.67 F Failure (including courses dropped for academic irregularities.) = 0.00 ABS Absent from final exam, counts as failure. FR F by rule. Prior to Fall 2004, a grade of F has replaced an incomplete grade because of students failure to comply with specified time limitations. H Immediately following the letter grade denotes honors credit as certified by the department offering the course. A Repeated course indicator (R column) Included in GPA and Attempted Hours but deducted from Passed and Earned hours. E Repeated course indicator (R column) Excluded from GPA and included in Attempted Hours only. Grades and Symbols Excluded from Calculation of Grade-Point Averages: AU Audit indicates attendance as a visitor only. CR A minimum grade of C- is required for credit (pre 1975 D in Study Abroad). DFR Grade temporarily deferred. Used only in graduate and undergraduate thesis and honors courses, and in a limited number of other courses that extend over more than one semester. I Incomplete. Approved extension of time to complete the final examination or other requirements of the course. NR Not Reported. NC No Credit. NV Not Valid. PS Pass. For test-based credit. Minimum grade of C- is required. S/U Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory. W Approved withdrawal without credit. * Immediately following the letter grade indicates grade does not count toward the students GPA or earned hours. & Immediately following the letter grade for Religious Foundation courses indicates the grade and credit are not included in the GPA. GRADE-POINT AVERAGE: Grade-Point Average is based upon a scale of 4.0 = A. Transcript totals display following all itemized credit entries for each level on the transcript. The Total Institution GPA is based on all term credit. The Overall GPA earned includes all applicable traditional and nontraditional term credit, transfer, and test-based credit. The Total Transfer GPA is based on all finalized credit that has been accepted. Beginning with the Fall Semester 1996, the University changed the grade point designation from A = 5.0 to A = 4.0. The change was applied retroactively to all students enrolled since the Fall Semester of 1982. All averages shown on the attached transcript are computed on a 4.0 scale regardless of when the credit was earned. College of Law only: Prior to Fall 1996, grades of B+ (3.5) and C+ (2.5) were used. Beginning with the Fall Semester 1996 the law grades are the same as those in the other colleges. COURSE NUMBERING SYSTEM: Beginning Fall 2004 000-099 Noncredit, preparatory courses. 100-199 Lower level undergraduate courses. 200-299 Lower level undergraduate courses. 300-399 Upper level undergraduate courses. 400-499 Upper level undergraduate and graduate courses. 500-599 Graduate courses. 600-799* Professional and select graduate courses. *700-799 Beginning Spring 2006 Prior to Fall 2004 100-199 Courses primarily for freshmen and sophomores. 200-299 Courses primarily for undergraduate students who satisfy the published prerequisite(s), if any. 300-399 Courses primarily for juniors, seniors, professional, and graduate students who satisfy published prerequisite(s), if any. 400-499 Courses for professional and graduate students, and certain seniors with Graduate College approval to register. TRANSFER CREDIT: Graduate Transfer credit dates of attendance: xxxx = unknown Transfer credit appears on the transcript in summary based on prior institution(s) of attendance, and in some cases, prior to Spring 2003, as Pre-System Transfer Summary Hours recorded as a total of transfer credit. UNDERGRADUATE STUDENT CLASSIFICATION: Freshman 0 29.5 hours Sophomore 30 59.5 hours Junior 60 89.5 hours Senior 90 hours ENROLLMENT STATUS*: For undergraduate, graduate, and professional students, twelve credit hours and above is required for certification as a full-time student; at least six credit hours is required for certification as a half-time student in a semester. *Graduate students may establish full-time status with fewer than 12 credits. (see http://admin.illinois.edu/policy/code/article3_part3_3-301.html) STUDENT STATUS: A students status is determined from his or her academic performance and conduct. A student is in good standing and eligible to return unless noted. CONDUCT CODE DESCRIPTIONS: Conduct Dismissal: Senate Committee on Student Discipline (SCSD); requires a successful petition for any future readmission. Conduct Dismissal (Suspended): SCSD; dismissal becomes effective with any further violation. Conduct Suspension: SCSD; student is not currently a student due to conduct violations. Conduct Suspension (Suspended): SCSD; Suspension becomes effective with any further violation. Conduct Probation (Restricted): SCSD; restrictions on student status. Conduct Probation: SCSD. Conduct Hold on Readmission: SCSD; permission to pursue the readmission process cannot be granted without action of SCSD. Conduct Hold on Degree: SCSD; degree not to be awarded without action of SCSD. PRIVACY NOTICE: In accordance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) of 1974, this document cannot be released to a third party without the written consent of the student. OFFICIAL TRANSCRIPT: A transcript is official when it bears the signature of the Registrar on officially printed paper or an electronic version that is sent directly from the institution to the recipient (see below). Transcripts that are provided directly to students are marked Issued to Student. Partial or incomplete transcripts are not issued except upon request and only issued by student level (Undergraduate, Graduate, Law, or Veterinary Medicine). Those transcripts are labeled Partial Transcript. 09/23/2010 TO TEST FOR AUTHENTICITY: This transcript was delivered through the eSCRIP-SAFE速 Global Transcript Delivery Network. The original transcript is in electronic PDF form. The authenticity of the PDF document may be validated at escrip-safe.com by selecting the Document Validation link. A printed copy cannot be validated. This document cannot be released to a third party without the written consent of the student. This is in accordance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974. ALTERATION OF THIS DOCUMENT MAY BE A CRIMINAL OFFENSE!