The document describes a revolutionary new gadget called the Universal Translation Device (UTD) that enables communication between people who speak different languages. The UTD is a small, discrete, comfortable, and accurate device that uses cutting edge technology to translate conversations in real-time through a Bluetooth connection to a smartphone. It allows users to speak naturally and then translates and reads out the translated message, providing a cheap, modern way to break down language barriers around the world.
Caso de ¨¦xito en el segmento MaternidadCecilia Nu?ez
Charla brindada por Cecilia Nu?ez, en MJMeetings, cl¨ªnica de Redes Sociales.
Explicaci¨®n del caso de ¨¦xito de Club de las Embarazadas (un proyecto de Emergencias Sociedad Anonima) para el target de embarazadas y mamas recientes.
Junto con Mart¨ªn Urdaniz y el area de Marketing del cliente en Bee! Comunicacion ( dise?amos la estrategia de comunicaci¨®n, producimos los contenidos y operamos la presencia de la marca en redes sociales.
Anthony Weiner: Maybe He Knows Something We Don¡¯tDominic Carter
Dominic Carter talks about Anthony Weiner and he might know something we don't.
Cen¨¢rios para ensino no Brasil: colabora??o de conhecimento e mobilidadeJuliano Fen¨®lio
O documento discute cen¨¢rios para o ensino at¨¦ 2017, propondo o uso de tecnologias colaborativas como ambientes on-line, smartphones e tablets no curto prazo e conectividade e conte¨²do aberto no m¨¦dio prazo. No longo prazo, sugere intelig¨ºncia coletiva, ambientes pessoais de aprendizagem e aplica??es sem?nticas. A proposta ¨¦ desenvolver portais e conte¨²dos on-line para professores e estudantes compartilharem informa??es e colaborarem na melhoria do ensino.
Este resumen de coberturas proporciona asistencia m¨¦dica en viaje con gastos m¨¦dicos cubiertos hasta 1,000€ en el pa¨ªs de residencia y 2,000€ fuera. Tambi¨¦n incluye repatriaci¨®n o traslado sanitario ilimitado, equipajes con cobertura de hasta 150€ por p¨¦rdida o robo, asistencia jur¨ªdica en viaje con responsabilidad civil de hasta 6,000€, e indemnizaci¨®n por accidente de hasta 4,000€ fuera del pa¨ªs de residencia. La asistencia en viaje est¨¢ disponible las
O documento descreve melhorias nos processos t¨¦rmicos e n?o t¨¦rmicos realizados pela Isoflama para melhorar o desempenho de moldes de inje??o de alum¨ªnio, incluindo: 1) Ado??o de processos de t¨ºmpera a v¨¢cuo e revenimento com monitoramento preciso de temperatura para produzir microestruturas uniformes; 2) Uso de nitreta??o i?nica por plasma com controle do potencial de nitrog¨ºnio para gerar camadas nitretadas homog¨ºneas e sem oxida??o.
El documento describe una donaci¨®n de tableros interactivos de la compa?¨ªa Edumedios al museo Maloka. La directora de Maloka considera que los tableros son excelentes herramientas para apoyar su misi¨®n. Edumedios espera fortalecer su alianza con Maloka ofreciendo m¨¢s tecnolog¨ªas como realidad aumentada. Los tableros interactivos permiten a los usuarios interactuar con proyecciones de manera t¨¢ctil usando un l¨¢piz o tableta.
This document contains information about 16 banks located in Panama, including their addresses, phone numbers, websites, and key contacts. It lists the company name, address, phone number, fax, website, email, manager, and category for each bank. The banks are headquartered in cities across Panama like Panama City, David, and Chiriqui.
Bases ayudas reindustrializaci¨®n boe 20 de abril de 2012poligonolorca
Este documento establece las bases reguladoras de las ayudas para actuaciones de reindustrializaci¨®n en zonas desfavorecidas en Espa?a. Se introducen modificaciones para mejorar la gesti¨®n de las ayudas y facilitar inversiones, manteniendo los objetivos y ¨¢mbitos de aplicaci¨®n de ordenes anteriores. Las ayudas apoyar¨¢n infraestructuras industriales y nuevas iniciativas industriales en zonas elegibles, para contribuir a la reindustrializaci¨®n y reducir desequilibrios territoriales.
"Click to Add Title"/ Thoughts on PresentingMichael Edson
Short presentation for the Museums and the Web Speaker Training webinar.
The session was lead by Loic Tallon and Nancy Proctor, and Peter Samis, Dana Mitroff-Silvers, Amy Heibel and Susan Chun all gave short talks that are well worth looking at ;)
Eines 2.0 Eines 2.0 com a suport a les organitzacions Amb l'aparici¨® de la tecnologia 2.0, les empreses vivim una important transformaci¨® de les nostres xarxes de comunicaci¨®. La web 2.0 ha vingut a transformar sensiblement els h¨¤bits de recerca d'informaci¨® fent que la persona es mostri pro activa davant d'internet i cerqui solucions immediates als seus requeriments. I el que ¨¦s m¨¦s important...
Michael Edson: The Smithsonian Commons - A Model Institution?Michael Edson
The document discusses a presentation about developing a web and new media strategy for the Smithsonian Institution to create a more open and collaborative model called the "Smithsonian Commons" that engages the public through digital platforms and sharing content and expertise to make the Institution more relevant in a digital age. The strategy includes themes around updating the digital experience, learning model, and balancing autonomy across the Institution, with goals around mission, brand, learning, audiences, interpretation, technology, business models, and governance.
This document discusses key aspects of the 2010 health care reform legislation, including:
- The two acts that comprise the reform and their goals of expanding coverage and reducing costs.
- Provisions that expand Medicaid eligibility and the number of insured individuals.
- Requirements for qualified health plans being offered on state exchanges beginning in 2014.
- Penalties for individuals and large employers regarding mandatory coverage and requirements to offer affordable plans.
Visual Conversations on Urban Futures - DRS 2016serena pollastri
This document discusses visual methods for building scenarios of urban futures that articulate plurality and differences rather than consensus. It describes processes like visual conversations, participatory scenario making, and design experiments that use images to enable voices to imagine and debate possible city futures. Examples include French magazine Utopie from 1968-1970 that used images and text to provoke debate, and future visioning breakfasts that engaged stakeholders in speculative design. The document outlines an atlas project to make the outputs of visual conversations more accessible and concludes that while not agents of change themselves, such methods can contribute to developing alternative visions of the future in the early stages of the process.
This document summarizes the kick-off meeting for the KNOW-4-DRR project, which aims to develop a knowledge management framework for disaster risk reduction. The two-day meeting in Milan included discussions on defining the knowledge to be considered, identifying target stakeholders, developing the knowledge management system framework, and planning participatory workshops and living labs. The meeting also reviewed planned deliverables such as stakeholder mapping, knowledge flow mappings, barriers to decision-making, and guidelines. Tentative dates and locations were proposed for future coordination activities including seminars and workshops over the course of the project.
Request for proposal(RFP) Design project-Singapore-The Future City 2010Anup Jalan
This document is a request for proposal from Scintillus Global Media Pte. Ltd. for a design project to create a coordinated urban street furniture suite for Singapore. The scope of work involves conceptualizing and designing transit shelters that balance aesthetics and technology, along with additional street furniture elements like benches, bins, booths, etc. that follow the same design principles. The design brief calls for the transit shelters to bring together people, technology, and the environment through adaptability, sensing, responsiveness, and interactivity to outshine and outdo the competition. Key considerations for the design include creativity, consistency, modularity, utility, interactivity, and durability.
The document summarizes feedback from Phase 1 consultations on Toronto's Urban Design Policy Review, which sought input on 11 proposed policy directions. Over 2,300 people participated through stakeholder roundtables, public open houses, an urban design forum, and pop-up events. Key feedback included:
1. Support for clarifying urban design guidelines but allowing flexibility for creativity. Prescriptive policies should prioritize essential public realm elements.
2. The public realm is important and buildings should interact positively with it. Intensification needs sufficient infrastructure. Character of diverse neighborhoods should be respected.
3. Low-rise, mid-rise and tall building typologies need defined criteria. Transition between scales and active ground floors
This document provides an agenda and details for the Vision2020 event. The morning will include keynote speeches on making less more and connecting new communities. Parallel afternoon presentations will cover topics such as personal transport, retail, law firms, and production media. Speakers include experts from Portland, Frosts Landscapes, De Montfort University, and Harvey Ingram LLP. Attendees can participate online and an unconference in the afternoon will allow for open discussion. The event aims to explore visions for 2020 and beyond in Leicester.
Topics at the intersection of technology and humanity with a focus on the future of emerging technologies and how these apply in healthcare, education, as solving global economic, ecological and social challenges of our time, addressing the future of new systems in finance and currencies, climate restoration vs climate crisis, and what¡¯s needed for social commons and future social systems.
¡°Public Space in the Global Agenda for Sustainable Urban Development: From Pr...Alice Siragusa
This document outlines the schedule and agenda for a workshop on public space and sustainable urban development. The workshop will include presentations on tools and practices for developing public spaces, including the UN Global Public Space Toolkit and case studies from Latin America. Attendees will discuss how to further the toolkit and link public space policies to local agendas. The expected outputs are feedback on the toolkit, networking, and a synthesis report.
Here is the full set of notes as in topics of urban designing. this work is done by 2013-2018 architecture batch (SDPS college of architecture). hope it will help you find yours.
The document announces a networking event on September 21st at the GCU London Campus to discuss funding opportunities for knowledge exchange and research related to social innovation. The event will focus on forming partnerships between researchers and practitioners to design effective project proposals that address upcoming funding calls. Participants will discuss topics like social entrepreneurship, empowering communities, and the impact of the nonprofit sector, with the goal of developing new collaborative projects and strengthening existing partnerships.
El documento describe una donaci¨®n de tableros interactivos de la compa?¨ªa Edumedios al museo Maloka. La directora de Maloka considera que los tableros son excelentes herramientas para apoyar su misi¨®n. Edumedios espera fortalecer su alianza con Maloka ofreciendo m¨¢s tecnolog¨ªas como realidad aumentada. Los tableros interactivos permiten a los usuarios interactuar con proyecciones de manera t¨¢ctil usando un l¨¢piz o tableta.
This document contains information about 16 banks located in Panama, including their addresses, phone numbers, websites, and key contacts. It lists the company name, address, phone number, fax, website, email, manager, and category for each bank. The banks are headquartered in cities across Panama like Panama City, David, and Chiriqui.
Bases ayudas reindustrializaci¨®n boe 20 de abril de 2012poligonolorca
Este documento establece las bases reguladoras de las ayudas para actuaciones de reindustrializaci¨®n en zonas desfavorecidas en Espa?a. Se introducen modificaciones para mejorar la gesti¨®n de las ayudas y facilitar inversiones, manteniendo los objetivos y ¨¢mbitos de aplicaci¨®n de ordenes anteriores. Las ayudas apoyar¨¢n infraestructuras industriales y nuevas iniciativas industriales en zonas elegibles, para contribuir a la reindustrializaci¨®n y reducir desequilibrios territoriales.
"Click to Add Title"/ Thoughts on PresentingMichael Edson
Short presentation for the Museums and the Web Speaker Training webinar.
The session was lead by Loic Tallon and Nancy Proctor, and Peter Samis, Dana Mitroff-Silvers, Amy Heibel and Susan Chun all gave short talks that are well worth looking at ;)
Eines 2.0 Eines 2.0 com a suport a les organitzacions Amb l'aparici¨® de la tecnologia 2.0, les empreses vivim una important transformaci¨® de les nostres xarxes de comunicaci¨®. La web 2.0 ha vingut a transformar sensiblement els h¨¤bits de recerca d'informaci¨® fent que la persona es mostri pro activa davant d'internet i cerqui solucions immediates als seus requeriments. I el que ¨¦s m¨¦s important...
Michael Edson: The Smithsonian Commons - A Model Institution?Michael Edson
The document discusses a presentation about developing a web and new media strategy for the Smithsonian Institution to create a more open and collaborative model called the "Smithsonian Commons" that engages the public through digital platforms and sharing content and expertise to make the Institution more relevant in a digital age. The strategy includes themes around updating the digital experience, learning model, and balancing autonomy across the Institution, with goals around mission, brand, learning, audiences, interpretation, technology, business models, and governance.
This document discusses key aspects of the 2010 health care reform legislation, including:
- The two acts that comprise the reform and their goals of expanding coverage and reducing costs.
- Provisions that expand Medicaid eligibility and the number of insured individuals.
- Requirements for qualified health plans being offered on state exchanges beginning in 2014.
- Penalties for individuals and large employers regarding mandatory coverage and requirements to offer affordable plans.
Visual Conversations on Urban Futures - DRS 2016serena pollastri
This document discusses visual methods for building scenarios of urban futures that articulate plurality and differences rather than consensus. It describes processes like visual conversations, participatory scenario making, and design experiments that use images to enable voices to imagine and debate possible city futures. Examples include French magazine Utopie from 1968-1970 that used images and text to provoke debate, and future visioning breakfasts that engaged stakeholders in speculative design. The document outlines an atlas project to make the outputs of visual conversations more accessible and concludes that while not agents of change themselves, such methods can contribute to developing alternative visions of the future in the early stages of the process.
This document summarizes the kick-off meeting for the KNOW-4-DRR project, which aims to develop a knowledge management framework for disaster risk reduction. The two-day meeting in Milan included discussions on defining the knowledge to be considered, identifying target stakeholders, developing the knowledge management system framework, and planning participatory workshops and living labs. The meeting also reviewed planned deliverables such as stakeholder mapping, knowledge flow mappings, barriers to decision-making, and guidelines. Tentative dates and locations were proposed for future coordination activities including seminars and workshops over the course of the project.
Request for proposal(RFP) Design project-Singapore-The Future City 2010Anup Jalan
This document is a request for proposal from Scintillus Global Media Pte. Ltd. for a design project to create a coordinated urban street furniture suite for Singapore. The scope of work involves conceptualizing and designing transit shelters that balance aesthetics and technology, along with additional street furniture elements like benches, bins, booths, etc. that follow the same design principles. The design brief calls for the transit shelters to bring together people, technology, and the environment through adaptability, sensing, responsiveness, and interactivity to outshine and outdo the competition. Key considerations for the design include creativity, consistency, modularity, utility, interactivity, and durability.
The document summarizes feedback from Phase 1 consultations on Toronto's Urban Design Policy Review, which sought input on 11 proposed policy directions. Over 2,300 people participated through stakeholder roundtables, public open houses, an urban design forum, and pop-up events. Key feedback included:
1. Support for clarifying urban design guidelines but allowing flexibility for creativity. Prescriptive policies should prioritize essential public realm elements.
2. The public realm is important and buildings should interact positively with it. Intensification needs sufficient infrastructure. Character of diverse neighborhoods should be respected.
3. Low-rise, mid-rise and tall building typologies need defined criteria. Transition between scales and active ground floors
This document provides an agenda and details for the Vision2020 event. The morning will include keynote speeches on making less more and connecting new communities. Parallel afternoon presentations will cover topics such as personal transport, retail, law firms, and production media. Speakers include experts from Portland, Frosts Landscapes, De Montfort University, and Harvey Ingram LLP. Attendees can participate online and an unconference in the afternoon will allow for open discussion. The event aims to explore visions for 2020 and beyond in Leicester.
Topics at the intersection of technology and humanity with a focus on the future of emerging technologies and how these apply in healthcare, education, as solving global economic, ecological and social challenges of our time, addressing the future of new systems in finance and currencies, climate restoration vs climate crisis, and what¡¯s needed for social commons and future social systems.
¡°Public Space in the Global Agenda for Sustainable Urban Development: From Pr...Alice Siragusa
This document outlines the schedule and agenda for a workshop on public space and sustainable urban development. The workshop will include presentations on tools and practices for developing public spaces, including the UN Global Public Space Toolkit and case studies from Latin America. Attendees will discuss how to further the toolkit and link public space policies to local agendas. The expected outputs are feedback on the toolkit, networking, and a synthesis report.
Here is the full set of notes as in topics of urban designing. this work is done by 2013-2018 architecture batch (SDPS college of architecture). hope it will help you find yours.
The document announces a networking event on September 21st at the GCU London Campus to discuss funding opportunities for knowledge exchange and research related to social innovation. The event will focus on forming partnerships between researchers and practitioners to design effective project proposals that address upcoming funding calls. Participants will discuss topics like social entrepreneurship, empowering communities, and the impact of the nonprofit sector, with the goal of developing new collaborative projects and strengthening existing partnerships.
The document announces a networking event on September 21st at the GCU London Campus to discuss funding opportunities for knowledge exchange and research related to social innovation. The event will focus on forming partnerships between researchers and practitioners to design effective project proposals that address upcoming funding calls from the European Commission related to social innovation topics like incubation, entrepreneurship, health promotion, and more. Participants will engage in flexible dialogue sessions to share ideas and develop new collaboration opportunities.
This document summarizes ways that cities can motivate mobility mindsets to transition to more sustainable urban mobility. It highlights examples of cities that have successfully implemented tried and tested solutions like exploiting existing infrastructure in Budapest, connected mobility and public space quality in Vitoria-Gasteiz, and targeted communication approaches in Gdynia, Reggio Emilia, and Madrid. It also discusses how cities can create win-win situations by involving stakeholders as shown in Ljubljana and Skanderborg. Moving forward will require combining infrastructure investments with soft measures, optimizing existing resources, prioritizing mobility mindsets, cultivating political courage, fostering new partnerships, and using mobility to connect across city challenges and departments.
Tactical Urbanism, Lecture by Arvind Ramachandran, 7 July 2013Sochi - peshkom
Arvind Ramachandran introduces the concept of "Everyday Urbanism" which encourages building cities incrementally through small-scale citizen-driven projects rather than large master plans. Everyday Urbanism recognizes cities as complex entities shaped by many forces and argues a bottom-up approach improves city life without massive investment. Examples of Everyday Urbanism projects include parklets in LA, a participatory park in Copenhagen, and public toilets designed with citizen input in Chennai.
Iniciativa urbana Esp¨ªritu Santo. Una experiencia de regeneraci¨®n social y urbana, con la participaci¨®n ciudadana.
The document announces an international conference on universal design to be held June 16-18, 2014 in Lund, Sweden. The conference will bring together practitioners and researchers from diverse backgrounds to explore creative solutions for improving inclusion in all areas of life through universal design. Participants are invited to submit long papers, short papers, design cases, or demonstrations by November 1st and December 1st, 2013 for consideration.
This document summarizes a community placemaking project in Aveiro, Portugal called "VIVACIDADE. Vestir os Vazios da Cidade" that aims to temporarily develop urban voids and turn them into welcoming, accessible, useful, vibrant places through community engagement. The project involves the municipality, university, and cultural sector. It has engaged local citizens, civic associations, students, media partners, and sponsors to select voids and authorize owners. The participation involves democratic decision making, capacity building, advocacy, and cross-sectoral civic engagement.
The Future City of Africa - presentation and invitation (startups & EXPO)Jens Kj?rgaard
The document summarizes an upcoming conference called the Future City of Africa that will take place in Nairobi, Kenya from June 9-11, 2016. It aims to bring together the brightest minds in technology, urban planning, and business to discuss solutions for building sustainable cities across Africa to accommodate 700 million new urban residents by 2050. The conference will focus on themes like smart cities, infrastructure, urban planning, and citizen engagement. It hopes to inspire innovation and new partnerships to address Africa's rapid urbanization in a way that leapfrogs old models and creates new, African-centered solutions for the future of the continent's cities.
Matias Vaara - 6aika Digital Design Language - Mindtrek 2016 Mindtrek
This document proposes creating a shared digital design language for cities in Finland to address common challenges. A design language would include best practices, reusable user interface elements, and guidelines to make digital services easier to use, develop and maintain across cities. It would save costs, speed development times, and improve the user experience and brand consistency between city services. The document outlines how such a design language could be created collaboratively and hosted on a open platform, with examples of how standardized elements and code snippets could then be implemented by developers to create consistent user experiences across cities.
The document discusses several topics related to cities and urbanization. It includes a dialogue about investing money where two town council members discuss proposals. It also includes vocabulary related to cities, phrases for agreeing/disagreeing in a dialogue, and structures for conducting a monologue on "The Future of Cities" discussing topics like mobility, housing, urban planning, and making cities more sustainable.
European cities are increasingly experiencing socio-spatial segregation as a result of rising income inequality, less secure employment, increased migration, and failures of 1960s-1980s urban planning that concentrated disadvantaged groups in large housing estates. While the EU promotes social cohesion and integration in cities, many urban policies directly target "problematic" segregated areas through area-based initiatives, without addressing the wider societal drivers of segregation such as deregulated housing markets and shrinking welfare states. Such localized interventions risk exacerbating inequality and displacement of marginalized residents. Comprehensive strategies are needed across whole cities to provide equal access to quality public services, affordable housing, education and jobs for all.
Contributi dei parlamentari del PD - Contributi L. 3/2019Partito democratico
2025 - The DFARS - Part 204 - Administrative And Information MattersJSchaus & Associates
2025 - JSchaus & Associates in Washington DC present a complimentary webinar series covering The DFARS, Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement. Learn about US Federal Government Contracting with The Department of Defense, DoD. Defense Contracting. Defense Acquisition. Federal Contracting.
Link To Video:
Subscribe to Our YouTube Channel for complimentary access to US Federal Government Contracting videos:
Visit our website to learn more about US Federal Government Contracting and subscribe to our FREE Government Contracting Webinars
Advertise with us or Sponsor our Webinar Series - Contact
Article review by Liben Tsegaye |PhD student in DRMD , AAU|EGCDWO
This article review critically assesses a study on the decentralization of Disaster Risk Management (DRM) in Ethiopia, focusing on the Oromia region. The purpose of the review is to evaluate the article's methodology, findings, and policy implications, as well as to offer recommendations for further research. The method for the review was content and comparative analysis. The article employs a mixed-methods approach, combining qualitative content analysis and quantitative statistical tools such as STATA version 14 to analyze data from government representatives. Major findings reveal that while decentralization of DRM is better understood at higher administrative levels, its effectiveness is limited due to challenges in training, technology, collaboration, and local capacity. The article highlights that administrative decentralization is more effective than fiscal or political decentralization. However, the research has notable weaknesses, including a limited sample size and reliance on participants' opinions rather than objective indicators measurement, leading to superficial findings. The review suggests that the research methodology could be improved with secondary data and a case study approach to gain a more comprehensive understanding of DRM decentralization. Recommendations for further research are made, emphasizing the need for a more robust analysis and actionable policy guidance.
Keywords: Disaster Risk Management, Decentralization, Awareness,
The Minimalist Marketer ¨C How Nonprofits Can Do More with Less slides Julia.pdfJulia Campbell
Marketing for nonprofits has never been more complex. With endless social media platforms, email campaigns, and digital tools, nonprofit professionals often feel overwhelmed, stretched thin, and unsure if their efforts are truly making an impact.
What if marketing didn¡¯t have to be this complicated? The Minimalist Marketer offers a streamlined approach, helping nonprofits cut through the noise and focus on high-impact marketing strategies that save time, money, and energy.
In this 45-minute webinar, you¡¯ll learn how to simplify your marketing, identify what truly moves the needle, and create a focused strategy that helps your nonprofit grow¡ªwithout burnout.
2025 - JSchaus & Associates in Washington DC present a complimentary webinar series covering The DFARS, Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement. Learn about US Federal Government Contracting with The Department of Defense, DoD. Defense Contracting. Defense Acquisition. Federal Contracting.
Link To Video:
Subscribe to Our YouTube Channel for complimentary access to US Federal Government Contracting videos:
Visit our website to learn more about US Federal Government Contracting and subscribe to our FREE Government Contracting Webinars
The document outlines the constitution and bylaws of the Broadway-Flushing Homeowners' Association. It defines the area covered by the association and its objectives, which include maintaining single-family homes, uniting homeowners, and representing the community before government agencies. It describes membership requirements and voting procedures. It establishes officer positions like President and Treasurer and outlines their duties. It also discusses committees, dues, meetings, amendments, and dissolution procedures.
The Future of Open Streets Hamilton-Envisioning routesCityLABHamilton
#u2fc @ WTC 2014
1. Join the conversation
Wednesday 14 May 2014 ¨C 10.00 ?- 12.30
Hotel Bourbon ¡ª Room Viale 1/2/3
During WTC 2014 the ITA Committee on
?Underground Space ¨C ITACUS will organise an
Urban ?Underground Future Conversation (U2FC).
The U2FC is one of many activities that ITACUS will
?undertake as part of their Road Map in the coming
ITACUS explains what the set goals of its Road
Map aim to achieve and how the ?conversations
can help to achieve some of the set goals.
Then we settle down and talk. The U2FC ideally
aims for a frank dialogue: no ?presentations, no
?monologues, but rather an open ?exchange of
views, ?ideas, and opinions. Everyone ?participating
aims to listen and learn from others. ?Together we
want the conversation to lead to new ?ideas. Ideas
that will be taken along to new ?conversations
and ?ultimately will be part of the agenda setting
ITACUS is aiming for.
Are you interested in urban underground space
and the urban environment in ?general? Do you
have thoughts on how to achieve sustainable
urban development, city ?resilience and ?improving
urban life? Are you an urban engineer, urban
planner, urban designer, urban decision-maker or
urban agenda- setter? Then join our ?conversation
for an urban underground future.
What is an Urban Underground Future Conversation?
A UF2C is meant to be a dialogue and exchange
?between various interested ?stakeholders ?discussing
policy or specific projects on underground space and
how that contributes to a better urban environment.
Why a conversation?
The conversation is meant to be just that: a ?conversation.
It is an exchange of views between all ?those who are
interested in urban underground space and how this
?contributes to sustainable urban development, city
?resilience and improving urban life in general.
Organise your own conversations
Hopefully you¡¯ll like the idea. ITACUS wants you to
?organise your own conversations. So ?attending U2FC
?gives you a chance to voice your opinions but also
might give you an idea to put it into ?practice yourself.