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Ahmed Mohammed Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Applications www.ijera.com
ISSN : 2248-9622, Vol. 5, Issue 2, ( Part -2) February 2015, pp.126-129
www.ijera.com 126 | P a g e
Electronic Control of Unguided Airborne Vehicle (UAV)
Mohammed Ahmed Mohammed1
, Abdelrasoul jabar Alzubaidi2
Academy of Sciences (SAS)- Khartoum - Sudan
Sudan university of science and technology- Engineering Collage-School of electronics- Khartoum- Sudan .
The paper deals with building an electronic remote control circuit for Unguided Airborne Vehicle (UAV) based
on implementing Dual Tone Multiple Frequency decoder ( DTMF) .A microcontroller is used in the design to
analyze and execute the commands arriving to the UAV . A Liquid Crystal Display (LCD ) is implemented to
show the results during the circuit development and test phase. The control of the UAV is done from the ground
using a mobile or a personnel computer (PC) supplied with a modem. The DTMF decoder output is connected
to the microcontroller which analyzes the commands and accordingly execute them on the control parts in the
UAV . The microcontroller issues orders and display the operations on the LCD .
The circuit design assumes the presence of an operating GSM network for the transmission of the control
commands .The airborne platform model is a small aircraft carrying the electronic circuit on board. Three
stepper motors are used as a means of control to the wings, elevators and rudders in the UAV. .The electronic
circuit on board the UAV is well protected to ensue safety of the hardware and perfect performance.
Keywords : microcontroller ,LCD , GSM , DTMF, Control , UAV . .
The new generations of technology has redefined
communication. Any where we find mobile
communication networks installed . But the
application of mobile phone cannot just be restricted
to sending messages or starting conversations. New
innovations and ideas can be generated from it that
can further enhance its capabilities. Remote
management of several electrical and electronic
devices (such as home appliances, office appliances,
and even what this paper deals with "control of
UAVs" ) is a subject of growing interest .In recent
years we have seen many systems providing such
control applications.
First of all, it is necessary to analyze the system
operation. According to the analysis procedures, the
circuit is designed. The designed circuit performs
remote mode of operation to control a UAV. The
sequence of operations to be performed remotely are:
 Activation of the small engine for take off
operation .
 Control of the elevators in the UAV to make it
 Send ground commands for turning the platform
 Send ground commands for turning the platform
 Send ground commands for ascending the
platform .
 Send ground commands for descending the
platform .
 Control of the elevators in the platform to make
it land..
Figure (1) below shows the block diagram of the
platform remote control circuit design by using
DTMF technology.
Ahmed Mohammed Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Applications www.ijera.com
ISSN : 2248-9622, Vol. 5, Issue 2, ( Part -2) February 2015, pp.126-129
www.ijera.com 127 | P a g e
Figure (1) block diagram of the UAV remote control system
The block diagram is an illustration of how to
implement the design and the various parts involved
in it. The ground control circuit is used as a
transmitting section from which the commands to the
platform are send. The commands contain guidance
instructions to the platform. The received commands
by the microcontroller get processed to carry out the
required operations. An LCD is used for display to
ensure correct system operation during the
development phase.
The main hardware components in the design are
1. Microcontroller (Atmega32) :
Atmega 32 is a microcontroller from Atmel 8-
bit family with 32KB flash memory is used. It is a
forty pins integrated circuit. It contains four
programmable ports plus an in build ADC.
2. GSM modem:
GSM Modem is used as a means for commands
transmission to the UAV. It is very compact in size
and easy to use as plug. The Modem is designed to
interface PC.. and the microcontroller .
3. LCD 40x2:
The LCD 40x2 is used in the system design for
4. DTMF Decoder
DTMF is short for Dual Tone Multi Frequency.
The tones produced when dialing on the keypad on
the phone could be used to represent the digits, and a
separate tone is used for each digit. Pressing any key
generate unique tone which consists of two different
frequencies one each of higher and lower frequency
range. The resultant tone is convolution of two
frequencies . Figure (2) shows mobile keypad
Figure (2) Phone keypad for DTMF generation
Each of these tones is composed of two pure sine
waves of the low and high frequencies superimposed
on each other. These two frequencies explicitly
represent one of the digits on the telephone keypad.
Equation (1) shows the generated signal .
f ( t ) = AH sin( 2 fH t ) + AL sin( 2 fL t )
Ahmed Mohammed Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Applications www.ijera.com
ISSN : 2248-9622, Vol. 5, Issue 2, ( Part -2) February 2015, pp.126-129
www.ijera.com 128 | P a g e
AH, AL are the amplitudes.
fH, fL are the frequencies of high & low frequency
5. PC Computer:
PC computer hosts developed software to control
remotely the UAV. The PC is connected to a GSM
modem. The software dictates the processor to handle
the controlling process. A corresponding signal is
then sent to the other GSM modem onboard the
6. HD74LS373 Latching IC:
The HD74LS373 is an eight bit register. It is
used as a buffer which stores signals for future use.
Different types of latches are available. HD74LS373
octal D-type transparent latch will be used in the
7. ULN 2803A Darlington IC:
The ULN2803A is a high-voltage, high-current
Darlington transistor array. The device consists of
eight NPN Darlington pairs that feature high-voltage
outputs with common-cathode clamp diodes for
switching inductive loads. The collector-current
rating of each Darlington pair is 500 mA. The
Darlington pairs may be connected in parallel for
higher current capability.
8. Stepper motors :
The stepper motors are connected to the control
parts in the UAV .They manipulate the control parts
in order to guide the UAV. Equation (2) gives the
step angel of the stepper motor.
360 Degrees
Step angle = ------------------------------ = 1.8
Degree / Step .(2)
200 Steps / revolution
The programmer is a device used to download
the hex files from the computer to the flash memory
in the microcontroller.
The program used is BASCOM language. Any
program in this language will be saved with an
extension (.bas). The compilation performs the
following two steps:
- Convert (.bas) extension file to assembly codes.
- The compiler automatically converts the
assembly codes to executable ( .hex) file that can
be downloaded into the microcontroller.
A Pony Prog program is used to download the
(.hex) file program into the flash memory of the
The microcontroller program on board the platform
deals with a fixed format of commands coming from
the ground control circuit .We assumed the following
commands to be processed and executed by the
microcontroller in the platform:
 Command 1 : take off command.
 Command 2 Turn right command.
 Command 3 Turn left command.
 Command 4 ascend command.
 Command 5 descend command.
 Command 6 landing command.
The algorithm contains the main program and six
subroutines .Three stepper motors are controlled by
the microcontroller. The stepper motors in the UAV
are as follows :
. Stepper motor 1 controls the right wing elevator.
. Stepper motor 2 controls the left wing elevator.
. Stepper motor 3 controls the rudder.
The algorithm for the system is ;
--- Check the incoming modem dial tone for
- If authorized , continue processing.
- If not authorized , deny access and wait for an
authorized dial tone.
--- Clear all controlled devices .The DTMF code is
(0000)2 .
--- Analyze the incoming code from the DTMF
Code reception:
--- If the code is equal to (0001)2 , then go to take off
--- If the code is equal to (0010)2 , then go to turn
right subroutine.
--- If the code is equal to (0011)2 , then go to turn left
--- If the code is equal to (0100)2 , then go to ascend
--- If the code is equal to (0101)2 , then go to descend
--- If the code is equal to (0110)2 , then go to landing
--- If the code is equal to (0111)2 , then go to
terminate the program.
 Go to code reception.
Terminate the program:
 Display termination on the LCD.
Take off subroutine:
 Display take off on the LCD.
 Activate the engine.
 Activate stepper motors 1&2 for max. elevator
 Delay few seconds.
Ahmed Mohammed Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Applications www.ijera.com
ISSN : 2248-9622, Vol. 5, Issue 2, ( Part -2) February 2015, pp.126-129
www.ijera.com 129 | P a g e
 Decrease the stepper motors 1&2. elevator angle
Turn right subroutine:
 Display turn right on the LCD.
 Rotate stepper motors 3 clockwise.
Turn left subroutine:
 Display turn left on the LCD.
 Rotate stepper motors 3 anticlockwise.
Ascend subroutine:
 Display ascend on the LCD.
 Rotate stepper motors 1&2 clockwise.
Descend subroutine:
 Display descend on the LCD.
 Rotate stepper motors 1 &2 anticlockwise.
Landing subroutine:
 Display landing on the LCD.
 Activate stepper motors 1&2 for max. air drug
Many commands have been send from the ground
control circuit to the UAV. Table (1) shows the
results while sending the commands from the control
circuit .
Table (1) Results of sending the commands from the
control circuit to the UAV
Ground circuit
command No.
output in
Action performed
by the Drone
1 (0001)2 Take off
2 (0010)2 Turn right
3 (0011)2 Turn left
4 (0100)2 Ascend
5 (0101)2 Descend
6 (0110)2 Landing
The commands are executed and the platform
performed the relative action. During the experiment
some malfunctions occurred. The malfunctions are
expected to happen.
This paper adopts a concept to design a system that
acts to receive commands to control the platform in
all its operations. Display units are connected to the
platform to help in monitoring the system operation
in the development phase. The control system is
based on implementing the DTMF technology that
effectively allows control from remote area to the
desired location. The system design is dynamic and
further development and modification can be done .
The system is made simple and user friendly.
[1.] Mazidi Muhammed Ali, The 8051
microcontroller and Embedded system,
Prentic Hall, 2007
[2.] 息 MSC Electronic, BASCOM  AVR, Help
Reference V1.11.8.3, 2006
[3.] Jan Axelson, Microcontroller idea book,
Copy right 1999.
[4.] Thomas L. Floyd,Electronic Devices 2nd
Ed.,Merill Publishing ompany,2003.
[5.] Daniel P. Raymer, Aircraft Design:
Conceptual Approach (Second Edition
[6.] Ihan Tuzcu Dynamics and control of flexible
Aircraft (Blacksburg, Virginia 2001).
[7.] http://diydrones.com.
[8.] http://www.nationaldefensemagazine.org

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  • 1. Ahmed Mohammed Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Applications www.ijera.com ISSN : 2248-9622, Vol. 5, Issue 2, ( Part -2) February 2015, pp.126-129 www.ijera.com 126 | P a g e Electronic Control of Unguided Airborne Vehicle (UAV) Mohammed Ahmed Mohammed1 , Abdelrasoul jabar Alzubaidi2 1 Academy of Sciences (SAS)- Khartoum - Sudan 2 Sudan university of science and technology- Engineering Collage-School of electronics- Khartoum- Sudan . Abstract The paper deals with building an electronic remote control circuit for Unguided Airborne Vehicle (UAV) based on implementing Dual Tone Multiple Frequency decoder ( DTMF) .A microcontroller is used in the design to analyze and execute the commands arriving to the UAV . A Liquid Crystal Display (LCD ) is implemented to show the results during the circuit development and test phase. The control of the UAV is done from the ground using a mobile or a personnel computer (PC) supplied with a modem. The DTMF decoder output is connected to the microcontroller which analyzes the commands and accordingly execute them on the control parts in the UAV . The microcontroller issues orders and display the operations on the LCD . The circuit design assumes the presence of an operating GSM network for the transmission of the control commands .The airborne platform model is a small aircraft carrying the electronic circuit on board. Three stepper motors are used as a means of control to the wings, elevators and rudders in the UAV. .The electronic circuit on board the UAV is well protected to ensue safety of the hardware and perfect performance. Keywords : microcontroller ,LCD , GSM , DTMF, Control , UAV . . I. INTRODUCTION The new generations of technology has redefined communication. Any where we find mobile communication networks installed . But the application of mobile phone cannot just be restricted to sending messages or starting conversations. New innovations and ideas can be generated from it that can further enhance its capabilities. Remote management of several electrical and electronic devices (such as home appliances, office appliances, and even what this paper deals with "control of UAVs" ) is a subject of growing interest .In recent years we have seen many systems providing such control applications. II. METHODOLOGY First of all, it is necessary to analyze the system operation. According to the analysis procedures, the circuit is designed. The designed circuit performs remote mode of operation to control a UAV. The sequence of operations to be performed remotely are: Activation of the small engine for take off operation . Control of the elevators in the UAV to make it airborne. Send ground commands for turning the platform left. Send ground commands for turning the platform right. Send ground commands for ascending the platform . Send ground commands for descending the platform . Control of the elevators in the platform to make it land.. Figure (1) below shows the block diagram of the platform remote control circuit design by using DTMF technology. REVIEW ARTICLE OPEN ACCESS
  • 2. Ahmed Mohammed Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Applications www.ijera.com ISSN : 2248-9622, Vol. 5, Issue 2, ( Part -2) February 2015, pp.126-129 www.ijera.com 127 | P a g e Figure (1) block diagram of the UAV remote control system The block diagram is an illustration of how to implement the design and the various parts involved in it. The ground control circuit is used as a transmitting section from which the commands to the platform are send. The commands contain guidance instructions to the platform. The received commands by the microcontroller get processed to carry out the required operations. An LCD is used for display to ensure correct system operation during the development phase. III. HARDWARE COMPONENTS The main hardware components in the design are : 1. Microcontroller (Atmega32) : Atmega 32 is a microcontroller from Atmel 8- bit family with 32KB flash memory is used. It is a forty pins integrated circuit. It contains four programmable ports plus an in build ADC. 2. GSM modem: GSM Modem is used as a means for commands transmission to the UAV. It is very compact in size and easy to use as plug. The Modem is designed to interface PC.. and the microcontroller . 3. LCD 40x2: The LCD 40x2 is used in the system design for display. 4. DTMF Decoder DTMF is short for Dual Tone Multi Frequency. The tones produced when dialing on the keypad on the phone could be used to represent the digits, and a separate tone is used for each digit. Pressing any key generate unique tone which consists of two different frequencies one each of higher and lower frequency range. The resultant tone is convolution of two frequencies . Figure (2) shows mobile keypad Frequencies. Figure (2) Phone keypad for DTMF generation Each of these tones is composed of two pure sine waves of the low and high frequencies superimposed on each other. These two frequencies explicitly represent one of the digits on the telephone keypad. Equation (1) shows the generated signal . f ( t ) = AH sin( 2 fH t ) + AL sin( 2 fL t ) (1) Where;
  • 3. Ahmed Mohammed Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Applications www.ijera.com ISSN : 2248-9622, Vol. 5, Issue 2, ( Part -2) February 2015, pp.126-129 www.ijera.com 128 | P a g e AH, AL are the amplitudes. fH, fL are the frequencies of high & low frequency range. 5. PC Computer: PC computer hosts developed software to control remotely the UAV. The PC is connected to a GSM modem. The software dictates the processor to handle the controlling process. A corresponding signal is then sent to the other GSM modem onboard the UAV. 6. HD74LS373 Latching IC: The HD74LS373 is an eight bit register. It is used as a buffer which stores signals for future use. Different types of latches are available. HD74LS373 octal D-type transparent latch will be used in the system. 7. ULN 2803A Darlington IC: The ULN2803A is a high-voltage, high-current Darlington transistor array. The device consists of eight NPN Darlington pairs that feature high-voltage outputs with common-cathode clamp diodes for switching inductive loads. The collector-current rating of each Darlington pair is 500 mA. The Darlington pairs may be connected in parallel for higher current capability. 8. Stepper motors : The stepper motors are connected to the control parts in the UAV .They manipulate the control parts in order to guide the UAV. Equation (2) gives the step angel of the stepper motor. 360 Degrees Step angle = ------------------------------ = 1.8 Degree / Step .(2) 200 Steps / revolution IV. SOFTWARE DESIGN The programmer is a device used to download the hex files from the computer to the flash memory in the microcontroller. The program used is BASCOM language. Any program in this language will be saved with an extension (.bas). The compilation performs the following two steps: - Convert (.bas) extension file to assembly codes. - The compiler automatically converts the assembly codes to executable ( .hex) file that can be downloaded into the microcontroller. A Pony Prog program is used to download the (.hex) file program into the flash memory of the microcontroller. V. V. ALGORITH The microcontroller program on board the platform deals with a fixed format of commands coming from the ground control circuit .We assumed the following commands to be processed and executed by the microcontroller in the platform: Command 1 : take off command. Command 2 Turn right command. Command 3 Turn left command. Command 4 ascend command. Command 5 descend command. Command 6 landing command. The algorithm contains the main program and six subroutines .Three stepper motors are controlled by the microcontroller. The stepper motors in the UAV are as follows : . Stepper motor 1 controls the right wing elevator. . Stepper motor 2 controls the left wing elevator. . Stepper motor 3 controls the rudder. The algorithm for the system is ; Start --- Check the incoming modem dial tone for authorization. - If authorized , continue processing. - If not authorized , deny access and wait for an authorized dial tone. --- Clear all controlled devices .The DTMF code is (0000)2 . --- Analyze the incoming code from the DTMF decoder. Code reception: --- If the code is equal to (0001)2 , then go to take off subroutine. --- If the code is equal to (0010)2 , then go to turn right subroutine. --- If the code is equal to (0011)2 , then go to turn left subroutine. --- If the code is equal to (0100)2 , then go to ascend subroutine. --- If the code is equal to (0101)2 , then go to descend subroutine. --- If the code is equal to (0110)2 , then go to landing subroutine. --- If the code is equal to (0111)2 , then go to terminate the program. Go to code reception. Terminate the program: Display termination on the LCD. End. Take off subroutine: Display take off on the LCD. Activate the engine. Activate stepper motors 1&2 for max. elevator angle. Delay few seconds.
  • 4. Ahmed Mohammed Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Applications www.ijera.com ISSN : 2248-9622, Vol. 5, Issue 2, ( Part -2) February 2015, pp.126-129 www.ijera.com 129 | P a g e Decrease the stepper motors 1&2. elevator angle gradually. Return Turn right subroutine: Display turn right on the LCD. Rotate stepper motors 3 clockwise. Return Turn left subroutine: Display turn left on the LCD. Rotate stepper motors 3 anticlockwise. Return Ascend subroutine: Display ascend on the LCD. Rotate stepper motors 1&2 clockwise. Return Descend subroutine: Display descend on the LCD. Rotate stepper motors 1 &2 anticlockwise. Return Landing subroutine: Display landing on the LCD. Activate stepper motors 1&2 for max. air drug angle. Return VI. RESULTS Many commands have been send from the ground control circuit to the UAV. Table (1) shows the results while sending the commands from the control circuit . Table (1) Results of sending the commands from the control circuit to the UAV Ground circuit command No. DTMF output in Binary Action performed by the Drone 1 (0001)2 Take off 2 (0010)2 Turn right 3 (0011)2 Turn left 4 (0100)2 Ascend 5 (0101)2 Descend 6 (0110)2 Landing The commands are executed and the platform performed the relative action. During the experiment some malfunctions occurred. The malfunctions are expected to happen. VII. CONCLSION This paper adopts a concept to design a system that acts to receive commands to control the platform in all its operations. Display units are connected to the platform to help in monitoring the system operation in the development phase. The control system is based on implementing the DTMF technology that effectively allows control from remote area to the desired location. The system design is dynamic and further development and modification can be done . The system is made simple and user friendly. REFERANCES [1.] Mazidi Muhammed Ali, The 8051 microcontroller and Embedded system, Prentic Hall, 2007 [2.] 息 MSC Electronic, BASCOM AVR, Help Reference V1.11.8.3, 2006 [3.] Jan Axelson, Microcontroller idea book, Copy right 1999. [4.] Thomas L. Floyd,Electronic Devices 2nd Ed.,Merill Publishing ompany,2003. [5.] Daniel P. Raymer, Aircraft Design: Conceptual Approach (Second Edition 2002). [6.] Ihan Tuzcu Dynamics and control of flexible Aircraft (Blacksburg, Virginia 2001). [7.] http://diydrones.com. [8.] http://www.nationaldefensemagazine.org