This document provides a summary of key vocabulary terms in English for ESL students. It includes pronouns, question words, people, things, feelings, verbs in present tense and past tense, time units, and examples conjugating verbs in positive and negative forms across several tenses. The vocabulary is organized into categories and includes terms for basic communication as well as classroom language.
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1. ESL Vocabulary- page 1
Pronouns Poss. Dir. Obj.
I my me
You your you
She her her
He his him
It its, John's it
We our us
They their them
Question Words
What ( )
time, color, kind
How ( )
Many ( ) students,
Much ( ) money, sugar
Which ( )
Key Questions
How do you say mesa in English? Table
How do you pronounce _____?
How do you spell table? T-A-B-L-E
Can I speak Spanish please?
What's your name? My name is ____
Nice to meet you.
Boy girl
Mother father
Policeman nurse
Doctor dentist
Baby teacher
Table flag
Glue school
Paper pencil
clock scissors
ruler book
This, that, these, those
This/that is a _____ , these/those are ____
Verb- To be
I am
You are
He, she, It, John is
We are
They are
You are
2. Page 2
Feelings with ser/estar
hot cold
happy sad
hungry thirsty
fine not good
so-so bored
angry mad
scared sleepy
tired sick
Present tense (eat)
I _______
You _______
He/She/It/John ______s
We _______
They _______
Negatives- other verbs, not to be
I/you/we/they don¡¯t
He/she/It/John doesn¡¯t
Present Continuous (eat)
I am ______ ing
You are _______ing
He/she/it/John is ______ ing
We are _______ ing
They are _________ ing
Verbs- past in ( )
look (T) write (wrote)
Open (D) close (D)
Stand (stood) up sit (sat) down
Eat (ate) drink (drank)
Talk (T) read (read)
Walk (T) run (ran)
Cut (cut) draw (drew)
Laugh (T) play (D) ____
Clean (D) sing (sang)
Dance (T) sleep (slept)
Work (T) knock (T)
Come (came) go (went)
cry (D) sneeze (D)
throw (threw) catch (caught)
jump (T) stop (T)
Negatives- to be, pres. Cont.
I¡¯m not
You, we, they aren¡¯t
He/she/it/John isn¡¯t
Orders/commands (eat)
Don¡¯t ________ No ________ ing
Stop _______ing Let's _______
3. Page 3-
Can Should
Would Will
He can speak English and Chinese.
They should study tonight.
I will help you tomorrow.
Would you like to eat some cookies?
Past tense either regular or irregular
Regular- add ¡°ed¡± to the root verb and
pronounce with one of 3 sounds: ie:
walked (T), opened (D), or waited (*D)
The past changes, ie: go---> ¡°went¡±
0- zero 1- one
2- two 3- three
4- four 5- five
6- six 7- seven
8- eight 9- nine
10- ten
11- eleven 12- twelve
13- thirteen 14- fourteen
15- fifteen 16- sixteen
17- seventeen 18- eighteen
19- nineteen 20- twenty
30- thirty 40- forty
50- fifty 60- sixty
70- seventy 80- eighty
90- ninety 100- one hundred
1,000- one thousand
1,000,000- one million
Miscellaneous verbs
Act (*D) Answer (D)
applaud (*D) Ask (T)
Conjugate (*D) Erase (T)
feel (felt) guess (T)
have (had) hope (T)
Know (knew) miss (T)
move (D) organize (D)
practice (T) pronounce (T)
rain (D) repeat (*D)
rest (*D) see (saw)
smoke (T) Snore (D)
speak (spoke) spell (D)
stretch (T) study (D)
touch (T) translate (*D)
Turn (D) on/off turn (D) right/left
4. Page 4
Verbs- Future plan- sneeze
I am going to sneeze
You are going to sneeze
She is going to sneeze
He is going to sneeze
We are going to sneeze
They are going to sneeze
Pronunciation- sounds
$ a as in back (short a)
% u as in but (short u)
* i as in hit (short i)
E e as in bet (short e)
a o as in cot (short o)
i e as in sheet=shiit (long e)
Ey as in cave= KeyV (long a)
Ay as Mike=MayK (long i)
O as in coke=Kok (long o)
U as in cute= Kut (long u)
Au as in cow= Kau
Oy as in boy
%u as in book=B%uK
TH, D, G, H, J, L, R, V, W, X, Y, Z all in caps to
emphasize the English sound
Questions- the order and form
Q A S V M ?
Q= question word (optional)
A= auxiliary
Present- do, does
modals- can, should
Present continuous- am, are, is
Future plan- am, are, is
Past- did
Future- will
Conditional- would
S= subject- people, places, things
V= verb
______ (present, past, cond., future)
______ing (pres. Cont.)
going to ______ (future plan)
M= miscellaneous
with, to, from, about
time- days, weeks, the hour, etc.
* Exceptions- especially with who and
what when the subject is unknown.
5. Page 5- Examples of questions
What do you do on Fridays?
How many students did you invite?
Where are you going right now?
Where would you go if you have $1000?
Where will you go on your birthday?
How can she do that?
Why should I eat fruit?
Who is she going to eat with?
When did John move to Arizona?
How much money does your mom need?
Helper verbs to express desires
want need like
prefer have to
Examples with helper verbs
You have to practice English more.
She needs to eat more vegies.
We like to go to school.
The students want to take a break.
I prefer to sleep late.
Verbs of interchange, for direct pronouns
give (gave) hit (hit)
take (took) help (T)
call (D) miss (T)
let (let) tell (told)
Examples using direct objects
He hit me in the stomache.
She is giving me her notes.
We called them yesterday.
I am going to tell you everything.
We miss you and your friends.
Mary is helping us to translate it.
He doesn't let me play!
My mom takes me to class everyday.
Songs/rhythms- Funky Chicken
(A) Let me see your ___(B)______
What's that you say?
I said _____(A)_______ (all 3 times)
I said u a a a u a a a u a a a u (act)
One more time now.......
u a a a u a a a u a a a u (act)
(B) funky chicken crocodile
ballerina frankenstein
Don¡¯t ________
No ________ ing
Stop _______ing
Let's _______
6. Page 6- Daily sayings/quotes
I hope it rains today
You can do it!
We need practice!
Have a good weekend!
I have a surprise for you today!
Have a good one!
Sentences, questions & answers
What are they going to do tomorrow?
They are going to clean.
What is she drinking?
She is drinking orange juice.
What did you do yesterday in class?
I danced in class yesterday.
Stop singing right now!
What does she do for exercise?
She runs everyday.
What is he doing?
He is going to open the door.
What language are you speaking?
I am speaking in English.
Are you guys hungry?
We aren't hungry, we are thirsty.
Why aren't the girls here?
The girls sleep alot.
Why are you mad?
Because my friend hit me.
When is Joe coming to your house?
I think he is coming tomorrow.
How many books did they read?
They read 4 books each.
What is this?
It's a notebook.
Where does Mr Smith work?
He works in the hospital.
Who is talking and laughing?
The children are.
How are you?
I'm okay, and you?
Did you go to school yesterday?
No, I was sick.
Please don't speak Spanish here.
The alphabet- A,B,C,s
7. Page 7- Time units
second minute
hour day
week month
year today
yesterday tomorrow
morning afternoon
evening night
Page 7- More time units
next week the weekend
at this moment right now
Sunday Monday
Tuesday Wednesday
Thursday Friday
Saturday every ______
next ______ last _______
before ______ after ______
This _______ On _______ (s)
at _____(time) ____ _____ ago
______ _______ from now
the day after tomorrow
the day before yesterday
Examples using time units
Yesterday at three o'clock
I did it last Monday.
Maybe next year
3 months from now
I went to Spain ten years ago.
Every Tuesday at 3:30
On Mondays at 6pm
This afternoon at 4 o'clock
I am going to my house after dinner.
I eat before I go to school.
Conjugating verbs- examples
4 tenses with each verb-positive
Conjugating verbs- negative