Fermat's Little Theorem states that if p is a prime and a does not divide p, then a^p-1 is congruent to 1 modulo p. Using this, we can reduce exponents modulo p. Here, 7 is prime and 3 does not divide 7, so 3^6 is congruent to 1 modulo 7. Since 999999999 = 16666666*6 + 3, we can reduce the exponent to get 3^999999999 is congruent to 3^3, which is congruent to 6 modulo 7.
2. Gamma Function
Why used the generalied case when in this cases n n is prime? – Thomas
Andrews Jun 13 '13 at 0:49
@ThomasAndrews Yeah, I'm not sure why I went immediately to the
generalization. – Gamma Function Jun 13 '13 at 1:00
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From FLT, 3 6 ≡1(mod7). 36≡1(mod7). Since
999999999=166666666×6+3 999999999=166666666×6+3 we have
3 999999999 ≡3 3 ≡6. 3999999999≡33≡6.
share|cite|improve this answer answered Jun 13 '13 at 0:37
Ragib Zaman
FLT≠≠Fermat's last theorem, but the little one. – vadim123 Jun 13 '13 at
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mod 7: 3 3 ≡−1⇒(3 3 ) 333333333 ≡(−1) 333333333 ≡−1 mod 7: 33≡−1⇒(33)333
No. 6 hal 236
1. (a) (5 points) Find the last digit of the decimal expansion of 7999,999.
(b) (5 points) Find the least positive residue of 21,000,000 modulo 17.
Solution: a) This is problem 6.3.6 from the book/Homework
We have to study 7 (mod 10). Notice that φ(10) = 4, then, by Euler’s theorem, 74 ≡ 1
(mod 10). On the other hand, 1, 000, 000 is multiplo of 4m, that means that 999, 999 =
4k + 3 for some k ∈ Z. then
7999,999 ≡ 74k+3 ≡ 73 ≡ 9 · 7 ≡ 3 (mod 10).
The last digit is 3.
This part can be done without using Euler’s theorem, just by checking that 74 ≡ 1 (mod
b) This is problem 6.1.12 from the book/Homework
3. By Fermat’s little theorem, 216 ≡ 1 (mod 17). Since 16 | 1, 000, 000, we have that
21,000,000 ≡ 1 (mod 17).
Just learning based on question page 253 no 6d
2. (a) Find the form of all positive integers satisfying ¿(n) = 10: What is the
smallest positive integer for which this is true?
(b) Show that there are no positive integers satisfying ¾(n) = 10:
(a) If n = p1
e1 ¢¢¢ pr
; then ¿(n) = (e1 + 1) ¢¢¢ (er + 1) = 10: Thus9e1 + 14 = 2 and
e2 + 1 = 5 (or vice-versa), or e1 + 1 = 10: Thusn has the form p or pq for some
primes p and q: The smallest such is 3 ¢ 24
= 48:
Since ¾(n) ¸ n + 1 > n for n > 1; it su±ces to compute ¾(n) for n < 10: None equal 10