This document discusses the Holijo project, an online inviting system that aims to make inviting guests to parties less troublesome. It allows users to create surveys to find when friends are available, send notification messages, and view response statistics. The project was developed using tools like Photoshop, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, and HTML. Challenges included server breakdowns, plugin conflicts, and issues with the Facebook API. The system has potential to be expanded into customized invitations and commercial applications.
The document outlines a strategic communications plan between the Church Wellesley Village BIA and The 519 community centre. It discusses developing a brand identity and guidelines, then lists various tactics for implementing the communications strategy in 2013, including managing contacts and websites, photo stories of businesses, profiling community members, targeted e-newsletters, and promotional campaigns. It requests the BIA Board's approval of the presented brand strategy, communications plan, and directing a committee to finalize an agreement.
Volkswagen built its own B2B network called instead of joining the large automotive industry consortium Covisint. handles over 90% of Volkswagen Group's global purchasing of automotive and parts components. It offers over 30 online applications to over 35,000 registered suppliers with over 110,000 users. Key applications include an electronic capacity management tool that allows Volkswagen and suppliers to track production plans and material requirements in real-time. This private industrial network model aims to better coordinate trans-organizational supply chain processes compared to a net marketplace.
Seasonal migration is migration that corresponds with changes in seasons. Many types of migration occur seasonally including altitudinal, longitudinal, latitudinal, and reproductive migrations. Altitudinal migration involves animals moving up and down mountains in response to changes in temperature and snow cover between summer and winter. Reproductive migration involves animals moving to areas safer for bearing young. Nomadic migration involves grazing animals wandering in search of food as grasses are eaten.
Este documento presenta información sobre la organización y autores del libro "Discurso y aprendizaje". Incluye la lista de autores, el comité editorial, la directora general de la Cátedra UNESCO para la lectura y la escritura en América Latina, los coordinadores de las sedes en diferentes países de América Latina, y la información de contacto de la universidad y escuela donde se publicó el libro. También contiene el índice del contenido del libro organizado en capítulos.
This document outlines a study that aims to develop a unified model of user acceptance of information technology. It begins with an abstract that reviews eight prominent existing models of user acceptance and discusses empirically comparing and combining their constructs. The study then describes empirically validating an integrated unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT) model. It reviews the existing models and prior comparisons between models. The study then describes its empirical comparison of the eight models using data collected from various organizations, technologies, and time periods. The goal is to develop a unified model that integrates elements of the existing theories to better explain user acceptance.
An investigator's job is to determine key details of a crime including who the perpetrator and victim are, what happened and when, and how the crime occurred. They collect and analyze evidence from the crime scene such as fingerprints, DNA, footprints and insect activity to help establish things like the time of death and a potential suspect's height and movements. The investigator works methodically, carefully documenting and collecting all evidence before questioning witnesses and suspects to solve the crime.
Volkswagen built its own B2B network called instead of joining the large automotive industry consortium Covisint. handles over 90% of Volkswagen Group's global purchasing of automotive and parts components. It offers over 30 online applications to over 35,000 registered suppliers with over 110,000 users. Key applications include an electronic capacity management tool that allows Volkswagen and suppliers to track production plans and material requirements in real-time. This private industrial network model aims to better coordinate trans-organizational supply chain processes compared to a net marketplace.
Seasonal migration is migration that corresponds with changes in seasons. Many types of migration occur seasonally including altitudinal, longitudinal, latitudinal, and reproductive migrations. Altitudinal migration involves animals moving up and down mountains in response to changes in temperature and snow cover between summer and winter. Reproductive migration involves animals moving to areas safer for bearing young. Nomadic migration involves grazing animals wandering in search of food as grasses are eaten.
Este documento presenta información sobre la organización y autores del libro "Discurso y aprendizaje". Incluye la lista de autores, el comité editorial, la directora general de la Cátedra UNESCO para la lectura y la escritura en América Latina, los coordinadores de las sedes en diferentes países de América Latina, y la información de contacto de la universidad y escuela donde se publicó el libro. También contiene el índice del contenido del libro organizado en capítulos.
This document outlines a study that aims to develop a unified model of user acceptance of information technology. It begins with an abstract that reviews eight prominent existing models of user acceptance and discusses empirically comparing and combining their constructs. The study then describes empirically validating an integrated unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT) model. It reviews the existing models and prior comparisons between models. The study then describes its empirical comparison of the eight models using data collected from various organizations, technologies, and time periods. The goal is to develop a unified model that integrates elements of the existing theories to better explain user acceptance.
An investigator's job is to determine key details of a crime including who the perpetrator and victim are, what happened and when, and how the crime occurred. They collect and analyze evidence from the crime scene such as fingerprints, DNA, footprints and insect activity to help establish things like the time of death and a potential suspect's height and movements. The investigator works methodically, carefully documenting and collecting all evidence before questioning witnesses and suspects to solve the crime.
This document discusses active learning from crowdsourced data. It describes challenges with crowdsourcing including varying annotator expertise, noisy labels, and limited budgets. It then summarizes several papers that address these challenges through techniques such as probabilistic multi-labeler models, optimal selection of training points and annotators, and considering annotator accuracy and sample difficulty. The document provides details on models, algorithms, and extensions to other tasks such as multi-label learning and deep learning from crowds.
Task oriented word embedding for text classificationPC LO
Liu, Q., Huang, H., Gao, Y., Wei, X., Tian, Y., & Liu, L. (2018). Task-oriented Word Embedding for Text Classification. In Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (pp. 2023–2032).
Chinese liwc lexicon expansion via hierarchical classification of word embedd...PC LO
Zeng, X., Yang, C., Tu, C., Liu, Z., & Sun, M. (2018). Chinese LIWC Lexicon Expansion via Hierarchical Classification of Word Embeddings with Sememe Attention.
ext mining for the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System: medical text class...PC LO
Botsis, T., Nguyen, M. D., Woo, E. J., Markatou, M., & Ball, R. (2011). Text mining for the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System: medical text classification using informative feature selection. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, 18(5), 631-638.
On Joint Modeling of Topical Communities and Personal Interest in MicroblogsPC LO
Hoang, T. A., & Lim, E. P. (2014, November). On joint modeling of topical communities and personal interest in microblogs. In International Conference on Social Informatics (pp. 1-16). Springer, Cham.
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