The document discusses optimizing marketing channels in consumer businesses. It outlines paid, owned and earned media channels and emphasizes measuring the return on investment of each channel. It also stresses communicating across channels in a relevant, personalized and engaging way. New digital channels like social media are expanding and companies need metrics to learn which channels are most effective through testing and optimization.
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Optimizing Marketing Channels in Consumer Businesses - UCLA Talk
5. Paid media channels
Maintain and Monitor Maximize Return
Return on Investment Over N Years
Average ROI
Disinvest Invest with Care
Marginal ROI
Additional Value for Next Dollar Spent
Sanjay Chatterjee, UCLA HTBA Panel Feb 9, 2013
6. and then some more channels
Sanjay Chatterjee, UCLA HTBA Panel Feb 9, 2013
7. Communicating in the age of many channels
channels X frequency / relevance =
...Metrics, Metrics, Metrics
Sanjay Chatterjee, UCLA HTBA Panel Feb 9, 2013