The document outlines a marketing and communications plan for the University of Connecticut School of Nursing. The goals are to communicate excitement about the school's mission, attract more candidates from outside New England, and build the school's reputation as a top nursing program. It identifies strengths like strong faculty and clinical partnerships but also weaknesses like lack of diversity and data collection. The strategies proposed include improving internal/external communications, expanding awareness of unique programs, promoting history while embracing new technology, and increasing recruitment of younger graduate students from outside Connecticut.
Blackboard Connect Webinar: Meet Students and Parents on Their Terms through ...Blackboard
Social Media expert Dana VanDen Heuvel of The Marketing Savant Group, Brian Hammell of NOCCA in Louisiana and Charlie Glazener of Asheville City Schools in North Carolina share best practices and their experience using social media to communicate with schools and districts. Learn how Blackboard Connect supports social media tools such as Facebook and Twitter.
The roundtable discussion focused on challenges and opportunities in online public relations education. Key recommendations included reviewing materials created during emergency remote teaching to ensure quality, offering flexible course modalities to mirror the future of work, providing dynamic content to stay current, introducing students to digital tools through a dedicated course, emphasizing faculty presence and student digital presence, and dedicating funding to support continuous online course delivery and faculty development in digital pedagogy. The roundtable emphasized that online education needs to move beyond emergency remote teaching and prepare students for digital work environments through interactive learning experiences.
Case Study: Rebuilding an Admissions Web PresenceDave Olsen
The document summarizes West Virginia University's process of rebuilding their admissions website. A multi-disciplinary team conducted research, audited content, developed a new structure focused on academics and costs, and launched a minimum viable product. Analytics showed increases in applications, visits to academic pages, and uses of the tuition calculator. The project influenced other recruitment channels. Lessons included prioritizing content, integrating efforts across departments, and allowing time for ongoing maintenance.
The document outlines the agenda for the MECCA Section Meeting 2011. The agenda includes an introduction, a presentation from the Alliance, a panel on real-world examples of using social media in CME, and a workshop on developing a strategic plan for social media in CME. There will also be a great idea award presentation and closing remarks. The introduction discusses the growth of social media use by CME organizations and professionals over the past year.
International Student Recruitment: Best Practice Website FeaturesBob Johnson, Ph.D.
The document provides tips for international student recruitment websites, highlighting features of exemplary university websites from around the world. It emphasizes that the student experience on the website is important for recruitment and that websites should make key information and tasks easy to find. Specific recommendations include prominently displaying scholarship and program information, using student testimonials and stories, and customizing content for different countries and regions.
Here, I lay out a marketing plan for the University of Washington Department of Communication. This plan zeroes in on changes that can be made within the physical building and enhancements that can be made in the social media realm in order to reinforce the perception of community among UWComm's primary audience: students.
This document describes the My Career Scholarship Program, which aims to prepare high school students for college and careers starting in freshman year. The program will have students select a career and college major, then search for and apply to at least one scholarship per month using HBCU Linkup's partnerships and scholarship links. Participating students will improve skills like reading, writing, research, and public speaking as they complete scholarship applications. HBCU Linkup has partnered with to provide a scholarship tracking system matching students to opportunities based on their profiles. The program allows students starting in 9th grade to access thousands of dollars in potential scholarships to fund their education.
International Admissions 101 Communications & Outreach PlansMarty Bennett
International admissions offices, now more than ever, need to hone their strategic recruitment plans to meet their student (and parent) audiences where they spend their time. This pre-conference workshop session at OACAC helps outline those priorities for print, web, & social communications.
Focusing on technology and social media, IAOs Accreditor magazine 2019 offers analysis, reviews, trends and in-depth exclusive interviews on how social media is shaping todays world of education.
The Child Development Associate (CDA) Credential was created in the 1970s to address the need for qualified early childhood educators. Over 400,000 educators have earned a CDA. The CDA underwent a transformation called "CDA 2.0" in 2013 to strengthen the knowledge base, credentialing process, and career pathways. CDA 2.0 created a network of Professional Development Specialists, enhanced the candidate experience, and committed to diversity. The CDA plays an important role in preparing competent early educators and providing a foundation for career advancement.
Improving the User Journey with UX Research & PersonalizationAcquia
Personalization is gaining traction with marketers today because it allows companies to better communicate and engage with their target audiences.
However, implementing a content strategy for different audiences, without multiplying your content creation efforts is a huge challenge. So how do you personalize your messaging efficiently?
Join our webinar as we address these challenges. Well also highlight a case study that demonstrates how personalized content helped a university communicate with both students & the broader public.
Youll learn how to:
- Begin defining and prioritizing your audiences
- Create a content strategy that speaks to your audiences
- Identify what content to personalize & strategies needed to create, test, and improve your content over time
The document discusses engaging with prospective higher education students at an earlier stage, known as the pre-HE market. It defines this market as beginning in Year 10 and including a wide range of influencers beyond just the students. Research shows students begin considering options even earlier and want information to guide their choices. The proposition discusses tools like UCAS Progress and events to engage students, as well as digital advertising and mail opportunities to reach students, parents, and advisors with the right messages at the right time.
New & Next Series | The Modern Campus: How to Differentiate through Brand Sto...Converge Consulting
In this webinar, Jay Sharman, CEO of TeamWorks Media, shares case studies of the modern campus experience. From MITs Building 20 to Cornell Techs 2043 Plan, higher education institutions across the country are working to inspire collaboration and better ideas through their facilities.
Understanding Millennials and Neo-MillennialsED MAP
The Imagine America Foundation is proud to announce it is collaborating with ED MAP to present a new webinar research series designed to help career colleges better understand Millennials, Neo-Millennials and virtual high school students. This series will be presented in four progressive sessions exploring this new generation of learner, their needs and expectations, how to get their attention and how to prepare your school for these students. Each session will last an hour with at least 15 minutes devoted to a question-answer period.
Understanding Millennials & Neo-Millennials January 15th 2009
Who are Millennials & Neo-Millennials?
Are Millennials who attended virtual high school different from the rest?
What are their expectations of post-secondary education?
How do they learn?
Why a new approach to learning technology, course materials, faculty preparation and recruiting is required.
The document proposes a growth marketing plan to help New Charter University and its alumni better tell the story of the university. It recommends setting an aspirational social mission statement, interviewing alumni to share success stories, and showcasing these stories through an improved website, blog, social media, media partnerships, and alumni events. This will help alumni like Marc communicate their pride in the university and value of their degree to recruiters. The proposal outlines funding and staffing needs over the next year to lay the foundation and begin execution of the plan.
Academy promotion presentation 2008 instituteNAFCareerAcads
The document provides tips and resources for promoting a National Academy Foundation (NAF) Academy to various audiences. It encourages assigning one person twice a year to publicize the local Academy to increase exposure for NAF Academies overall. Consistent branding and key messages should be used. Sample materials like press releases, public service announcements, and strategies for garnering media coverage are included.
Tim academy promotion presentation - 2008 instituteNAFCareerAcads
The document provides tips and resources for promoting a National Academy Foundation (NAF) Academy to various audiences. It encourages assigning one person twice a year to publicize the local Academy to increase exposure for NAF Academies overall. Consistent branding and key messages should be used. Sample materials like press releases, public service announcements, and strategies for garnering media coverage are included.
This was a presentation I created to teach parents how to move into the age of parenting in a connected world and to better understand the world in which their kids were so comfortable residing.
This document provides a summary of James Manning's qualifications and experience. He has over 15 years of experience architecting and implementing enterprise technologies including Active Directory, Exchange, Lync, VMware, and SharePoint. His experience includes projects with large organizations of over 100,000 users. He has led migrations from platforms such as Novell, Lotus Notes, and GroupWise to Microsoft environments.
Yolanda R. Reid is an IT services professional with over 20 years of experience in business development, project management, consulting, and cyber security. She has a Bachelor's degree in Music and Political Science and will complete her MBA in IT Management in fall 2015. Reid has expertise in areas such as Active Directory, Exchange, Office 365, and infrastructure projects involving thousands to millions of users. Her experience includes positions at Microsoft, SBC Infrastructure Consulting, and US Internetworking (AT&T).
El documento trata sobre una lecci坦n de Ciencias Naturales sobre la importancia del cuidado del ambiente para un grupo de 28 estudiantes de tercer grado. La lecci坦n incluye informaci坦n sobre c坦mo la contaminaci坦n da単a el medio ambiente, la clasificaci坦n de desechos, y actividades como elaborar una composta y reconocer la importancia de mantener r鱈os limpios. El objetivo es ense単ar a los estudiantes sobre el cuidado del ambiente a trav辿s de conceptos como las tres erres para que puedan aplicarlos en su vida diaria.
Este documento apresenta a distribui巽達o de professores por disciplina e turma em tr棚s turnos (matutino, vespertino e noturno) de um col辿gio municipal em 2013. A lista inclui os nomes dos professores respons叩veis por cada disciplina em cada turma dos 5o ao 8o ano do ensino fundamental nos tr棚s turnos.
Este documento presenta algunas de las planeaciones y actividades que realizar叩 una practicante de la licenciatura en educaci坦n preescolar durante sus pr叩cticas sociales del lenguaje en un jard鱈n de ni単os. Incluye el gui坦n de observaci坦n que utilizar叩, dos planeaciones did叩cticas sobre presentaciones y lectura de cuentos, as鱈 como varias canciones infantiles. El objetivo es que los ni単os desarrollen habilidades del lenguaje oral y escrito a trav辿s de din叩micas participativas.
Este documento presenta dos actividades para los estudiantes de un curso sobre el modelo 1 a 1. La primera actividad involucra la lectura y discusi坦n de un di叩logo sobre el uso de recursos digitales en el aula. Luego, los estudiantes deben proponer una actividad colaborativa para un profesor de geograf鱈a usando el modelo 1 a 1. La segunda actividad consiste en crear un mapa conceptual con los principales conceptos cubiertos en el curso.
The assignment on understanding and communicating with families was a valuable learning experience. The author worked with the South Asian Women's Rights Organization (SAWRO) on the project and found their assistance helpful despite various challenges. The author enjoyed learning about the work of other groups, including a presentation on BOOST, an organization working to prevent child abuse through education and campaigns in Toronto. Another presentation discussed the Scarborough Women's Centre and its programs supporting women, especially those with disabilities experiencing isolation and family violence. As an early childhood educator, the author aims to support children and families through organizations like SAWRO that help newcomers with services such as computer training, English lessons, and sewing classes to gain employment.
El documento presenta el reglamento estudiantil de una universidad, el cual contiene 20 cap鱈tulos que describen aspectos como los derechos y deberes de los estudiantes, el proceso de inscripci坦n, selecci坦n y admisi坦n, matr鱈cula, r辿gimen acad辿mico y disciplinario, entre otros. Tambi辿n incluye instrucciones sobre c坦mo visualizar el horario de clases, notas parciales y finales, y el proceso para inscribir materias v鱈a web.
This document discusses the importance of including risk factors in schedule risk analysis. It provides examples of risk events and risk factors, and shows how ignoring risk factors can lead to distorted results. A simulation was run on a construction project both with and without including risk factors. The results showed that including risk factors extended the projected project completion date by 75 days. The output also identified major construction works as more critical than infrastructure works when risk factors are considered. Incorporating risk factors provides a truer reflection of project risk exposure.
International Admissions 101 Communications & Outreach PlansMarty Bennett
International admissions offices, now more than ever, need to hone their strategic recruitment plans to meet their student (and parent) audiences where they spend their time. This pre-conference workshop session at OACAC helps outline those priorities for print, web, & social communications.
Focusing on technology and social media, IAOs Accreditor magazine 2019 offers analysis, reviews, trends and in-depth exclusive interviews on how social media is shaping todays world of education.
The Child Development Associate (CDA) Credential was created in the 1970s to address the need for qualified early childhood educators. Over 400,000 educators have earned a CDA. The CDA underwent a transformation called "CDA 2.0" in 2013 to strengthen the knowledge base, credentialing process, and career pathways. CDA 2.0 created a network of Professional Development Specialists, enhanced the candidate experience, and committed to diversity. The CDA plays an important role in preparing competent early educators and providing a foundation for career advancement.
Improving the User Journey with UX Research & PersonalizationAcquia
Personalization is gaining traction with marketers today because it allows companies to better communicate and engage with their target audiences.
However, implementing a content strategy for different audiences, without multiplying your content creation efforts is a huge challenge. So how do you personalize your messaging efficiently?
Join our webinar as we address these challenges. Well also highlight a case study that demonstrates how personalized content helped a university communicate with both students & the broader public.
Youll learn how to:
- Begin defining and prioritizing your audiences
- Create a content strategy that speaks to your audiences
- Identify what content to personalize & strategies needed to create, test, and improve your content over time
The document discusses engaging with prospective higher education students at an earlier stage, known as the pre-HE market. It defines this market as beginning in Year 10 and including a wide range of influencers beyond just the students. Research shows students begin considering options even earlier and want information to guide their choices. The proposition discusses tools like UCAS Progress and events to engage students, as well as digital advertising and mail opportunities to reach students, parents, and advisors with the right messages at the right time.
New & Next Series | The Modern Campus: How to Differentiate through Brand Sto...Converge Consulting
In this webinar, Jay Sharman, CEO of TeamWorks Media, shares case studies of the modern campus experience. From MITs Building 20 to Cornell Techs 2043 Plan, higher education institutions across the country are working to inspire collaboration and better ideas through their facilities.
Understanding Millennials and Neo-MillennialsED MAP
The Imagine America Foundation is proud to announce it is collaborating with ED MAP to present a new webinar research series designed to help career colleges better understand Millennials, Neo-Millennials and virtual high school students. This series will be presented in four progressive sessions exploring this new generation of learner, their needs and expectations, how to get their attention and how to prepare your school for these students. Each session will last an hour with at least 15 minutes devoted to a question-answer period.
Understanding Millennials & Neo-Millennials January 15th 2009
Who are Millennials & Neo-Millennials?
Are Millennials who attended virtual high school different from the rest?
What are their expectations of post-secondary education?
How do they learn?
Why a new approach to learning technology, course materials, faculty preparation and recruiting is required.
The document proposes a growth marketing plan to help New Charter University and its alumni better tell the story of the university. It recommends setting an aspirational social mission statement, interviewing alumni to share success stories, and showcasing these stories through an improved website, blog, social media, media partnerships, and alumni events. This will help alumni like Marc communicate their pride in the university and value of their degree to recruiters. The proposal outlines funding and staffing needs over the next year to lay the foundation and begin execution of the plan.
Academy promotion presentation 2008 instituteNAFCareerAcads
The document provides tips and resources for promoting a National Academy Foundation (NAF) Academy to various audiences. It encourages assigning one person twice a year to publicize the local Academy to increase exposure for NAF Academies overall. Consistent branding and key messages should be used. Sample materials like press releases, public service announcements, and strategies for garnering media coverage are included.
Tim academy promotion presentation - 2008 instituteNAFCareerAcads
The document provides tips and resources for promoting a National Academy Foundation (NAF) Academy to various audiences. It encourages assigning one person twice a year to publicize the local Academy to increase exposure for NAF Academies overall. Consistent branding and key messages should be used. Sample materials like press releases, public service announcements, and strategies for garnering media coverage are included.
This was a presentation I created to teach parents how to move into the age of parenting in a connected world and to better understand the world in which their kids were so comfortable residing.
This document provides a summary of James Manning's qualifications and experience. He has over 15 years of experience architecting and implementing enterprise technologies including Active Directory, Exchange, Lync, VMware, and SharePoint. His experience includes projects with large organizations of over 100,000 users. He has led migrations from platforms such as Novell, Lotus Notes, and GroupWise to Microsoft environments.
Yolanda R. Reid is an IT services professional with over 20 years of experience in business development, project management, consulting, and cyber security. She has a Bachelor's degree in Music and Political Science and will complete her MBA in IT Management in fall 2015. Reid has expertise in areas such as Active Directory, Exchange, Office 365, and infrastructure projects involving thousands to millions of users. Her experience includes positions at Microsoft, SBC Infrastructure Consulting, and US Internetworking (AT&T).
El documento trata sobre una lecci坦n de Ciencias Naturales sobre la importancia del cuidado del ambiente para un grupo de 28 estudiantes de tercer grado. La lecci坦n incluye informaci坦n sobre c坦mo la contaminaci坦n da単a el medio ambiente, la clasificaci坦n de desechos, y actividades como elaborar una composta y reconocer la importancia de mantener r鱈os limpios. El objetivo es ense単ar a los estudiantes sobre el cuidado del ambiente a trav辿s de conceptos como las tres erres para que puedan aplicarlos en su vida diaria.
Este documento apresenta a distribui巽達o de professores por disciplina e turma em tr棚s turnos (matutino, vespertino e noturno) de um col辿gio municipal em 2013. A lista inclui os nomes dos professores respons叩veis por cada disciplina em cada turma dos 5o ao 8o ano do ensino fundamental nos tr棚s turnos.
Este documento presenta algunas de las planeaciones y actividades que realizar叩 una practicante de la licenciatura en educaci坦n preescolar durante sus pr叩cticas sociales del lenguaje en un jard鱈n de ni単os. Incluye el gui坦n de observaci坦n que utilizar叩, dos planeaciones did叩cticas sobre presentaciones y lectura de cuentos, as鱈 como varias canciones infantiles. El objetivo es que los ni単os desarrollen habilidades del lenguaje oral y escrito a trav辿s de din叩micas participativas.
Este documento presenta dos actividades para los estudiantes de un curso sobre el modelo 1 a 1. La primera actividad involucra la lectura y discusi坦n de un di叩logo sobre el uso de recursos digitales en el aula. Luego, los estudiantes deben proponer una actividad colaborativa para un profesor de geograf鱈a usando el modelo 1 a 1. La segunda actividad consiste en crear un mapa conceptual con los principales conceptos cubiertos en el curso.
The assignment on understanding and communicating with families was a valuable learning experience. The author worked with the South Asian Women's Rights Organization (SAWRO) on the project and found their assistance helpful despite various challenges. The author enjoyed learning about the work of other groups, including a presentation on BOOST, an organization working to prevent child abuse through education and campaigns in Toronto. Another presentation discussed the Scarborough Women's Centre and its programs supporting women, especially those with disabilities experiencing isolation and family violence. As an early childhood educator, the author aims to support children and families through organizations like SAWRO that help newcomers with services such as computer training, English lessons, and sewing classes to gain employment.
El documento presenta el reglamento estudiantil de una universidad, el cual contiene 20 cap鱈tulos que describen aspectos como los derechos y deberes de los estudiantes, el proceso de inscripci坦n, selecci坦n y admisi坦n, matr鱈cula, r辿gimen acad辿mico y disciplinario, entre otros. Tambi辿n incluye instrucciones sobre c坦mo visualizar el horario de clases, notas parciales y finales, y el proceso para inscribir materias v鱈a web.
This document discusses the importance of including risk factors in schedule risk analysis. It provides examples of risk events and risk factors, and shows how ignoring risk factors can lead to distorted results. A simulation was run on a construction project both with and without including risk factors. The results showed that including risk factors extended the projected project completion date by 75 days. The output also identified major construction works as more critical than infrastructure works when risk factors are considered. Incorporating risk factors provides a truer reflection of project risk exposure.
Moci坦n municipal sobre la reforma de la adm坦n. localLidia Milena
El documento expone las preocupaciones con el Anteproyecto de Ley de Reforma de la Administraci坦n Local propuesto por el gobierno central. Argumenta que la reforma no es realmente una reforma, sino una demolici坦n del modelo de gesti坦n p炭blica establecido desde la transici坦n a la democracia en 1979 que ha permitido el desarrollo del pa鱈s a nivel municipal. Adem叩s, la reforma ignora el principio de administraci坦n m叩s cercana y somete a los municipios a la obsesi坦n con la estabilidad presupuestaria sin considerar las consecuencias sociales.
The document provides an agenda for an English class that includes discussing idioms, a newspaper presentation, silent reading activities (SRA), vocabulary quizzes, and a novel quiz. It also includes sample discussion questions about the creation and criticism of Penn State's annual "State Patty's Day" drinking celebration and how the university has tried to curb the associated problems. Finally, it outlines topics like the meaning and fundraising purpose behind Penn State's 46-hour dance marathon called "THON" that raises money for pediatric cancer research.
Top ten things to know about global warmingKalim Ullah
The document outlines 10 key points about global warming:
1) There is scientific consensus that human activities likely affect climate, though models have uncertainties.
2) Ignoring climate change risks damaging the environment. The UN recommends avoiding "dangerous interference" with the climate.
3) To avoid danger, global emissions must be stabilized, though developing nations want to develop, so developed nations must cut emissions by 70-80% by 2040-2050.
This poem advocates for peace over war. It describes the horrors of war, including bloodshed, death, shattered homes, and lives in danger. However, it also expresses hope that the youth will join together to work for peace instead of war, in order to save their future. The poem closes by clearly stating its message that what is wanted is peace, not war.
Global warming is likely to exacerbate water supply issues by increasing droughts and floods through changing precipitation patterns. The majority of the world's fresh water comes from glaciers and snowpacks, which are melting rapidly due to higher temperatures. This will initially increase water flows but ultimately lead to much reduced supplies. Over two billion people rely on Himalayan glaciers for water and are vulnerable to flooding from glacial lake outbursts and longer term shortages as the glaciers disappear. Increased water stress, conflicts over access, and migration are very possible outcomes of these changes to the hydrologic cycle. Global warming is also expanding the habitat ranges of diseases like malaria and dengue fever, exposing more people to health risks.
Socius Consulting provides professional services to build engaged alumni networks. They assess a client's current alumni relations efforts, database, and needs to develop a customized strategic plan. Their services include improving alumni databases, communications, volunteer and mentorship programs, events, fundraising, and training staff/volunteers. The case study describes how they helped a university rugby club reconnect over 2,000 former players and supporters to strengthen alumni engagement.
Warwick Medical School aims to prepare its students for foundation training through a four-year program. The school has over 650 students ranging from 21-51 years old and staff from diverse backgrounds. Students take core clinical placements and specialized placements, along with instructional support and autonomy. The school aims to connect theory with real-world practice through placements in hospitals, GP surgeries, and communities. It also seeks to improve digital learning experiences and gather student feedback to develop evidence-based improvements. Future goals include expanding partnerships within the university and with local education providers.
Warwick Medical School aims to prepare its students for foundation training through a four-year program. The school has over 650 students ranging from 21-51 years old and staff from diverse backgrounds. Students take core clinical placements and select components to become competent doctors. The school aims to improve digital learning by using Moodle for content and engaging materials, online assessments, and integrating data from central systems. It also wants to connect theory with real-world experience through partnerships with hospitals, GPs, and communities. Future goals include expanding student partnerships, staff training, and supporting curriculum transitions digitally.
This document provides information about the marketing and research firm C. Grant & Company. It includes testimonials from client institutions praising the firm's work. The document then outlines C. Grant & Company's capabilities such as brand strategy, social media marketing, and research services. It provides examples of completed research and marketing projects for schools and universities. Finally, it shares information about the firm's founders, location, client list, and contact details.
ASCA's Mindsets and Behaviors competencies are excellent benchmarks to ensure student success in academics, careers, and social/emotional pursuits, but can be a lot for counselors and educators to take on. Learn how AchieveWORKS can personalize the ASCA competencies for students. AchieveWORKS assessments can make learning personalized by identifying focus areas so that students take ownership of the competencies they need most.
This document discusses competency-based education and its role in increasing student completion rates. It argues that competency-based models focus on what students learn rather than how long they spend in the classroom. Students can earn credits by demonstrating their mastery of skills. The document outlines how competency-based strategies can help more students complete their education through options like online learning, credit for prior experience, and accelerated learning. It also discusses the process institutions must follow to implement competency-based programs and earn federal financial aid eligibility. Overall, the document promotes competency-based education as an effective way to increase student completion and better serve nontraditional students like adult learners.
CRM: Walking the Walk Not Just Talking the TalkHobsons
Using Customer Relationship Management (CRM) solutions to answer the tough questions:
How does your university differentiate from others?
What's your institution's favorite piece of its communication flow?
How to get students interested?
Does your university personalize for its audience?
How to easily get a new project completed internally?
Strategies for Increasing the Visibility of the Office for Postdoctoral FellowsJames Gould, PhD
The document outlines strategies used by the HMS/HSDM Office for Postdoctoral Fellows to increase their visibility, including developing strong programming, effectively branding and marketing their message, and building community partnerships within and outside the institution. Some key tactics involved creating quality skills development, career, and networking programs; using multiple communication channels consistently; and forging collaborations across departments to enhance resources and highlight the office's activities. The goal is to establish a recognized role as a valuable resource for postdocs through an engaged institutional network.
"Mapping the Student Lifecycle from Inquiry Through Graduation" [CAHEA Presen...Seelio
This document summarizes a presentation about mapping the student lifecycle from inquiry through graduation. It discusses how the student journey has evolved and strategies for aligning marketing from interest to alumni. It outlines recognizing the stages of inquiry, including top-of-funnel considerations to generate interest and middle-of-funnel engagement. Using portfolios throughout the student experience is highlighted as a tool to impact engagement, retention, career preparation, and graduation. Examples are provided of portfolio assignments and student feedback on their impact.
CPRE 2021 Industry/Educator Summit ReportSarah Jackson
The 2021 CPRE Industry/Educator Summit consisted of four virtual sessions that brought together public relations educators and professionals to discuss the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and issues of racial inequity on public relations education and the industry. Key learnings from the summit highlighted the need to focus on empathy, flexibility, relationship building and diversity in the workplace. Virtual internships were praised for increasing access and diversity, but the social capital gap for first-generation students was also discussed. Keeping strong connections between universities and industry through mentorship programs and networking opportunities was emphasized.
Pursuing higher education can provide many benefits. It allows you to keep your skills current, enhance traits like discipline, and potentially earn more money over your career. While there is no perfect time to prepare, it is best to start as early as possible, such as when you notice jobs requiring additional education. Preparation involves self-analysis, researching schools and programs, and meeting with advisors. Continuing your education opens doors to more opportunities and stimulating conversations.
This document summarizes volunteer opportunities for corporate partners to engage with UCAN, a nonprofit that serves disadvantaged youth. It outlines programs for career development training, professional mentoring, exposure outings, and staff training. Partners are asked to consider hosting events at their locations to provide workshops, presentations, and tours for youth and staff. The document provides details on commitment levels and confirms some initial activities planned with current partner Wrigley. It closes by thanking partners for helping UCAN in its mission through various forms of support.
Kentsbridge University PHD Degree Program ProspectusKentsbridgeuni
Kentsbridge University offers PhD programs designed for working professionals seeking to advance their knowledge and careers. The PhD programs provide quality online education with flexible schedules, affordable tuition, and student support. Students can earn a PhD in fields like business administration, healthcare administration, computer science, and more. The programs aim to develop students' research, analytical, and leadership skills to make positive impacts in their industries.
The document is a program for a student leadership conference at San Jose State University. It includes:
- A welcome message encouraging students to attend workshops that will help enhance their leadership skills and organizations.
- The schedule for the day including a keynote speech, three blocks of workshops on topics like effective communication, funding requests, and active shooter training, and a closing message.
- Descriptions of the various workshops available for students to attend, focusing on subjects such as diversity, group work, relationships and consent, and creative brainstorming.
Enrollment Campaign for the Human Sexuality Graduate Program at Widener Unive...Paris Hunter
The document proposes a marketing campaign for Widener University's Human Sexuality graduate program. The program currently has 150 students but lacks promotional materials and exposure. The group's campaign will create a logo, multi-media displays, brochures, news articles, and special events to raise awareness of the unique, nationally accredited program. Evaluation after one year will assess whether enrollment increased by 5% and recognition in the Widener community grew. Each group member will contribute different strengths to the project's development.
Lakeside Academy is a proposed 6th through 11th grade private school with a mission to prepare students for careers and college through a demanding college preparatory program integrated with arts, sciences, and career-focused academics. Students will have opportunities to participate in research at local universities, businesses, and medical offices to enhance their career skills. The school will have a paperless technology-enhanced learning environment and seek corporate sponsors and research partners to help fund students' education and summer opportunities.
Best Practices in Graduate Recruitment Webinar.pptxmelissaabache
The document provides best practices for graduate program recruitment. It discusses the importance of having a strategic recruitment plan to navigate challenges and maximize results. Key aspects to address include: targeting the right student profiles; using various digital and in-person outreach methods; communicating early and often to prospective students about important factors like cost, career outcomes, and academics; and continuously measuring success to improve recruitment efforts over time.
Best Practices in Graduate Recruitment Webinar.pptxmelissaabache
Uconn Marketing Communications plan
1. A Marketing and Communications Plan
February 12, 2008
University of Connecticut
School of Nursing
Communicate a sense of excitement and confidence about
our mission.
Be perceived as preeminent Nursing School in New
England; one of the top 25 nursing schools in the nation.
Attract candidates from outside of New England.
Attract a younger graduate student.
Attract more Masters candidates.
Target recruitment of PhD candidates to support and
advance ongoing research with the School.
Build the proportion of honors-caliber students in the
undergraduate program.
2. Situational Analysis
We Have Many Strengths
The SON Is Vastly Under Celebrated
We have enormous resources in our faculty and staff.
We produce leaders in the field of nursing.
We hold strong partnerships with our clinical sites, offering students a wide
range of clinical opportunities.
Our program is unique because it offers a strong grounding in philosophy .
Our leading researchers are experts in their respective fields.
The Honors program is expanding.
The MbEIN program is expanding and growing, helping to stem the nursing
3. Masters / PhD Programs
Those who attend Masters/PhD info sessions typically decide
to come to UConn.
The PhD program is a success.
Our PhD graduates are highly sought after and graduate having
funded research and having had their work published.
Our program is unique in its emphasis on both qualitative and
quantitative research.
Unique Offerings
The Thomas Dodd Research Library retains the research
library of Virginia Henderson, the First Lady of Nursing.
Urban Service Track is a one-of-a-kind program nationally
We have the largest collection of nursing artifacts in the State
of Connecticut, and one of few in the country.
We can offer undergrads the larger UConn experience and all
that that brings (athletic events, social life etc).
Our Baccalaureate Program has a strong liberal arts
The DNP program is a 1st in the State of Connecticut.
4. Room to Grow
Our Weaknesses are our Opportunities
Lack of Diversity
Older Graduate Student
No Data
Lack of diversity among graduate student
population. Lack of students from outside New
England and the US impacts the student experience.
Older student. The average age of our PhD students
is 54; average age is 45 for Masters students.
Difficulty attracting practicing nurses to teaching due
to lower salaries available in Academia.
We do not collect useful data on prospective
5. Great Reputation
Not Enough Faculty
Below Average Recruitment
Perception among faculty and staff that the SON has a
well-regarded reputation, yet there is no empirical data
to support that reputation.
Lack of enough faculty causes the SON to turn away
qualified undergrads.
Low turn-out at Masters/PhD structured info
Media Relations
Lackluster media relations program.
Personnel loss of Beth Krane at University
Communications creates inconsistent effort.
Any consistent media relations program must be
initiated at the SON. Not enough manpower at UC to
do what is needed.
We have leading experts in their respective research
fields, yet we gain minimal press associated with these
research efforts.
6. Program Literature
Many current brochures present partially redundant
Production quality is substandard and doesnt adequately reflect
the quality of the programming and resources the SON offers.
Inconsistent packaging.
Little content which ties the program offerings together to
show connections, or to reinforce continuing scholarship.
Currently no umbrella piece which talks about the SON and its
unique qualities.
No faculty promotion, one of this institutions greatest assets.
Printed program literature at this time not utilized by the
faculty; perceived to be useless or used only at info fairs.
Faculty find content of printed brochures becomes dated
No visual vehicle to help a student determine how the
programs connect for continuing study.
7. Interior /Exterior Signage
Temporary paper sign with faculty/staff and their
respective room numbers doesnt reflect an
institution of our history or stature.
Unless you approached the building from one
direction, you wouldnt necessarily know what
building youve just entered.
Bulletin boards should be developed with a theme in
mind and refreshed quarterly at a minimum.
Heavy reliance on student workers to support a
growing faculty base.
Low morale among many staff and faculty due to
administrative inefficiencies caused by the large
student worker administrative staff.
Relationships between faculty and staff and between
staff and the Dean need to be strengthened.
Everyone must feel invested in the Schools success in
order to be successful.
8. Strategies
1:1 Marketing
Internal Communications Precedes
External Communications
Before launching an external communications
program, focus on an internal communications.
Everyone, especially leadership, needs to be pointed in
the same direction.
9. Be Proud of What the SON Offers
Train faculty and staff to project a sense of confidence
in the future of the SON and to know why we are unique.
All touch points with current and prospective students
should show pride and quality.
Show pride in alumni and their accomplishments.
Use alumni and current students to market School
The audience dictates where, when, and how
content is delivered to them
A shift from inward-focused to outward-focused
A shift from raising awareness to building
A shift from announcing our brand to sharing
ownership of our brand
A shift from developing content to using content
your audience formulates.
Marketing is about engagement.
10. Expand Awareness
Promote and expand awareness of the clinical
experience of our Masters Faculty.
Promote and expand awareness of the research
experience of our PhD Faculty.
Expand awareness of the SONs innovative
Program Literature
Solidify program literature and eliminate redundancies.
Develop literature is useful and easy to update.
Ensure all literature is representative of the diverse
populations we seek to attract.
Consider developing a brochure specifically for
recruiting men in nursing.
11. Promote our History while
Embracing the Future
Embrace technology wherever possible in marketing
efforts both with prospective students and alumni.
Give more prominence to the Dolan Collection and
the research archives at the Dodd Center both
internally and externally.
12. Data Collection
Build a SON database.
Use database for marketing informational sessions and
other events electronically.
Upgrade web site to capture data.
Create content of interest to prospective students.
More Than Eye Candy
A great web strategy facilitates community with
prospective students and others.
Part of this facilitation depends on the sites ability to
gather data on each person that accesses the site so
future communications can be customized, not merely
13. Web Site
Use technology tools that allow for easier
dissemination of information.
Upgrade web site to better communicate clinical and
research expertise of faculty by adding expanded bio-
sketches about each faculty member.
Build community with blogs, online student diaries.
Upgrade About us section of the web site to include
information about what makes the SON unique and
Personalize Interactions
Anyone can create a site that remembers a first
name, but it is more effective to gather data so an
automated response isnt just a Dear Dave
14. Dear Dave.
We understand that you are interested in our BS
to PhD program. Here are the names of three
alumni who went through this program at the
SON. They would love to speak with you
about their experiences at UConn. In fact,
Cheryl Beck is involved in the same research
area you have shown interest and will send you
an introductory email in the next two days.
Attracting A Younger Grad Student
Anyone under the age of 30 processes information
differently than you and I.
They are online, watching TV, flipping through a
magazine, talking on a cell phone, and studying
They are able to process things in parallel and
We have to recognize we have a radically different
person out there than in the past.
15. Add Video
Six out of 10 high-speed Internet users either watch or
download online video content at least once a week.
As much as 86 percent do so on a monthly basis,
according to a new study by Horowitz Associates.
December 31, 2007
Attract Students Beyond CT
To Increase Diversity
Develop narrated video tours to be placed on web
Web site should be reviewed for opportunities to keep
it a fresh, renewing media vehicle.
Web is designed for video, for interactivity. Maximize
these opportunities.
Add an RSS feed on nursing issues and allow for
subscription from our web site. Use information
gleaned for electronic marketing.
16. Technology Use it!
Expand technology tools for marketing purposes.
Attendees must register for Webinars in order to
access (another opportunity for data collection).
Add box to web site to advertise upcoming Webinars
on various topics.
Increase the number of Masters/PhD sessions using
technology tools to minimize travel.
Develop An Electronic Presence
Create Deans blog and other blogs for our primary
researchers. Focus commentary on the content for
which we are known.
Investigate the use of Wikis as a tool for students to
collaborate remotely on projects
Promote technology tools to reinforce how easy we
make it for students to study nursing.
17. Centers of Excellence
Reorganize programs into Centers of Excellence to
give some structure to professional tracks.
Shift reliance on print medium to the web.
Any pieces that are printed should be of higher
production value and have longer shelf life.
The Missing Piece
Create a high level branding piece which speaks about
the soul, the history of the SON and which establishes
our Centers of Excellence.
Develop more sophisticated packaging for program
All program materials will direct students to web site
for detailed information.
18. Reinforce Continuing Education
Program materials should easily show continuity of
programs to promote continuing scholarship.
Streamline number of programs where appropriate.
Details of programs should be available only on the
web site.
Reduce number of clicks needed to reach information.
Create pocket sized fact cards on each Center of
Excellence, showing individual tracks available within
each to hand out at fairs.
All cards will direct reader to web site for detailed
19. Be in the Company of Winners
Create a piece highlighting the SONs outstanding
alumni over the years.
Become comfortable with name dropping.
Incorporate testimonials in all literature where
Create a wall of honor of alumni.
Media Relations
Establish relationships with media outlets at strategic
locations throughout the state and regularly communicate
with them.
Schedule Dean visits with key editors to begin to forge
Begin to establish the SON as the nursing experts in the
Constantly comb media for opportunities where Dean or key
researchers can contribute commentary on important issues
of the day.
20. Market Research
Expand statistical and reporting information for the
SON to aid in promoting its strengths.
Conduct primary research with current students to
determine vehicles they used to evaluate nursing
As database is created, begin to use electronic
communication to build 1:1 relationships with
prospective Masters/PhD students.
Create regular correspondence that contains pertinent
information relative to their field.
Consider social networking sites as vehicles for
promoting the SON story.
21. Operations
People are this institutions greatest asset.
Create an administrative structure that fosters a team
atmosphere of equality by faculty and staff. There is no
limit to what can be accomplished when everyone feels supported
and works collaboratively towards the same goal!
Consider appointing an operations chief who is
responsible for overseeing to ensure efficiency.
Address Morale Issues Build A Team
Take immediate steps towards improving internal
communication between the Deans office and staff.
Give staff an opportunity to get to know Anne as a person
while becoming more familiar with her strategic vision.
Take advantage of any opportunities to bring faculty and staff
together such as receptions for new faculty.
22. Conclusion
A focused differentiation
Target communications leveraging our data
Expand promotion of our strengths and unique
Increase efforts to recruit the right type of student
Expand and build the SON community through
continual engagement using customer focused
The Result
The SON will distinguish
itself and build on its
reputation and unique
It will maintain an ongoing
dialog with its students,
alumni and donors that is
based on THEIR interests
and is cultivated through
numerous touch points
with the School.
23. The School will create
new opportunities to
differentiate itself, so
that students will have a
compelling reason for
why they should choose
the University of
Connecticut School of
The SON will attract a younger Masters/PhD
candidates through new media.
The SON will actively recruit outside of CT and
among underrepresented populations to
increase the diversity of its graduate student
24. Alumni will have a compelling reason why they should
support this institution because
It is forward thinking.
It is focused.
It is on its way to becoming the preeminent public
institution in New England for nursing education and one
of the top 25 nursing schools in the nation.