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79th UFI Congress
                      Abu Dhabi 2012

       What does UFI mean
             for me?

79th UFI Congress
                                                            Abu Dhabi 2012

                    Research                               Expertise
         Studies                                                Cooperation

       Statistics                                                  Education

       Management                                                 Quality
                               What does UFI mean
                                     for me?
             Marketing                                   Information

                      Communication                 Standards

79th UFI Congress
                            Abu Dhabi 2012
       UFI annual
          2005 Moscow
          2006 Beijing
          2007 Paris
          2008 Istanbul
        2009 Zagreb
          2010 Singapore
          2011 Valencia
          2012 Abu Dhabi
          2013 Seoul

79th UFI Congress
                                                   Abu Dhabi 2012

       UFI CEO events

       UFI Group Organizers
       Think Tank
       Abu Dhabi, November 6, 2012

           UFI Global CEO Forum: UCF
           Vienna, 30 January - 1 February, 2013

79th UFI Congress
                                      Abu Dhabi 2012
       Open seminars
       Topical seminars open to all
       exhibition professionals -
       whether members or not!

                                          What does UFI mean
                                                for me?

79th UFI Congress
                                                      Abu Dhabi 2012

           UFI research and studies
          8th UFI-BSG Report on the Trade Fair Industry in Asia
          UFI Global Barometer
          Global estimates
          UFI Member Activity Report
          Euro Fair Statistics Report
          Delphi Study

79th UFI Congress
                          Abu Dhabi 2012

       UFI professional

                             What does UFI mean
                                   for me?

79th UFI Congress
                                            Abu Dhabi 2012
       Online information

      Studies and recommendations
      Online educational programme
      Database access
      Industry information
      UFI events and meetings
       - programmes & online registration
       - speaker presentations

79th UFI Congress
                                                   Abu Dhabi 2012
       UFI Professional
       Recognition Awards

                                    Sustainable Development


       And for the first time!
                                       Fair Poster Competition     with
                                       International Fair Plovdiv

79th UFI Congress
       Abu Dhabi 2012

79th UFI Congress
                                         Abu Dhabi 2012

                                             Many of these
       with International Fair Plovdiv
                                             are displayed
                                             in the UFI HQ

79th UFI Congress
                                                                 Abu Dhabi 2012

       The UFI Community
                                        Congress Abu Dhabi            #ufiabudhabi
                                        UCF CEO Forum                 #uficeoforum
                                        Asia Open Seminar             #ufishenzhen
                                        Open Seminar in the MEA       #uficapetown

              www.twitter.com/ufilive   Open Seminar in Europe        #ufihamburg
                                        Focus meetings in Utrecht =   #ufiutrecht

79th UFI Congress
                                                 Abu Dhabi 2012
       UFI education

        Exhibition Management Degree (UFI-EMD)
         150 hour post graduate education programme
        Successful Exhibit Marketing
        8 Steps to Sustainability
        Updated Exhibitions in the marketing mix
         online course available for free downloading
        International Summer University (ISU)       What does UFI mean
                                                           for me?

79th UFI Congress
Exhibition knowledge and expertise                                    Abu Dhabi 2012
at the click of your mouse

      to UFIs new online Education Centre!
      This is an exciting one-stop location for all your exhibition
      education and resource needs. With one click youll access
      valuable content from UFI events and meetings. Specially
      edited videos and accompanying highlights from the
      speakers slides will bring these right to your desk.
      Weve centralized all UFI education programmes and will be
      adding surveys studies and publications to expand this as a
      truly comprehensive resource.
      Our Lounge provides an opportunity to meet others and
      share your exhibition experience. So come in for a chat.
      Were looking forward to meeting you here!

     Free online registration for all at: www.ufi.org/edcentre!
79th UFI Congress
                                                                 Abu Dhabi 2012
       UFI Working Committees
                                UFI Education

             Sustainable                              UFI ICT
             Development                             Committee

                   UFI Operations           UFI Marketing
                    Committee                Committee

79th UFI Congress
       Abu Dhabi 2012

79th UFI Congress
                                                Abu Dhabi 2012
       UFI Impact
       4,500 Exhibitions organised or hosted by UFI members
        UFI members in 86 countries including the 40 largest

                           3 UFI Offices
                    Headquarters in Paris,
           Regional Office Asia/Pacific in Hong Kong
         Regional Office in Middle East/Africa in Kuwait

79th UFI Congress
        612 Members                                              Abu Dhabi 2012
        in 85 countries
                                  46 Partners of
                                the Industry (7.3%)
                                                51 Associations
                                                        73 Venues
                                                        only (12%)
       316 Organizer
        only (52%)                                                   199 members with
                                                                        venue activity
                                                       126 Venue
                                                       & Organizer

                           442 members with
       September 2012   organizer activity (72%)

79th UFI Congress
       Abu Dhabi 2012

        What does UFI mean
              for me?

79th UFI Congress
                                           Abu Dhabi 2012
       UFI Future Events
                 Vienna, Austria from 30 January to 1
                 February, 2013

                 UFI Open Seminar in Asia 2013
                 Jakarta, Indonesia, 28 February- 1 March 2013

                 UFI Open Seminar in Europe 2013
                 Malm旦, Sweeden, 17-19 June 2013

                 UFI Congress 2013
                 Seoul, South Korea, 13-16 November 2013

79th UFI Congress
                                 Abu Dhabi 2012

        What does UFI mean for me?

           The more you put into UFI
       the more UFI will give back to you!
79th UFI Congress
                                       Abu Dhabi 2012

       On Twitter @ufilive
       Blogging at www.ufilive.org
       LinkedIn  UFI Members Group
       Facebook: UFI- EMD



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UFI member services

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  • 2. 79th UFI Congress Abu Dhabi 2012 Networking Research Expertise Studies Cooperation Statistics Education Management Quality What does UFI mean for me? Marketing Information Communication Standards Host
  • 3. 79th UFI Congress Abu Dhabi 2012 UFI annual congresses 2005 Moscow 2006 Beijing 2007 Paris 2008 Istanbul 2009 Zagreb 2010 Singapore 2011 Valencia 2012 Abu Dhabi 2013 Seoul Host
  • 4. 79th UFI Congress Abu Dhabi 2012 UFI CEO events UFI Group Organizers Think Tank Abu Dhabi, November 6, 2012 UFI Global CEO Forum: UCF Vienna, 30 January - 1 February, 2013 Host
  • 5. 79th UFI Congress Abu Dhabi 2012 Open seminars Topical seminars open to all exhibition professionals - whether members or not! What does UFI mean for me? Host
  • 6. 79th UFI Congress Abu Dhabi 2012 UFI research and studies 8th UFI-BSG Report on the Trade Fair Industry in Asia UFI Global Barometer Global estimates UFI Member Activity Report Euro Fair Statistics Report Delphi Study Host
  • 7. 79th UFI Congress Abu Dhabi 2012 UFI professional publications What does UFI mean for me? Host
  • 8. 79th UFI Congress Abu Dhabi 2012 Online information www.ufi.org Studies and recommendations Online educational programme Database access Industry information UFI events and meetings - programmes & online registration - speaker presentations Host
  • 9. 79th UFI Congress Abu Dhabi 2012 UFI Professional Recognition Awards Sustainable Development ICT Operations Marketing And for the first time! Fair Poster Competition with International Fair Plovdiv Host
  • 10. 79th UFI Congress Abu Dhabi 2012 Host
  • 11. 79th UFI Congress Abu Dhabi 2012 Poster Competition Many of these with International Fair Plovdiv posters are displayed in the UFI HQ Host
  • 12. 79th UFI Congress Abu Dhabi 2012 The UFI Community Congress Abu Dhabi #ufiabudhabi UCF CEO Forum #uficeoforum Asia Open Seminar #ufishenzhen Open Seminar in the MEA #uficapetown www.ufi.org/twitter www.twitter.com/ufilive Open Seminar in Europe #ufihamburg Focus meetings in Utrecht = #ufiutrecht Host
  • 13. 79th UFI Congress Abu Dhabi 2012 UFI education opportunities Exhibition Management Degree (UFI-EMD) 150 hour post graduate education programme Successful Exhibit Marketing 8 Steps to Sustainability Updated Exhibitions in the marketing mix online course available for free downloading International Summer University (ISU) What does UFI mean for me? Host
  • 14. 79th UFI Congress Exhibition knowledge and expertise Abu Dhabi 2012 at the click of your mouse Welcome to UFIs new online Education Centre! This is an exciting one-stop location for all your exhibition education and resource needs. With one click youll access valuable content from UFI events and meetings. Specially edited videos and accompanying highlights from the speakers slides will bring these right to your desk. Weve centralized all UFI education programmes and will be adding surveys studies and publications to expand this as a truly comprehensive resource. Our Lounge provides an opportunity to meet others and share your exhibition experience. So come in for a chat. Were looking forward to meeting you here! Free online registration for all at: www.ufi.org/edcentre!
  • 15. 79th UFI Congress Abu Dhabi 2012 UFI Working Committees UFI Education Committee UFI Sustainable UFI ICT Development Committee Committee UFI Operations UFI Marketing Committee Committee Host
  • 16. 79th UFI Congress Abu Dhabi 2012 Host
  • 17. 79th UFI Congress Abu Dhabi 2012 UFI Impact 4,500 Exhibitions organised or hosted by UFI members UFI members in 86 countries including the 40 largest economies 3 UFI Offices Headquarters in Paris, Regional Office Asia/Pacific in Hong Kong Regional Office in Middle East/Africa in Kuwait Host
  • 18. 79th UFI Congress 612 Members Abu Dhabi 2012 in 85 countries 46 Partners of the Industry (7.3%) 51 Associations (8.5%) 73 Venues only (12%) 316 Organizer only (52%) 199 members with venue activity (32.5%) 126 Venue & Organizer (21%) 442 members with September 2012 organizer activity (72%) Host
  • 19. 79th UFI Congress Abu Dhabi 2012 What does UFI mean for me? Host
  • 20. 79th UFI Congress Abu Dhabi 2012 UFI Future Events Vienna, Austria from 30 January to 1 February, 2013 UFI Open Seminar in Asia 2013 Jakarta, Indonesia, 28 February- 1 March 2013 UFI Open Seminar in Europe 2013 Malm旦, Sweeden, 17-19 June 2013 UFI Congress 2013 Seoul, South Korea, 13-16 November 2013 Host
  • 21. 79th UFI Congress Abu Dhabi 2012 What does UFI mean for me? The more you put into UFI the more UFI will give back to you! Host
  • 22. 79th UFI Congress Abu Dhabi 2012 On Twitter @ufilive Blogging at www.ufilive.org LinkedIn UFI Members Group Facebook: UFI- EMD info@ufi.org www.ufi.org Host