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Achieve Your Dreams  Own Your Own Business
You Succeed!
1182 W. Pioneer Pkwy, Arlington, TX 76013
817-652-8000 | 888-416-2797 (toll free)
www.ufstsg.com | info@ufstsg.com
PartnerWith Experience
1182 W. Pioneer Pkwy, Arlington, TX 76013
817-652-8000 | 888-416-2797 (toll free)
www.ufstsg.com | info@ufstsg.com
The Right Industry
Why the Tax Industry?
We say Why Not?
The Right Time
Every American is legally required to submit a tax return. Tax
preparation is big business and remains recession resistant.
$7.7 billion was generated in tax preparation revenue in 2014
An experienced independent tax professional can earn a
minimum of $100 per hour  thats $5,000 per week for a 50-
hour week. Thats right in a 3-month tax season, you can
earn $60,000! And thats not all. As your business grows,
through referrals and new clients, your future earnings
potential is limitless!
Get ready to enjoy summers and holidays, because most of
your business is generated during the concentrated tax
season of mid- January through mid-April. Or use the
remainder of the year to offer more services to your tax
clients, generating income year-round. You decide.
Each year, Congress makes changes to the tax code, making
tax filing more confusing and overwhelming. The number of
taxpayers continues to grow, and so does the need for
qualified Tax Professionals. Economic challenges make it
more important than ever for taxpayers to claim all of the
credits and deductions to which they are entitled. You can be
the one to help them pay the least possible amount. Starting
your own tax business will enable you to meet this growing
demand while securing your own financial security and
The Right Model
Noexperienceisrequired. UFSTSGwillguideyouthroughthe
We provide assistance with: business license and IRS
enrollment, real estate choices, staffing and training, Grand
Opening Support, marketing support, technical and tax
UFSTSG is the perfect business model. Our team of business
and tax professionals will guide you through the entire
The Right Price
 Less than $5,000 startup cost!
 Financing available
 Profitability in the 1st year
 No franchise fee
Increasing Tax Returns
Initial Franchise Fee
Royalty Fee
Marketing Fund
Area Based on a
Population of 3,000
20% of all prep fees
Jackson Hewitt
Area Based on a
Population of
15% of all
prep fees
LibertyTax Service
Area Based on
Paid Returns
14% of all prep fees
H & R Block
TBD (most areas
in the USA already
40% of all prep fees
No Territory restrictions
due to 3 different brand
licensing options
30% of Max of $500
prep fee
UFSTSG provided us with the knowledge, marketing programs, tools and one-on-one support to build our business
quickly and helped us maintain our success moving forward. Today, we own two successful locations and still have
time to spend with our kids - Joe & Cecilia Rodriguez UFSTSG Affiliate, Grand Prairie TX
Estimated Startup & Operating Costs
Ownership Options
1182 W. Pioneer Pkwy, Arlington, TX 76013
817-652-8000 | 888-416-2797 (toll free)
www.ufstsg.com | info@ufstsg.com
(Note: Some costs are variable) (*Financing Available)
Item As Much AsAs Little As
Total Estimated Start-Up Costs $6,399$299
Application Fee
Marketing Kit
Office Lease / Rent
Business License
Internet / Phone / Fax
your own storefront tax office. Our real estate and staffing
professionals will assist you from start to finish. Or choose a
Retail Vendor location office. These are designed to make it
easy for you to start your tax preparation business, hosted at
a local or regional retail store. We work with you to select a
Heres Whats Included In Both Options
 70/30 split
 Ownership Training and IRS Tax law certification
 Marketing kit
 Choose from 3 licensed brand names:
Xpert Taxes, Integrity Tax, Reliable Refund
 Office location assistance
 Dedicated Business Development Manager (BDM)
 UFS Professional Tax Software
 Guaranteed Bank Products
 Startup loan assistance
 Back office support
 Tax and technical support
 Available in all US states and territories
 Bilingual support (English and Spanish)
 IRS enrollment and registration assistance
 Payroll and bookkeeping services
 In house tax attorney
 Website and Phone App
 And much more
UFSTSG  Costs and Fees at a Glance
With a minimal investment, the UFSTSG model can generate
significant fee-based revenue.
 Total Investment: $0K to $7K
 Territory: Unlimited
 Royalty Fee: 30% of maximum $550 prep fee
 Initial Franchise Fee: $0
 Marketing startup collateral $0
We're With You Every Step of the Way
Step 1: Business License and IRS Enrollment
Step 2: Real Estate
Step 3: Staffing and Training
1182 W. Pioneer Pkwy, Arlington, TX 76013
817-652-8000 | 888-416-2797 (toll free)
www.ufstsg.com | info@ufstsg.com
Congratulations, youve found the right partner! With
Umbrella Financial Services, youre in business FOR yourself,
but not BY yourself. From the day you sign your licensing
agreement until the day you open, our dedicated in-house
support team is here to guide you on your path to success 
FAST! Hereshow
We assist you with IRS Enrollment of your Electronic Filing
Identification Number (EFIN) and your Preparer Tax
Identification Number (PTIN). We show you how to register
your business with the State. If you plan to hire other tax
preparers, we guide you through choosing the business
structure that best suits your needs, such as sole proprietor-
ship or Limited Liability Corporation (LLC). UFSTSG will
provide the required business formation documents.
Our real estate team helps you choose a location with
maximum profit potential through a review of your desired
area, the use of demographic research, and much more. Once
a location is selected, our experts help negotiate an office
lease that makes sense for your business.
Accordingly, we identify only those items (computers,
equipment, furniture, etc.) absolutely necessary to make your
business profitable. And, we will help you acquire those
essential items at the least cost.
Umbrella Financial Services providesIRS Certified Tax Training
via UFSTSG Tax Institute. Train anytime anywhere. Use our
training videos, practice returns, and other training tools.
Review at your convenience as needed. If you prefer, you can
receive one-on-one training over the telephone with one of
our Business Development Managers. The BDM will
conference with you and remotely access your computer over
the internet. You will be guided through the software step-by-
step. Learn at your own pace and follow-up with your BDM or
other staff member whenever you need additional help.
No experience in hiring people? No problem. Umbrella will
assist you with finding qualified applicants to staff your office.
We dont look for people with financial experience, we hire
sales people and teach them to do taxes. Thats our model,
and it works! Let us provide you with eager candidates
interested in learning the business.
Step 5: Tax Season Begins
Your Next Steps
Why wait? Take the next steps to owning your own
UFSTSG Affiliate Tax Office.
Step 1: Get the Facts
Speak with one of our UFSTSG Business Development
Advocates and learn more about the UFSTSG model, our
history, and how we support your success.
Step 2: Learn the Vision
Attend our weekly Tax Talk webinar to understand the
vision, values and future of our company, and what makes
UFSTSG the best opportunity in todays market.
Step 3: Make a Decision
Your decision to partner with UFSTSG will be one of the
most rewarding youve ever made. Our proven system,
experience, and resources will ensure that you reach your
goals as an entrepreneur. Call us today!
Step 4: Grand Opening Support
This business is more about location and marketing than it is
about taxes. Umbrellas proprietary software makes tax
preparation a breeze. The real key to success is drawing
customers to your retail location.
a Grand Opening to create awareness in the community and
bring your first customers in the door. You will receive a
Startup Packet with marketing promotions and collateral
customized for your specific tax office. Learn how to utilize
referrals to leverage existing clients into new customers, and
howto network at events in your community to obtain even
more customers. Access to our online eStore makes it easy to
purchase additional cost-effective marketing materials as you
grow your business.
Now that you are fully trained, staffed, and equipped for
success, its time for you to get your clients their maximum
refund. Give them their refund FAST in the form of a bank
check, bank deposit or bank debit card. Why wouldnt your
happy customers tell others to call you!
Partner With a Leader!
Business Opportunities for People Who Want More

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UFSTSG Brochure 2015

  • 1. Achieve Your Dreams Own Your Own Business We Empower Provide Facilitate You Succeed! 1182 W. Pioneer Pkwy, Arlington, TX 76013 817-652-8000 | 888-416-2797 (toll free) www.ufstsg.com | info@ufstsg.com
  • 2. PartnerWith Experience 1182 W. Pioneer Pkwy, Arlington, TX 76013 817-652-8000 | 888-416-2797 (toll free) www.ufstsg.com | info@ufstsg.com The Right Industry Why the Tax Industry? We say Why Not? The Right Time Every American is legally required to submit a tax return. Tax preparation is big business and remains recession resistant. $7.7 billion was generated in tax preparation revenue in 2014 inroughlyonly4months! An experienced independent tax professional can earn a minimum of $100 per hour thats $5,000 per week for a 50- hour week. Thats right in a 3-month tax season, you can earn $60,000! And thats not all. As your business grows, through referrals and new clients, your future earnings potential is limitless! Get ready to enjoy summers and holidays, because most of your business is generated during the concentrated tax season of mid- January through mid-April. Or use the remainder of the year to offer more services to your tax clients, generating income year-round. You decide. Each year, Congress makes changes to the tax code, making tax filing more confusing and overwhelming. The number of taxpayers continues to grow, and so does the need for qualified Tax Professionals. Economic challenges make it more important than ever for taxpayers to claim all of the credits and deductions to which they are entitled. You can be the one to help them pay the least possible amount. Starting your own tax business will enable you to meet this growing demand while securing your own financial security and freedom. The Right Model Noexperienceisrequired. UFSTSGwillguideyouthroughthe entireprocessfromstarttofinish,andprovidesupportafter youopenyourdoors. We provide assistance with: business license and IRS enrollment, real estate choices, staffing and training, Grand Opening Support, marketing support, technical and tax support. UFSTSG is the perfect business model. Our team of business and tax professionals will guide you through the entire processofstartingandgrowingasuccessfultaxbusiness. The Right Price Less than $5,000 startup cost! Financing available Profitability in the 1st year No franchise fee Increasing Tax Returns
  • 3. Item Territory Initial Franchise Fee Royalty Fee Marketing Fund Contribution Colbert-Ball Area Based on a Population of 3,000 $17,900 20% of all prep fees 3%** Jackson Hewitt Area Based on a Population of 30,000-50,000 $25,000 15% of all prep fees 6% LibertyTax Service Area Based on 7,000-8,500 Paid Returns $40,000 $40,000 14% of all prep fees 5% H & R Block TBD (most areas in the USA already sold) Unknown 40% of all prep fees 6% UFSTSG No Territory restrictions due to 3 different brand licensing options $0 30% of Max of $500 prep fee *Provided UFSTSG provided us with the knowledge, marketing programs, tools and one-on-one support to build our business quickly and helped us maintain our success moving forward. Today, we own two successful locations and still have time to spend with our kids - Joe & Cecilia Rodriguez UFSTSG Affiliate, Grand Prairie TX Estimated Startup & Operating Costs Ownership Options 1182 W. Pioneer Pkwy, Arlington, TX 76013 817-652-8000 | 888-416-2797 (toll free) www.ufstsg.com | info@ufstsg.com (Note: Some costs are variable) (*Financing Available) Item As Much AsAs Little As Total Estimated Start-Up Costs $6,399$299 Application Fee Marketing Kit Training Office Lease / Rent Equipment Furniture Insurance Business License Internet / Phone / Fax $99 Misc. $0* $0* $0* $0* $0* $100 $0* $100 $100 $99 $500 $0 $3,000 $800 $700 $300 $400 $300 $300 TwoFlexibleTaxOfficeLocationOptions Letushelpyoulocateofficespaceandnegotiatetheleasefor your own storefront tax office. Our real estate and staffing professionals will assist you from start to finish. Or choose a Retail Vendor location office. These are designed to make it easy for you to start your tax preparation business, hosted at a local or regional retail store. We work with you to select a greatlocation. Heres Whats Included In Both Options 70/30 split Ownership Training and IRS Tax law certification Marketing kit Choose from 3 licensed brand names: Xpert Taxes, Integrity Tax, Reliable Refund Office location assistance Dedicated Business Development Manager (BDM) UFS Professional Tax Software Guaranteed Bank Products Startup loan assistance Back office support Tax and technical support Available in all US states and territories Bilingual support (English and Spanish) IRS enrollment and registration assistance Payroll and bookkeeping services In house tax attorney Website and Phone App And much more UFSTSG Costs and Fees at a Glance With a minimal investment, the UFSTSG model can generate significant fee-based revenue. Total Investment: $0K to $7K Territory: Unlimited Royalty Fee: 30% of maximum $550 prep fee Initial Franchise Fee: $0 Marketing startup collateral $0
  • 4. We're With You Every Step of the Way Step 1: Business License and IRS Enrollment Step 2: Real Estate Step 3: Staffing and Training 1182 W. Pioneer Pkwy, Arlington, TX 76013 817-652-8000 | 888-416-2797 (toll free) www.ufstsg.com | info@ufstsg.com Congratulations, youve found the right partner! With Umbrella Financial Services, youre in business FOR yourself, but not BY yourself. From the day you sign your licensing agreement until the day you open, our dedicated in-house support team is here to guide you on your path to success FAST! Hereshow We assist you with IRS Enrollment of your Electronic Filing Identification Number (EFIN) and your Preparer Tax Identification Number (PTIN). We show you how to register your business with the State. If you plan to hire other tax preparers, we guide you through choosing the business structure that best suits your needs, such as sole proprietor- ship or Limited Liability Corporation (LLC). UFSTSG will provide the required business formation documents. Our real estate team helps you choose a location with maximum profit potential through a review of your desired area, the use of demographic research, and much more. Once a location is selected, our experts help negotiate an office lease that makes sense for your business. Accordingly, we identify only those items (computers, equipment, furniture, etc.) absolutely necessary to make your business profitable. And, we will help you acquire those essential items at the least cost. Umbrella Financial Services providesIRS Certified Tax Training via UFSTSG Tax Institute. Train anytime anywhere. Use our training videos, practice returns, and other training tools. Review at your convenience as needed. If you prefer, you can receive one-on-one training over the telephone with one of our Business Development Managers. The BDM will conference with you and remotely access your computer over the internet. You will be guided through the software step-by- step. Learn at your own pace and follow-up with your BDM or other staff member whenever you need additional help. No experience in hiring people? No problem. Umbrella will assist you with finding qualified applicants to staff your office. We dont look for people with financial experience, we hire sales people and teach them to do taxes. Thats our model, and it works! Let us provide you with eager candidates interested in learning the business. Step 5: Tax Season Begins Your Next Steps Why wait? Take the next steps to owning your own UFSTSG Affiliate Tax Office. Step 1: Get the Facts Speak with one of our UFSTSG Business Development Advocates and learn more about the UFSTSG model, our history, and how we support your success. Step 2: Learn the Vision Attend our weekly Tax Talk webinar to understand the vision, values and future of our company, and what makes UFSTSG the best opportunity in todays market. Step 3: Make a Decision Your decision to partner with UFSTSG will be one of the most rewarding youve ever made. Our proven system, experience, and resources will ensure that you reach your goals as an entrepreneur. Call us today! Step 4: Grand Opening Support This business is more about location and marketing than it is about taxes. Umbrellas proprietary software makes tax preparation a breeze. The real key to success is drawing customers to your retail location. Starttheseasonoffwithabang!Wewillshowyouhowtohost a Grand Opening to create awareness in the community and bring your first customers in the door. You will receive a Startup Packet with marketing promotions and collateral customized for your specific tax office. Learn how to utilize referrals to leverage existing clients into new customers, and howto network at events in your community to obtain even more customers. Access to our online eStore makes it easy to purchase additional cost-effective marketing materials as you grow your business. Now that you are fully trained, staffed, and equipped for success, its time for you to get your clients their maximum refund. Give them their refund FAST in the form of a bank check, bank deposit or bank debit card. Why wouldnt your happy customers tell others to call you! Partner With a Leader! Business Opportunities for People Who Want More