This document discusses gender differences in posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). It notes that most research reports sex differences rather than gender differences. Five hypotheses are proposed regarding the relationships between gender identity, conformity to gender norms, and PTSD symptoms. The proposed methods section describes plans to survey 200 adults with a traumatic experience using instruments to measure gender identity and roles, conformity to masculinity/femininity norms, and PTSD symptoms. Data analysis would examine relationships between these variables and look for differences between men and women.
*Most research that report gender
differences actually report sex
*Biological and Socially
Constructed Ideologies.
*File-Drawer Effect
*Well according to the Gender Similarity
Hypothesis not much (Hyde, 2005).
*Women are more likely to seek help
BUT! Even when men and women
report the same symptoms women are
more likely to be diagnosed with post
traumatic stress disorder.
WHO 2012
*Zona (2011)found no differences in symptomology of external PTSD such as guilt and anger
between men and women in the military.
*Bem (1976) proposed that androgynous men and women were more adaptable psychologically.
Androgynous individuals showed less discomfort and higher self esteem than sex-typed individuals.
*Women perform better academically in a all girls schools in male dominated subjects (Sullivan 2009 )
*Morrison found that men who conform to masculine norms reported greater PTSD symptoms
Hypothesis 1. In women, identification with masculine or androgynous traits will have a lower
correlation with posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms.
Hypothesis 2. In women, identification with feminine traits will have higher positive correlations
with posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms.
Hypothesis 3. In men, identification with feminine traits or androgynous gender identity will have a
low correlation with posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms.
Hypothesis 4. In men, identification with masculine traits will have a high positive correlation with
posttraumatic stress disorder.
Hypothesis 5. Individuals who endorse gender stereotypes will have higher positive relationship
with posttraumatic stress disorder than those who do not.
Effect sizes have been shown in groups as little as 147
but often researchers use hundreds of participants.
The current study will aim for 200 adult participants, who
have experienced a traumatic life event in the past month.
Just in case we forgot to mention them
Recruitment will be from the Veterans Hall, Mental today.
Health Services, Psychology students
Data can be collected in a group or lab setting.
The Conformity to Masculinity Norms Inventory a 22-item scale, which measures
conformity to traditional American gender roles. Internal consistency of .94 test retest on
different subscales range from .74 to .95.
The Conformity to Feminine Norms Inventory may be used to assess conformity to
traditional feminine gender roles. Internal consistency is reported a coefficient of .88.
Alphas for subscales ranged from .77 to .92.
Bem Sex-Role Inventory Short form: This instrument 40-item instrument will be used to
assess gender-role perceptions. It correlates with the original at .90. The original inventory
alpha coeffiecients indicated high internal and test re-test reliability (masculinity .86,
femininity .82) Items are on a seven-point likert scale "How desirable is it in American
society for a man/woman to possess each of these characteristics", (Bem, 1983). Holt
(1998) claims this measure enables researchers to measure androgyny, high levels of
masculinity, and femininity.
Posttraumatic Stress Disorder screening form (to be found): Ideally a short form with high
validity and reliability. Scoring would indicate if an individual experienced a traumatic
event, if an individual would likley meet a full posttraumatic stress disorder diagnosis, a
partial posttraumatic stress disorder diagnosis or shows no symptoms of posttraumatic
stress disorder.
Due to the sensitivity of the topics which may be brought up during research
it is important to let participants know that they are allowed to stop testing at
any time.
Participants will be given the opportunity to ask questions at the end of study.
All individuals participating in the study will receive information and referrals
to crisis hotlines or public health organizations.
Independent t-tests between sex and posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms.
Pearsons Correlation coefficient between gender conformity and post
traumatic stress disorder symptoms.
Pearsons Correlation Coefficient between gender role perceptions and post
traumatic stress disorder symptoms.
Bem, S. L. (1974). The measurement of psychological androgyny. Journal of Consulting and
Clinical Psychology. 42, 155-162
Bem, S. L. & Lenney, E. (1976). Sex typing and the avoidance of cross-sex behavior Journal
of Personality and Social Psychology. 33, 48-54
Garmezy, N. and Rutter, M. (1983). Stress, coping and development in children. New York:
Hyde J. (2005). The Gender Similarities Hypothesis. American Psychology Association, 60, 581-592
Mahalik, J. R., Locke, B. D., Ludlow, L. H., Diemer, M. A., Scott, R. P. J., Gottfried, M., &
Freitas, G. (2003). Development of the conformity to masculine norms inventory,
Psychology of Men & Masculinity, 4, 325.
Mahalik,J.R., Morray, E.B., Coonerty-Femiano, A., Ludlow,L. H., Slattery, S. M. & Smiler A.
(2005). Development of the Conformity to Feminine Norms Inventory Sex Roles, 52,
417-435. doi: 10.1007/s11199-005-3709-7
Morrison, J. A. (2011). Masculinity Moderates the Relationship Between Symptoms of PTSD
and Cardiac-Related Health Behaviors in Male Veterans. Psychology of Men &
Masculinity. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1037/a0024186
Sullivan A. (2009). Academic self-concept, gender and single-sex schooling. British Educational
Research Journal Vol. 35. 259288.
Zona, K. Milan, S. (2011). Gender differences in the longitudinal impact of exposure to violence
on mental health in urban youth. Journal of Youth and Adolescenc, 40, 1674-1690.