1. This document is a portfolio submission sheet for an ITCE (Information Technology for Continuous Education) program submitted by Wong Hang Chi, a student in the PGDE(S) Mathematics program at HKIEd with a student number of 09451331 and expected graduation date of July 2010.
2. The sheet includes a declaration that the three required ITCE portfolio items have been completed at the Upper Intermediate Level, including a project-based learning proposal, reflection on changes to teaching philosophy/subject due to IT, and a conclusion on the pros and cons of integrating ICT in education in Hong Kong.
3. Wong Hang Chi signs the sheet to declare the work as his own and the instructor,
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Uiit itce portfolio submission sheet
Name: HKIEd Student No.
Wong Hang Chi 09451331
Programme/Course Studied:
PGDE(S) Mathematics
Date of Enrolment: Expected Date of Graduation
August 2009 July 2010
Student Signature :
Date Submitted: May 26, 2010
This cover sheet must be signed and submitted with your ITCE portfolio.
Upper Intermediate Level
Tick when
1. To design a project-based learning proposal (with appropriate IT elements) for ?
teaching and learning a particular subject and topic.
2. A short essay identifying the possible change in your personal teaching ?
philosophy or the possible changes in your own teaching subject due to
application of IT – emphasis is on your reflection of a paradigm shift
3. Based on your experiences, make a conclusion for using ICT in education in ?
Hong Kong. You can weigh up the pros and cons of infusing ICT in education.
I hereby declare that the work contained in the ITCE Portfolio is wholly my work and I have indicated my ITCE
level attained on the student self-assessment checklist enclosed.
Student signature: ITCE Instructor: Mike Chui
Date: May 26, 2010 Date: May 26, 2010