Ujima Enterprises is a nonprofit education, culture and community service organization. We serve communities whose children need a boost in their education. We utilize African Ancestry DNA to arouse student interest in the academic work that they do--reading, writing, research, note-taking, genealogy interviews and book publishing. We find that the brilliance of our students has a wide effect on changing their views of themselves and opening more paths to opportunities in spite of a low-income background. Our work is critically important in a world that little in the way of a future for these youngsters because we teach them to believe in their God-given value and to be confident, proficient and self-sufficient. We teach them to work with the tools of Truth, Justice, Propriety, Harmony, Balance, Reciprocity and Order to be self-actualizing, contributing members of their families, communities, and country. This Sesquicentennial Celebration of the 150th year of The Emancipation Proclamation of legal freedom for Africans enslaved in America is Ujima Enterprises Incorporated 16th Annual Observance of Juneteenth, an African initiated annual remembrance of the long fight to freedom that goes through today. We share our culture and the best of what it means to be African. We have wonderful supporters and are reaching out to those among us who support us as donors who see the value of our approach and success with students. We appreciate the tax exempt contributions that sustain or work and contributes to the best outcomes for a humane society and world through nurturing and educating our youth. to take their places among it as well-educated contributors.