The document outlines the agenda for a UK Government Linked Data (UKGovLD) event on June 17th 2013, including:
- A lunch and networking session from 1-2pm
- Presentations from 2-3:50pm on URI patterns guidance, linked data registries, and new data initiatives
- A coffee break from 3:50-4pm
- Discussion sessions from 4-5pm on topics like the Shakespeare Review and linked data at the W3C
- Informal discussions at a pub from 5pm onwards
3. UKGovLD
17th June 2013 | Practical Progress
1pm Lunch and Networking
2pm UKGovLD delivery team update
URI Patterns guidance Stuart Williams
Linked Data Registries Jeremy Tandy & Dave Reynolds
2.30pm Updates from the floor
a series of 5 minute presentations
3.50pm Grab a Tea or Coffee
4pm Discussions
The Shakespeare Review
New data related Initiatives at the W3C Phil Archer
5pm Informals at the pub
6. UKGovLD
Updates from the floor
John Goodwin: the new Ordnance Survey linked data site
Bill Roberts: update on DCLG Open Data Communities site
Paul Davidson: publishing local 5-star data
Nicki Gill: 'Natural neighbourhoods' in Cheshire East
Alex Coley: update on Defra and Environment Agency linked data
Stephen Cresswell: updating the official gazettes
Jeremy Tandy: linked data registry for the WMO
John Goodwin: the RAGLD project
Adam Leadbetter: Controlled vocabularies and linked data in the NERC
Wilbert Kraan: integrating and analysing the University of Bolton's organisational data
using linked data technology