The document outlines 5 avenues to develop and support web entrepreneurship in Ukraine according to the Ukrainian Alliance of Web Entrepreneurs: 1) improving finance and tax policies, 2) strengthening infrastructure through university partnerships and international collaboration, 3) enhancing education programs and employment opportunities, 4) reforming data protection laws and access to data, 5) shaping public opinion through initiatives that promote entrepreneurship.
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Ukrainian Alliance of Web Entrepreneurs
1. 5 avenues of development
and support of web
entrepreneurship in Ukraine
from Ukrainian Alliance of Web
2. 5 avenues of development and
support of web entrepreneurship in
Finance and taxes
Education and employment
Access to data
Forming society opinion
3. Finance and taxes
- creation of state fund to provide financing,
guarantees and grants for entrepreneurs;
- review and adjustment of Ukrainian legislature
towards alternative forms of financing (crowd-
funding and alternative/small cap stock
exchange platforms);
- creation of tax preferences for investments in
early stage companies;
- review and adjustment of Ukrainian legislation
to support option granting to start-up employees
and its taxing.
4. Infrastructure
- creation of clusters between business
incubators and research centers at universities;
- integration with European and world
communities and organizations supporting web
5. Education and employment
- creation of education programs for web
- provide possibility to easily employ required
talents from the western world and the CIS
6. Access to data
- review and adjustment of Ukrainian legislature
on personal data protection to world-class
- enable possibility to keep databases and data
servers anywhere in the world;
- implementation of publicity for government
data and statistics.
7. Forming society opinion
- creation of positive image for entrepreneurship
as a career choice and success in life;
- creation of state position of Chief Digital Officer
of Ukraine;
- conduct annual Digital Forum of Ukraine;
- creation of database for best digital practices to
encourage sharing.