Ulla Konnerup is researching how identity can be recreated through interaction in immersive virtual worlds to help rehabilitate people suffering from aphasia. Transforming rehabilitation into a virtual environment could provide multimodal communication, social interactions, and emotional experiences to help reestablish cognitive and communicative functions through bodily immersion and interaction via avatars. Empirical work from 2010-2012 involved establishing a project group of people with aphasia, relatives, and speech therapists who participated in interviews and pilot courses to test the benefits of virtual rehabilitation.
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Ulla Konnerup
Addressing Identity in Rehabilitation of People Suffering from Aphasia
Ulla Konnerup, Aalborg University,
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3. Visting Scholar at H-star
Inspiring to spent some time in another research
State of Art related research
Host Jeremy Bailenson VHIL
Future collaboration
4. My PhD is about
How communication, learning and identity is closely linked together
Recreating oneself/identity by interaction in immersive virtual worlds
Transforming the rehabilitation landscape into an immersive virtual
environment will give possibilities for:
multimodal ways of communication
social interactions
emotional experiences
Presentation oneself
involvement of the body will affect the brain reestablishing process
positively and promote cognitive and communicative functions
(Moreover a social life and be free to independently using technologies)
5. Arguments
1. IVW opens up for bodily immersion and interacting
through avatar mediating.
1. Interacting in 3D IVW fires (almost) the same
neurons as interaction in the real world
1. IVW provides the opportunity for use of multiple
sensory stimuli, and for the promotion and
development of the nervous lanes in the brain.
6. Empirical Work (2010-2012)
Establishment of a project
group (people suffering from
aphasia, relatives and
speech therapists)
Interviews (before and after
the pilot courses)
Workshops ( dialog/
activities about needs and
wishes for aphasiac)
Pilot Courses (observations,
Editor's Notes
#6: This representation of self might have an embodied impact on learning possibilities for people with an injured brain and physically or/and cognitive difficulties